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Add Bloch-Redfield master equation (#250)
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* Added bloch_redfield_master submodule

Added the option for a Bloch-Redfield master equation in the timeevolution module

* Add files via upload

* Delete bloch_redfield_master.jl

* Delete QuantumOptics.jl

* Update bloch_redfield_master.jl

* Cleaned up and commented new bloch_redfield_master submodule

* Delete bloch_redfield_master.jl

* Moved bloch_redfield_master to correct location...

* Re-added coherentstate! (inplace)

* Add simple test

* Include new test file

* Replace vec2mat_index by CartesianIndices

* Use timeevolution_base for BR master

* Added docstrings and renamed c_ops kwarg to J

Changed c_ops kwarg in bloch_redfield_tensor to J to be consistent with Linblad ME implementation

* Fix a bug and better saving

* Type-stable fout

* Fixed docstring typos in bloch_redfield_master
  • Loading branch information
sd109 authored and david-pl committed May 31, 2019
1 parent c1aadde commit 4c367c4
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Showing 4 changed files with 302 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/QuantumOptics.jl
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Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ module timeevolution

using .timeevolution_bloch_redfield_master
using .timeevolution_master
using .timeevolution_schroedinger
using .timeevolution_mcwf
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251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions src/bloch_redfield_master.jl
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module timeevolution_bloch_redfield_master

export bloch_redfield_tensor, master_bloch_redfield

import ..integrate

using ...bases, ...states, ...operators
using ...operators_dense, ...operators_sparse, ...superoperators

using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays

bloch_redfield_tensor(H, a_ops; J=[], use_secular=true, secular_cutoff=0.1)
Create the super-operator for the Bloch-Redfield master equation such that ``\\dot ρ = R ρ`` based on the QuTiP implementation.
See QuTiP's documentation ( for more information and a brief derivation.
# Arguments
* `H`: Hamiltonian.
* `a_ops`: Nested list of [interaction operator, callback function] pairs for the Bloch-Redfield type processes where the callback function describes the environment spectrum for the corresponding interaction operator.
The spectral functions must take the angular frequency as their only argument.
* `J=[]`: Vector containing the jump operators for the Linblad type processes (optional).
* `use_secular=true`: Specify whether or not to use the secular approximation.
* `secular_cutoff=0.1`: Cutoff to allow a degree of partial secularization. Terms are discarded if they are greater than (dw\\_min * secular cutoff) where dw\\_min is the smallest (non-zero) difference between any two eigenenergies of H.
This argument is only taken into account if use_secular=true.
function bloch_redfield_tensor(H::AbstractOperator, a_ops::Array; J=[], use_secular=true, secular_cutoff=0.1)

# use the eigenbasis
H_evals, transf_mat = eigen(DenseOperator(H).data)
H_ekets = [Ket(H.basis_l, transf_mat[:, i]) for i in 1:length(H_evals)]

#Define function for transforming to Hamiltonian eigenbasis
function to_Heb(op)
#Copy oper
oper = copy(op)
#Transform underlying array = inv(transf_mat) * * transf_mat
return oper

N = length(H_evals)
K = length(a_ops)

#If only Lindblad collapse terms
if K==0
Heb = to_Heb(H)
L = liouvillian(Heb, to_Heb.(J))
return L, H_ekets

#Transform interaction operators to Hamiltonian eigenbasis
A = Array{Complex}(undef, N, N, K)
for k in 1:K
A[:, :, k] = to_Heb(a_ops[k][1]).data

# Trasition frequencies between eigenstates
W = transpose(H_evals) .- H_evals

#Array for spectral functions evaluated at transition frequencies
Jw = Array{Complex}(undef, N, N, K)
for k in 1:K
# do explicit loops here
for n in 1:N
for m in 1:N
Jw[m, n, k] = a_ops[k][2](W[n, m])

#Calculate secular cutoff scale
W_flat = reshape(W, N*N)
dw_min = minimum(abs.(W_flat[W_flat .!= 0.0]))

#Pre-calculate mapping between global index I and system indices a,b
Iabs = Array{Int}(undef, N*N, 3)
indices = CartesianIndices((N,N))
for I in 1:N*N
Iabs[I, 1] = I
Iabs[I, 2:3] = [indices[I].I...]

