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English Documents

beihe edited this page Jun 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

English Documents


PPTShow is an open source free Java generated PPT toolkit .
It is completely independent of other programs on any system to help users use code to generate PPT files .
But PPT to generate pictures , PPT to generate video functions are achieved by calling Microsoft Office , so only available under Windows .

📘We support

  1. adding pages to the PPT;
  2. adding text, graphics, line segments, pictures to the page;
  3. text support for sub-paragraph text, and support for multiple styles of text appearing in the same line;
  4. support background music;
  5. support for PPT page background style settings;
  6. support for element and page animation, element animation support for order adjustment and moment setting;
  7. support for common element style settings;
  8. support PPT to video and PPT to picture in Windows environment (please make sure Microsoft Office is installed and activated)

📘We do not support

  1. can only generate pptx files, do not support generating ppt files
  2. not recommended to use PPTShow to read PPT files (reading is still in demo state, not suitable for production environment)
  3. do not support table elements at the moment


Our current plans that are not yet developed are:

  1. table element support
  2. embedded font support


Q: Can it be used for commercial purposes?
A: PPTShow follows the Apache License 2.0 open source agreement which allows users to use it for purposes including, but not limited to, commercial use and personal study use.

Q: Is it possible to generate PPT documents in Linux environment?

Q:Does the PPT generate images with messy Chinese or default fonts?
A: No, we generate pictures by calling the system Office, so there is no need to worry about similar problems.

Q: Is it possible to set the animation order of elements?
A: We support setting the order and common operations such as appearing at the same time and appearing after the previous animation is finished.

Q:Does PPTShow guarantee the availability or take responsibility for the loss caused by code problems?
A: PPTShow does not guarantee the usability of the project and is not responsible for any loss, please test the function by yourself before using it.

🧡Quick Start

This tutorial will guide you through the Java code to generate a PPT file containing HelloWorld

📘Introducing Jar

You can introduce jar packages by maven or by importing them manually

Maven coordinates [recommended]


Download and import manually [not recommended]

Download address:

📘Write the code

Create a new Java class file named Main.

Copy the following code into the project and run it.

You'll have a PPT file containing HelloWorld!

import cc.pptshow.ppt.domain.*;
import cc.pptshow.ppt.element.impl.*;

public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //Create a new PPT object
       PPTShow pptShow =;
       //Create a new PPT page
       PPTShowSide side =;
       //Create an in-line text object with the text set to Hello World
       PPTInnerText pptInnerText ="Hello World");
       //Create an in-line text style object so that the text color is red
       PPTInnerTextCss pptInnerTextCss ="FF00000");
       //Binding in-line text and style objects
       //Create a line text object from in-line text and create a text object from a line text object
       PPTText pptText =;
       //Adding text objects to a PPT page
       //Add PPT page inside PPT
       //Output to file


📘Generate the file

If things go well, you will get a file similar to the one below


🧡Getting Started Tutorial

Core Ideas

PPTShow is different from common PPT generation programs such as POI, PPTShow almost completely shields the underlying XML code of PPT itself.

PPTShow considers each small indivisible element as an object, and the objects at different levels are nested with each other to form the whole PPT.

For example, as shown in the figure below, we consider the whole of PPT, different pages, and various elements in the pages are all one object.


Each element object has a corresponding style sheet object, and style binding can be achieved by means of element object.setCss(style sheet object).

Element Object Element Meaning Style Sheet Object
PPTShowSide PPT page PPTSideCss
PPTImg PPT images PPTImgCss
PPTShape PPT graphics PPTShapeCss
PPTLine PPT Line Segment PPTLineCss
PPTText PPT Text PPTTextCss
PPTInnerLine Paragraphs in PPT text PPTInnerLineCss
PPTInnerText A style minimum unit in a PPT text paragraph PPTInnerTextCss


  1. PPTShow objects need to manually call close() method to delete temporary files after use
  2. All element objects and style sheet objects in this project implement the cloneable interface, and are deep clones.

🧡Commonly used objects

📘PPT file-PPTShow

The PPTShow object represents a PPT file, and the system builds the necessary components of the file in the temporary directory and outputs the assembled file to the specified location when the user specifies the output.

Therefore you must perform the close operation manually to delete the temporary directory files, otherwise the more temporary directory files are piled up may lead to insufficient disk space.

Creating PPTShow

You can create a PPTShow object in the following two ways, which do not differ in any way.

