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File metadata and controls

22 lines (20 loc) · 2.19 KB


Building a game engine is a massive task, and although I am trying to learn as much as possible about every nook and crany, sometimes shortcuts must be taken so I can maximize my time, effort and focus. Therefore I am resorting to popular libraries for certain functionality.
Some of these libraries will be swapped out in the future for a custom solution, once I feel like its time/the engine is a bit more mature.

  • GLFW - A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
  • GLEW - The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
  • glm - OpenGL Mathematics (GLM)
  • stb - stb single-file public domain libraries for C/C++ (only using stb_image)
  • spdlog - Fast C++ logging library
  • Dear ImGui - Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
  • entt - Fast and reliable entity component system (ECS)
  • yaml-cpp - A YAML parser and emitter in C++
  • stduuid - A C++17 cross-platform implementation for UUIDs
  • assimp - The official Open-Asset-Importer-Library Repository. Loads 40+ 3D-file-formats into one unified and clean data structure.
  • Fork Awesome - A fork of the iconic font and CSS toolkit
  • IconFontCppHeaders - C, C++ headers and C# classes for icon fonts: Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Material Design, Kenney game icons and Fontaudio
  • ImGuizmo - Immediate mode 3D gizmo for scene editing and other controls based on Dear Imgui
  • rttr - C++ Reflection Library
  • zstd - Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
  • cgltf - Single-file glTF 2.0 loader and writer written in C99