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GOLANG version of JupyterHub.

Do not use this in production, it is for prototyping purposes


This project aims to provide:



  • Login (no password used for now)
  • session handling, so that a user can authenticate
  • handle notebook startup
    • DockerDesktop
    • DockerEE
  • provide admin overview


  • Proxy http request to jupyterhub
  • Proxy websocket from notebook to kernel (use NotebookApp.websocket_url : Unicode to leverage service?)

Example Stack

JupyterPort has a pluggable backend system to spawn the notebooks.

  • docker uses /var/run/docker.sock to fire up plain containers (no docker service or kubernetes pod)
  • kubernetes uses a kubernetes service account to create a deployment and a service for each notebook

Try it yourself

The file has a how-to going to the steps to set up the kubernetes stack.


Some pieces are missing, including

  • Create a random token and show it in the notebook list
  • use a reverse proxy, so that the notebook does not need to expose a port, but is access through the JupyterPort webserver
    • Static route so that user-mynotebook is proxied
    • make this dynamic when a notebook is created
  • the port selection should be randomized, so that one does not know in advance which ports are unused



In addition to the general TODOs, the kubernetes spawner has more..

  • Direct URL is not showing correctly