PPTShow pptShow =;
PPTShow pptShow = new PPTShow();

Insert a PPT

PPTShowSide is the PPT page object, which will be mentioned later in the document.

Insert at the end of the document page:

void add(PPTShowSide pptShowSide)

Insert into a page in the middle of the document:

* indexId Indicates that the index of the specified page is to be inserted, and the index starts from 0
void add(PPTShowSide pptShowSide, int indexId)

Generate a file

Generate a PPT file in pptx format based on PPTShow content

* path Output path, please end with .pptx
void toFile(String path)

Closing objects

The cache will be cleared after closing the object, and the closed object cannot generate files

void close()

📘PPT Page Object - PPTShowSide

PPT page object represents a page of PPT, a page in which usually consists of many elements, many pages make up the PPT

Create object

You can create a PPTShowSide object in the following two ways, which do not differ in any way.

PPTShowSide pptShowSide =;
PPTShowSide pptShowSide = new PPTShowSide();

Adding elements

Elements follow the index of the smaller elements in the lower level, the index of the larger elements in the upper level

Append an element

void add(PPTElement pptElement)

Add an element with the specified id as index

* indexId Indicates that the index of the specified page is to be inserted, and the index starts from 0
void add(PPTElement pptElement, int indexId)

Add all the elements in the List

void addAll(List<PPTElement> pptElements)

Read the list of elements

Read the current element list information by Get method

List<PPTElement> getElements()

Modify or read background music

You can set the background music of a slide with the backgroundMusic property

Currently, you can only play to the end of the slide, but not to the end of the slide.

* Background music files
private String backgroundMusic;

Setting automatic page change

You can set the time for the current slide to automatically switch to the next page via the autoPagerTime property

Unit: milliseconds, default is 0, which means no automatic page change

* The time of auto-page change
* unit milliseconds, default is 0 means no automatic page change
private long autoPagerTime = 0L;

Set the switching animation

You can set the animation of slide switching by setting pageSwitchingType

The default is the cut-out effect (i.e. no style, just a hard switch)

private PageSwitchingType pageSwitchingType = PageSwitchingType.DEFAULT;

The set value corresponds to the enumeration class PageSwitchingType.

The enumeration class contains the Chinese name of the action style of the slide (parameter 1), you can check or test it yourself.

DEFAULT("切出(默认效果)", PageSwitchingType.DEFAULT_XML),
SMOOTH("平滑", PageSwitchingType.SMOOTH_XML),
FADE_OUT("淡出", PageSwitchingType.FADE_OUT_XML),
ERASE("擦除", PageSwitchingType.ERASE_XML),
SHAPE("形状", PageSwitchingType.SHAPE_XML),
DISSOLVE("溶解", PageSwitchingType.DISSOLVE_XML),
NEWS_FLASH("新闻快报", PageSwitchingType.NEWS_FLASH_XML),
SPOKES("轮辐", PageSwitchingType.SPOKES_XML),
BLIND("百叶窗", PageSwitchingType.BLIND_XML),
COMB("梳理", PageSwitchingType.COMB_XML),
TAKING("抽出", PageSwitchingType.TAKING_XML),
LINE("线条", PageSwitchingType.LINE_XML),
BOARD("棋盘", PageSwitchingType.BOARD_XML),
LAUNCH("推出", PageSwitchingType.LAUNCH_XML),
INSERT("插入", PageSwitchingType.INSERT_XML),
PAGE_CURLING("页面卷曲", PageSwitchingType.PAGE_CURLING_XML),
CUBE("立方体", PageSwitchingType.CUBE_XML),
BOX("框", PageSwitchingType.BOX_XML),
PLAIN("飞机", PageSwitchingType.PLAIN_XML),
OPEN_DOOR("开门", PageSwitchingType.OPEN_DOOR_XML),
STRIPPING("剥离", PageSwitchingType.STRIPPING_XML),
RANDOM("随机", PageSwitchingType.RANDOM_XML)

Set styles

PPTSideCss is the style sheet corresponding to PPTShowSide

Currently there is only one property that allows user customization


private Background background;

Background style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [background background background]

📘PPT images - PPTImg

PPTImg object represents the image element in PPT

Creating a PPTImg

You can create a PPTImg object in the following two ways, which do not differ in any way.