# Calculate Liouvillian for Lindblad temrs (unitary part + dissipation from J (if given)):
Heb = to_Heb(H)
L = liouvillian(Heb, to_Heb.(J))

# Main Bloch-Redfield operators part
rows = Int[]
cols = Int[]
data = Complex[]
Is = view(Iabs, :, 1)
As = view(Iabs, :, 2)
Bs = view(Iabs, :, 3)

for (I, a, b) in zip(Is, As, Bs)

if use_secular
Jcds = Int.(zeros(size(Iabs)))
for (row, (I2, a2, b2)) in enumerate(zip(Is, As, Bs))
if abs.(W[a, b] - W[a2, b2]) < dw_min * secular_cutoff
Jcds[row, :] = [I2 a2 b2]
Jcds = transpose(Jcds)
Jcds = Jcds[Jcds .!= 0]
Jcds = reshape(Jcds, 3, Int(length(Jcds)/3))
Jcds = transpose(Jcds)

Js = view(Jcds, :, 1)
Cs = view(Jcds, :, 2)
Ds = view(Jcds, :, 3)

Js = Is
Cs = As
Ds = Bs

for (J, c, d) in zip(Js, Cs, Ds)

elem = 0.5 * sum(view(A, c, a, :) .* view(A, b, d, :) .* (view(Jw, c, a, :) + view(Jw, d, b, :) ))

if b == d
elem -= 0.5 * sum(transpose(view(A, a, :, :)) .* transpose(view(A, c, :, :)) .* transpose(view(Jw, c, :, :) ))

if a == c
elem -= 0.5 * sum(transpose(view(A, d, :, :)) .* transpose(view(A, b, :, :)) .* transpose(view(Jw, d, :, :) ))

#Add element
if abs(elem) != 0.0
push!(rows, I)
push!(cols, J)
push!(data, elem)

Need to be careful here since sparse function is happy to create rectangular arrays but we dont want this behaviour so need to make square explicitly.
if !any(rows .== N*N) || !any(cols .== N*N) #Check if row or column list has (N*N)th element, if not then add one
push!(rows, N*N)
push!(cols, N*N)
push!(data, 0.0)

R = sparse(rows, cols, data) #Careful with rows/cols ordering...

#Add Bloch-Redfield part to Linblad Liouvillian calculated earlier = + R

return L, H_ekets

end #Function

timeevolution.master_bloch_redfield(tspan, rho0, R, H; <keyword arguments>)
Time-evolution according to a Bloch-Redfield master equation.
# Arguments
* `tspan`: Vector specifying the points of time for which output should
be displayed.
* `rho0`: Initial density operator. Can also be a state vector which is
automatically converted into a density operator.
* `H`: Arbitrary operator specifying the Hamiltonian.
* `R`: Bloch-Redfield tensor describing the time-evolution ``\\dot ρ = R ρ`` (see timeevolution.bloch\\_redfield\\_tensor).
* `fout=nothing`: If given, this function `fout(t, rho)` is called every time
an output should be displayed. ATTENTION: The given state rho is not
permanent! It is still in use by the ode solver and therefore must not
be changed.
* `kwargs...`: Further arguments are passed on to the ode solver.
function master_bloch_redfield(tspan::Vector{Float64},
rho0::T, L::SuperOperator{Tuple{B,B},Tuple{B,B}},
H::AbstractOperator{B,B}; fout::Union{Function,Nothing}=nothing,
kwargs...) where {B<:Basis,T<:DenseOperator{B,B}}

#Prep basis transf
evals, transf_mat = eigen(dense(H).data)
transf_op = DenseOperator(rho0.basis_l, transf_mat)
inv_transf_op = DenseOperator(rho0.basis_l, inv(transf_mat))

# rho as Ket and L as DataOperator
basis_comp = rho0.basis_l^2
rho0_eb = Ket(basis_comp, (inv_transf_op * rho0 * transf_op).data[:]) #Transform to H eb and convert to Ket
L_ = isa(L, DenseSuperOperator) ? DenseOperator(basis_comp, : SparseOperator(basis_comp,

# Derivative function
dmaster_br_(t::Float64, rho::T2, drho::T2) where T2<:Ket = dmaster_br(drho, rho, L_)

return integrate_br(tspan, dmaster_br_, rho0_eb, transf_op, inv_transf_op, fout; kwargs...)
master_bloch_redfield(tspan::Vector{Float64}, psi::Ket, args...; kwargs...) = master_bloch_redfield(tspan::Vector{Float64}, dm(psi), args...; kwargs...)

