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Aaron Quirk edited this page Mar 13, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome! The NFT 4 Cause discord verification service enables Solana NFT project owners to assign custom Discord server roles to users holding their NFT. Once your project is setup, your users follow this simple process:

  • The Discord user navigates to the project's custom verification URL
  • User signs a message to prove ownership of the wallet
  • Our service analyses the NFTs in the user's wallet
  • The project's Discord role(s) is immediately assigned if NFT holding criteria is met

We check on verified wallets periodically to make sure the user continues to hold the NFT. If we see it has been removed, we also remove the Discord role that was assigned.

For any questions message me on twitter @NFT4Cause.

Hosted service

We offer this project as a free hosted service at Feel free to register your project on our highly available deployment across IBM Cloud and Google Cloud.

Demonstration video

Want to see it in action? There's a live demo on YouTube showing how our hosted service can be used to verify users for any Solana NFT project and assign Discord roles to a specified server.

Verified experience

This is the page your users will see after they've been verified.

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