PPTImg pptImg =;
PPTImg pptImg = new PPTImg();

You can also specify the image at the time of creation. There are two ways to create a PPTImg object, and they don't make any difference

PPTImg pptImg = file);
PPTImg pptImg = new PPTImg(String file);

Set the image

Set what image corresponds to the current PPTImg object, you can specify it directly when you create the object, or you can manually call the following method after creation to specify the embedded image path.

Support png, jpg, gif, svg; webp format is not supported

Note: Only the absolute path of the local file is supported; online image information such as http is not supported!

PPTImg setFile(String file)

Set animation

//Entry animation
private InAnimation inAnimation;
//Appearance animation
private OutAnimation outAnimation;

Please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Styles] - [InAnimation InAnimation] and [OutAnimation OutAnimation] to set the content

Read image path

Get the image path of the PPTImg object

String getFile()

Setting Styles

You can set style information through the css property, and we will explain the PPTImgCss property and its meaning in detail.

private PPTImgCss css;


PPTImg Corresponding stylesheet object


private double left;

Distance from the left side of the page, in cm


private double top;

Distance from the top edge of the page, in cm


private double width;

Element width in cm


private double height;

Element height, in cm


private Cutting cutting;

Crop style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [Cutting Crop]


private Border border;

Border style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [border border]


private Shadow shadow;

Border style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [shadow shading]


private String name = "图片";

Element name, default is "picture", this information is not visible in normal PPT screening

In scenarios such as setting element animation, the element name information will be displayed in the animation pane

Duplicate names are allowed in the same slide page


private String describe = "image";

Element description, default is "image", this information is not visible during normal PPT projection

Repeat describe is allowed on the same slide


private double angle;

Rotation angle, the clockwise rotation angle, the default is 0 means no rotation.

Legal value range: 0 ≤ angle < 360


private String removeColor;

Set the transparent color in the format of a color value expressed in hexadecimal 6 characters without the # sign, for example: FFFFFF.

For example, a white background image can be set to white; this property is not valid for png images

📘PPT graphics - PPTShape

PPTShape object represents the graphical elements in PPT

Creating a PPTShape

You can create a PPTImg object in the following two ways, which do not differ in any way.

PPTShape pptShape =;
PPTShape pptShape = new PPTShape();

Set animation

//Entry animation
private InAnimation inAnimation;
//Appearance animation
private OutAnimation outAnimation;

Please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Styles] - [InAnimation InAnimation] and [OutAnimation OutAnimation] to set the content

Setting Styles

You can set the style information through the css property, we will explain the PPTImgCss property and its meaning in detail.

private PPTShapeCss css;


PPTShape Corresponding stylesheet object


private Shape shape = new Rect();

The graphical shape, if you do not make special settings, will default to a right-angled rectangle.

Shape is an abstract class and has the following graphical implementations of it:

Rect right-angle rectangle

Right-angled rectangles have no more parameters to set

Displayed as a square when and only when width and height are set equal


Ellipse has no more parameters to set

Displays as a square when and only when the width and height are set equal

RoundRect Rounded rectangle

The rounded range parameter can be set via the get and set methods, the allowed range is 0 - 50, which means 0% - 50%.

private double fillet;
Parallelogram Parallelogram

The degree of parallelogram tilt can be set by the get and set methods, the allowed range is 0-100, which means 0% - 100%

private double fillet;
SelfShape Custom graphics

Temporary solution for graphics not implemented by the system, not recommended

* A user-defined piece of XML
private String custGeom;

A user-defined piece of XML is used to determine the graphical information, and the content is written directly to the file without any legality checks other than non-empty


private double left;

Distance from the left side of the page, in cm


private double top;

Distance from the top edge of the page, in cm


private double width;

Element width in cm


private double height;

Element height, in cm


private Background background;

Background style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [background background background]


private Border border;

Border style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [border border]


private String name = "图片";

Element name, default is "图片", this information is not visible in normal PPT screening

In scenarios such as setting element animation, the element name information will be displayed in the animation pane

Duplicate names are allowed in the same slide page


private double angle;

Rotation angle, the clockwise rotation angle, the default is 0 means no rotation.