# Derivative ∂ₜρ = Lρ
function dmaster_br(drho::T, rho::T, L::DataOperator{B,B}) where {B<:Basis,T<:Ket{B}}
operators.gemv!(1.0, L, rho, 0.0, drho)

# Integrate if there is no fout specified
function integrate_br(tspan::Vector{Float64}, dmaster_br::Function, rho::T,
transf_op::T2, inv_transf_op::T2, ::Nothing;
kwargs...) where {T<:Ket,T2<:DenseOperator}
# Pre-allocate for in-place back-transformation from eigenbasis
rho_out = copy(transf_op)
tmp = copy(transf_op)
tmp2 = copy(transf_op)

# Define fout
function fout(t::Float64, rho::T)[:] =
operators.gemm!(1.0, transf_op, tmp, 0.0, tmp2)
operators.gemm!(1.0, tmp2, inv_transf_op, 0.0, rho_out)
return copy(rho_out)

return integrate(tspan, dmaster_br, copy(, rho, copy(rho), fout; kwargs...)

# Integrate with given fout
function integrate_br(tspan::Vector{Float64}, dmaster_br::Function, rho::T,
transf_op::T2, inv_transf_op::T2, fout::Function;
kwargs...) where {T<:Ket,T2<:DenseOperator}
# Pre-allocate for in-place back-transformation from eigenbasis
rho_out = copy(transf_op)
tmp = copy(transf_op)
tmp2 = copy(transf_op)

# Perform back-transfomration before calling fout
function fout_(t::Float64, rho::T)[:] =
operators.gemm!(1.0, transf_op, tmp, 0.0, tmp2)
operators.gemm!(1.0, tmp2, inv_transf_op, 0.0, rho_out)
return fout(t, rho_out)

return integrate(tspan, dmaster_br, copy(, rho, copy(rho), fout_; kwargs...)

end #Module
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions test/test_timeevolution_bloch_redfield.jl
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using QuantumOptics
using Test

@testset "bloch-redfield" begin

Δ = 0.2 * 2*π
ϵ0 = 1.0 * 2*π
γ1 = 0.5

b = SpinBasis(1//2)
sx = sigmax(b)
sz = sigmaz(b)

H = -Δ/2.0 * sx - ϵ0/2.0 * sz

function ohmic_spectrum(ω)
ω == 0.0 ? (return γ1) : (return γ1/2 */ (2*π)) *> 0.0))

R, ekets = timeevolution.bloch_redfield_tensor(H, [[sx, ohmic_spectrum]])

known_result = [0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.245145+0.0im
0.0+0.0im -0.161034-6.40762im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im
0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im -0.161034+6.40762im 0.0+0.0im
0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im -0.245145+0.0im]
@test isapprox(dense(R).data, known_result, atol=1e-5)

psi0 = spindown(b)
tout, ρt = timeevolution.master_bloch_redfield([0.0:0.1:2.0;], psi0, R, H)
rho_end = [0.38206-0.0im 0.0466443+0.0175017im
0.0466443-0.0175017im 0.61794+0.0im]
@test isapprox(ρt[end].data, rho_end, atol=1e-5)
@test ρt[end] != ρt[end-1]
@test isa(ρt, Vector{<:DenseOperator})

# Test fout
fout(t,rho) = copy(rho)
tout, ρt2 = timeevolution.master_bloch_redfield([0.0:0.1:2.0;], psi0, R, H; fout=fout)
@test all(ρt .== ρt2)

fout2(t,rho) = expect(sz,rho)
tout, z = timeevolution.master_bloch_redfield([0.0:0.1:2.0;], psi0, R, H; fout=fout2)
@test length(z) == length(ρt)
@test isa(z, Vector{ComplexF64})

end # testset

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