Legal value range: 0 ≤ angle < 360


private boolean flipX;

Whether to flip horizontally, the default is not to flip


private boolean flipY

Whether or not to flip vertically, the default is not to flip

📘PPT Line Segment - PPTLine

PPTLine represents the line segment element in PPT

Creating a PPTLine

You can create a PPTLine object in the following way

PPTLine pptLine = new PPTLine();

Set animation

//Entry animation
private InAnimation inAnimation;
//Appearance animation
private OutAnimation outAnimation;

Please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Styles] - [InAnimation InAnimation] and [OutAnimation OutAnimation] to set the content

Setting Styles

You can set the style information through the css property, we will explain the PPTImgCss property and its meaning in detail.

private PPTLineCss css;


PPTLine Corresponding stylesheet object


private double left;

Distance from the left side of the page, in cm


private double top;

Distance from the top edge of the page, in cm


private String color = "333333";

Line color, hex color, without # sign

default is 333333


private double lineWidth = 0.5;

The width of the line segment, in pounds, default 0.5 pounds



private double width;

Element width, in cm, vertical line width must be set to 0



private double height;

Element height, unit cm, horizontal line height must be set to 0


private LineType type = LineType.LINE;

The direction of the line segment, the default line segment connects from the top left vertex to the bottom right vertex

If you need to connect from the top-right corner to the bottom-left corner, set the parameter to LineType.TOP_RIGHT_BOTTOM_LEFT



PPTText indicates a PPT text element, note that it is the text element as a whole, not a part of it, for example, the dotted box area in the figure below is a PPT text


If we want to include different paragraphs in a PPText object, as in the effect above, which contains two paragraphs, respectively PPTShow is a free open source Java native generation of PPT toolkit. and support the 2010 version of the new features of PPT , does not rely on any third-party components , Linux, Windows can be used smoothly .

Each of these paragraphs is a PPTInnerLine object.

There may also be multiple text rendering styles in a paragraph, which are close together without line breaks.

For example, there is a difference between 2010 version and the text before and after it, which is equivalent to a PPTInnerLine object containing three PPTInnerText objects, the first of which has the same style as the third, and the second has a bold and red special effect. (As shown in the figure below, each part of the wireframe represents a PPTInnerText object)


Create PPText

You can create a PPTText object without any difference between the two ways by:

PPTText pptText = new PPTText();
PPTText pptText =;

You can also bind the PPTInnerLine object collection directly at creation time:

When there is only one PPTInnerLine, you can create the PPTText object in the following way, without any difference between the two ways:

PPTText pptText = new PPTText(PPTInnerLine line);
PPTText pptText = line);

When there are more than one, the PPText object can be created in the following way, without any difference between the two ways:

PPTText pptText = new PPTText(List<PPTInnerLine> lineList);
PPTText pptText =<PPTInnerLine> textList);

You can also bind style files directly at the time of creation: the

PPTText pptText = new PPTText(PPTInnerLine line, PPTTextCss css);
PPTText pptText = line, PPTTextCss css);
PPTText pptText = new PPTText(List<PPTInnerLine> lineList, PPTTextCss css);
PPTText pptText =<PPTInnerLine> textList, PPTTextCss css);

Get minimum width

double findMinWidthSize()

The minimum required width for each paragraph without line breaks

Get minimum height

double findMinHeightSize()

Get the minimum required height value under the current width.

In fact, even if the height in the set style is smaller than the minimum height, the text will automatically overflow and will not affect the display.


String findAllText()

Get all the text information in all paragraphs and all text within paragraphs of the text object.

Return information contains line breaks, you can use line breaks to distinguish paragraph information, but the text within the paragraph can not be distinguished.



The above PPText object calls the findAllText() method and gets the following text:

PPTShow is a free open source Java native generation of PPT toolkit.
support the 2010 version of the new features of PPT. 

Add a paragraph

Add a paragraph at the end:

PPTText add(PPTInnerLine text)

Add multiple paragraphs at the end:

PPTText addAll(Collection<PPTInnerLine> text)

You can also directly take out the paragraph List object to modify their own operations, support get and set operations

private List<PPTInnerLine> lineList = Lists.newArrayList();

Setting Styles

You can set the style information through the css property, we will explain the PPTextCss property and its meaning in detail.

private PPTTextCss css;


PPText corresponding style sheet object


private double left;

Distance from the left side of the page, in cm


private double top;

Distance from the top edge of the page, in cm


private double width;

Element width in cm, default is minimum width


private double height;

Element height, unit: cm, default is the minimum height


private double lineHeight;

Line height, unit: times line spacing, default is 1


private Background background

Background style, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [background background background]


private double angle;

Rotation angle, the clockwise rotation angle, the default is 0 means no rotation.

Legal value range: 0 ≤ angle < 360


private String name = "文本";

Element name, default is "text", this information is not visible in normal PPT projection

In scenarios such as setting element animation, the element name information will be displayed in the animation pane

Duplicate names are allowed in the same slide page

📘 Paragraphs in PPT text - PPTInnerLine

For the relationship between PPTText, PPTInnerLine, and PPTInnerText, please refer to the documentation of PPTText

Creating a PPTInnerLine

You can create a PPTInnerLine object, without any difference between the two ways, by:

PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = new PPTInnerLine();
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine =;

You can also quickly create empty line objects directly:

PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = PPTInnerLine buildEmptyLine();
* num: empty lines
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = PPTInnerLine buildEmptyLine(int num);

You can also bind the PPTInnerText object collection directly at the time of creation:

When there is only one PPTInnerText, you can create the PPTInnerLine object in the following way, without any difference between the two ways:

PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = new PPTInnerLine(PPTInnerText text);
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = text);

When there are more than one, the PPTInnerLine object can be created in the following way, without any difference between the two ways:

PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = new PPTInnerLine(List<PPTInnerText> textList);
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine =<PPTInnerText> textList);

You can also bind style files directly at the time of creation: there is any difference between:

PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = new PPTInnerLine(PPTInnerText text, PPTInnerLineCss css);
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = text, PPTInnerLineCss css);
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine = new PPTInnerLine(List<PPTInnerText> textList, PPTInnerLineCss css);
PPTInnerLine pptInnerLine =<PPTInnerText> textList, PPTInnerLineCss css);

Add in-paragraph text

Append a paragraph at the end:

PPTInnerLine add(PPTInnerText text)

Add multiple paragraphs at the end:

PPTInnerLine addAll(Collection<PPTInnerText> text)

You can also directly take out the paragraph List object to modify their own operations, support get and set operations

private List<PPTInnerText> textList = Lists.newArrayList();

Setting Styles

You can set the style information through the css property, we will explain the PPTInnerLineCss property and its meaning in detail.

private PPTInnerLineCss css;


PPTInnerLine Corresponding stylesheet object


private double lineHeight;

Line height, unit: times line spacing, default is 1


private String align = PPTNameConstant.ALIGN_LEFT;

Alignment methods, the following alignment methods exist

  • PPTNameConstant.ALIGN_LEFT left-aligned
  • PPTNameConstant.ALIGN_RIGHT right-aligned
  • PPTNameConstant.ALIGN_CENTER center-aligned
  • PPTNameConstant.ALIGN_JUST Align both ends
  • PPTNameConstant.ALIGN_DIST Discrete alignment

The five types correspond to the circled part of the chart below, the order from left to right in the chart is the order above


Special Notes

There is actually an end object for each line, which the user can get or set:

private PPTInnerTextEnd end

It indicates the end of the line information, we strongly discourage users to set the relevant parameters, the system will automatically add the end of the line object.

If you do not fully understand the meaning of the parameters, please do not manually modify, if you think that the current function can not be achieved recommended to mention issues to solve!

📘PPT text paragraph in a style of the smallest unit - PPTInnerText

For the relationship between PPTText, PPTInnerLine, and PPTInnerText, please refer to the documentation of PPTText.

Create PPTInnerText

You can create a PPTInnerText object, without any difference between the two ways, by:

PPTInnerText pptInnerText = new PPTInnerText();
PPTInnerText pptInnerText =;

You can also create objects directly and set text messages at the same time:

PPTInnerText pptInnerText = new PPTInnerText(String text);
PPTInnerText pptInnerText = text);

You can also set the style sheet again at the same time:

PPTInnerText pptInnerText = new PPTInnerText(String text, PPTInnerTextCss pptInnerTextCss);
PPPTInnerText pptInnerText = text, PPTInnerTextCss pptInnerTextCss);

Setting text

You can set or read the content of the text with the text property, which supports the Get and Set methods

private String text = null;

Setting Styles

You can set the style information by using the css property, next we will explain the PPTInnerTextCss property and its meaning in detail.

private PPTInnerTextCss css = new PPTInnerTextCss();


PPTInnerText Corresponding stylesheet object


private int fontSize = 18;

Font size, default is 18

and WPS, Ms Office inside the font size is the same



private double spacing = 0;

Character spacing, default is 0, which means default

Changing to negative value makes the text more compact, changing to positive value makes the text more loose


private String fontFamily = "宋体";

Font, if the computer does not have this font even if the settings can not be displayed properly

It is recommended to read what fonts are in the system before use

In addition, some fonts are packaged by multiple individuals or organizations, which may lead to a set of fonts with different names (e.g. Siyuan series fonts), please pay attention to similar situations!


private String color = "000000";

Text color, hexadecimal color code, without # sign. Default is black


private boolean italic;

If or not the text is tilted, the default is not tilted. Tilted display when true.


private boolean bold;

If or not the text is bolded, the default is not bolded, when it is true, it is bolded.

🧡General style

📘Cutting - Cutting

Cutting objects represent the cutting of elements to form a specified shape

Create Cutting

You can create a Cutting object in the following two ways, which do not differ in any way.

Cutting cutting =;
Cutting cutting = new Cutting();


private double left;

Cut off the percentage of the left part 0-100


private double top;

Percentage of top side part cut off 0-100


private double right;

Cut off the percentage of the right part 0-100


private double bottom;

Percentage of bottom side part cut off 0-100


You can set the shape of the cut with the cutShape property

The default is a right-angle rectangle

private CutShape cutShape = new RectCutShape();

There are the following classes that implement CutShape:

RoundRectCutShape rounded rectangle cut

private double fillet;

Rounded corner ratio, the minimum value is 0 maximum value is 50

Because a called bend 50% length up, two corners add a piece has been 100%


Ellipse CutShape does not support custom parameters

RectCutShape right-angle rectangle cut

RectCutShape does not support custom parameters

📘 Border - Border

Border object represents a border, it is an abstract class, when using it, please use the following color border or gradient border class

ColorBorder Color Border

Single color border object, you can create a ColorBorder object by new method

Color Color

private String color = "000000";

Set color, 16-bit color information, no # included, default is black

width width

private double width = 1.0;

Set the width in pounds, the default is 1.0


Scenes with a fixed border width and gradient color

width width

private double width = 1.0;

Set the width in pounds, the default is 1.0

gradientDirection Angle

private double gradientDirection = 90;

Set the angle, the default is 90 degrees, the angle effect please refer to the gradient angle and color effect in WPS or Microsoft Office

gradients gradient color list

private List<Gradient> gradients = Lists.newArrayList();

Store the gradient color object, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [Gradient gradient] to see how to set this object

📘 Shadows - Shadow

Shadow object represents the shadow, is a new version of the ppt only a function


private String color = "000000";

Set color, 16-bit color information, does not contain #, default is black

alpha 透明度

private double alpha = 0;

Set transparency, the larger the value the more transparent, the default is 0, opaque

sizeX 横向大小

private double sizeX = 100;

Horizontal size of the shadow, as a percentage, the same size as the original element by default

sizeY 纵向大小

private double sizeY = 100;

Vertical size of the shadow, in percentage form, default is the same as the original element size

distance distance

private double distance = 5;

Set the distance in pounds, the default is 5 pounds

blur blur

private double blur = 10;

The degree of edge blur in pounds, default is 10 pounds


private double angle = 0;

Shadow cast angle, default is 0

📘 Background - Background

Background is an abstract class that represents the background of an element, use its implementation class when using

ColorBackGround solid color background

Represents a single color background of a certain color

color color

private String color;

16 prohibited color values without # sign, no default value

alpha transparency

private Double alpha;

Support values 0 - 100, the larger the number the more transparent, the default is not transparent

ImgBackground image background

Indicates the use of an image as a background

img image

private String img;

Image path, supports png, jpg, gif

The image will be forced to stretch, it is recommended to crop in advance according to the element size


Indicates the background of the element in the form of multiple color gradients

gradientDirection gradient angle

private Double gradientDirection;

Support 0-360, default angle is 0

gradients List of gradient colors

private List<Gradient> gradients = Lists.newArrayList();

Store the gradient color object, please refer to [Reference Document] - [General Style] - [Gradient gradient] to see how to set this object

📘 Gradient node - Gradient

The Gradient object represents a gradient node in the gradient process, and the system will complete the intermediate color transition according to the properties of the two adjacent gradient nodes to form a gradient effect


private String color;

Color information, hexadecimal color value information, without # sign


private double proportion;

Percentage of position, the range of values: 0-100


private Double alpha;

Transparency, value range: 0-100, the larger the number the more transparent


private Double lum;

Brightness, 0-100, the larger the number the darker

📘 Entry animation - InAnimation

InAnimation represents the incoming animation, also known as the emergent animation.

All subclasses of AnimationElement have incoming and outgoing animation properties.

private InAnimation inAnimation;

You can modify or read this content with the Set or Get methods

The default value is null, i.e. there is no animation.

The following properties are included in InAnimation:

showAnimationType Show time

private ShowAnimationType showAnimationType = ShowAnimationType.SAME_TIME;

This property sets the time of appearance of the animation, and the following three enumeration values are allowed:

  • ShowAnimationType.SAME_TIME Simultaneous appearance (default)
  • ShowAnimationType.CLICK Click to appear
  • ShowAnimationType.AFTER Appears after the completion of the previous animation

inAnimationType Entry animation effect

private InAnimationType inAnimationType;

The default is null

If you don't want animation please don't set it to null here, but directly set inAnimation to null as mentioned at the beginning of the document

property is an enumeration class that currently supports the following effects:

InAnimationType.LINE,//Random Lines

InAnimationType Chinese names and default durations are included in the enumeration classes for your reference.

Styles that are not in the above list are not recommended

animationAttribute Property Information

private AnimationAttribute animationAttribute;

Properties, which are enumerated classes, are allowed to appear in some animation effects, you can set them as you like

But please make sure that the properties you set are allowed to be set in this action, if you set a property that does not belong to this action, it will automatically revert to default.

The relationship between animation effects and properties can be found in the animation settings window of WPS or Office.


timeMs Duration milliseconds

private Integer timeMs;

The duration in milliseconds. Each animation contains a default duration. The default duration is the same as the default duration of this action in Office, and is generally not required to be filled in if you want to be consistent with Office.

In Office or WPS readers, the following milliseconds will be displayed as the specified semantic text. We recommend that you choose from the following values:

Duration Label
500 Very fast
1000 Fast
2000 Medium
3000 Slow
5000 Very Slow

📘Appearance animation - OutAnimation

OutAnimation represents the incoming animation, also known as the emergent animation.

All subclasses of AnimationElement have incoming and outgoing animation properties.

private OutAnimation outAnimation;

You can modify or read this content with the Set or Get methods

The default value is null, i.e. there is no animation.

Setting appearance animation is not supported for now, it is expected to be supported in subsequent versions!

PPT tools - PPTUtil class

PPT to MP4 file

static synchronized void PPT2MP4(String pptPath, String mp4Path)

pptPath: path to the PPT file

mp4Path: path of the mp4 file to be generated

There is currently a problem that two PPTs can't be supported by the video vbs script at the same time, so the new version forces a lock, which is currently to be solved.


  1. the system must have Microsoft Office installed and activated
  2. Windows system only
  3. the generation process may have Office software anomalies resulting in the possibility of failure to convert


static void mp4Compression(String bigMp4Path, String smallMp4Path)

bigMp4Path: MP4 file generated by PPT2MP4 method

smallMp4Path: the storage path of the reduced file, ending with .mp4, does not support overwriting, this path must not exist files

Compression generated MP4 file, automatically compressed to 1280x720 size 15 frames of video, generally 25 pages of PPT video compressed in about 20MB


1. the computer must be installed ffmeng, and add the environment variables
2. do not support adjusting parameters


static void PPT2PNG(String pptPath, String pngPath)

pptPath: PPT file path

pngPath: path to generate image storage

Calling this method will generate a folder with one image for each PPT in it


static void png2LongImg(String pngPath, String longImgPath, String waterImgPath)

pngPath: the path of the picture folder generated by the PPT2PNG method, can't contain other picture files not generated by this method, otherwise it will be wrong

longImgPath: the storage address of the long image, ending with .jpg

waterImgPath: watermark file, will be randomly attached to the long image, temporarily does not support the generation of no watermark

Generate the following effect images:


If the total number of pages is even, the first page of the small picture will appear; if the total number of pages is odd, the first page of the small picture will not appear.

Whether it is a Windows computer

static boolean isWindows()

Since several methods only support Windows computers, it is recommended that you make a determination before calling them.

If a non-Windows computer calls the above methods that are only available for Windows computers, an exception will be thrown directly.


Project Name: PPTShow

Git code address: pptshow on Github (recommended) pptshow at Gitee (Helpful to remember to point Star Oh ~)

Project website: PPTShow official website

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Developed by: beihem

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