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Library for creating DML (Data Manipulation Language) SQL statements.


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Library for creating DML (Data Manipulation Language) SQL statements.

  • Part 1. Basics
  • Part 2. Table format
  • Part 3. Conditions format
  • Part 4. Select Sql Statement
  • Part 5. INSERT Sql Statement
  • Part 6. UPDATE Sql Statement
  • Part 7. DELETE Sql Statement

Part 1. Basics

Entry point:
The entry point for creating SQL statements is the Query::class factory.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$select = Query::select();
$insert = Query::insert();
$update = Query::update();
$delete = Query::delete();

Getting sql statement and binding parameters:

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::select();
// ...
$builder = $query->getQueryBuilder()
// If necessary, you can set the dialect for the query builder

$expr = $builder->build();
// Binding parameters
$params = $expr->getParams();
// Sql string
$sql = $expr->getExpression();

Expressions are classes that inherit an \Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\ExprInterface interface.
These classes allow you to create specific expressions for a SQL query.

The initial expression class allows you to pass an immutable expression that will be added to the query without modification

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;

$expr = new Expr('created_at > now()');

// This is the sql expression
$expression = $expr->getExpression();
// This is the binding params
$params = $expr->getParams();

Several other expressions:

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\BetweenExpr;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\CompareExpr;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\InExpr;

$expr = new CompareExpr('!=', 'id', 20);
$expression = $expr->getExpression();
// id != :v1
$params = $expr->getParams();
// ['v1' => 20]

$expr = new BetweenExpr('id', 10, 20);
$expression = $expr->getExpression();
// id BETWEEN :v1 AND :v2
$params = $expr->getParams();
// ['v1' => 10, 'v2' => 20]

$expr = new InExpr('id', [10, 20], true);
$expression = $expr->getExpression();
// id NOT IN (:v3, :v4)
$params = $expr->getParams();
// ['v3' => 10, 'v4' => 20]

It is true that for different SQL dialects the same constructions may have different syntax.
To do this, you can pass the dialect into the expression.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Helper\DialectSQL;

$expr = new Expr('created_at > now()');

$expressionCh = $expr->getExpression(DialectSQL::CLICKHOUSE);
$expressionPg = $expr->getExpression(DialectSQL::POSTGRESQL);
$params = $expr->getParams();

Part 2. Table format

The table format is the same for all available methods

  • join()
  • innerJoin()
  • leftJoin()
  • rightJoin()
  • SelectQuery::from()
  • UpdateQuery::joinFrom()
  • UpdateQuery::setTable()
  • InsertQuery::into()
  • DeleteQuery::from()

Available formats (Using the SelectQuery::from() method as an example):

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;

$query = Query::select();

// Table name only
// Table name with alias
$query->from('user u');
$query->from(['u' => 'user']);

// You can also pass an expression or another query instead of the table name
$query->from(['u' => Query::select()->from('user')]);
// Result: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM user) AS u
$query->from(['u' => new Expr("(SELECT * FROM user)")]);
// Result: SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM user) AS u
// Same thing without alias
$query->from(new Expr("SELECT * FROM user"));

// You can also set several tables in any available format
$query->from(['u' => 'user', 's' => 'session']);
// Result: SELECT * FROM user AS u, session AS s

You can also change the alias of the first table for methods:

  • SelectQuery::from()
  • UpdateQuery::setTable()
  • InsertQuery::into()
  • DeleteQuery::from()

An example:

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::select()->from(['user'])->alias('u');
// Result: SELECT * FROM user AS u

$query = Query::select()->from(['u' => 'user'])->alias('t');
// Result: SELECT * FROM user AS t

$query = Query::select()->from(['u' => 'user', "s" => "session"])->alias('t');
// Result: SELECT * FROM user AS t, session AS s

Part 3. Conditions format

Any condition can be passed in the following formats:

1. Array with equality conditions.

An array is a key-value pair. The key is the left expression. The value is ine of the options below

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;

$conditions = ['user_id' => 10, 'session_id' => 101];
// user_id = 10 AND session_id = 101
$conditions = ['user_id' => [10, 20], 'session_id' => 101];
// user_id IN (10, 20) AND session_id = 101
$conditions = ['user_id' => Query::select()->select('id')->from('user'), 'session_id' => 101];
// user_id IN (SELECT id FROM user) AND session_id = 101
$conditions = ['user_id' => new Expr("LEAST(10, 20)"), 'session_id' => 101];
// user_id = LEAST(10, 20) AND session_id = 101


2. Any Expression instance of ExprInterface

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\InExpr;

$conditions = new Expr('created_at >= now()');
// created_at >= now()
$conditions = new InExpr('id', [10, 20], true);
// id NOT IN (10, 20)


3. String format

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$conditions = 'created_at >= now()'
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE created_at >= now()

$conditions = [
    'created_at >= now()',
    ['id' => 2]
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE (created_at >= now()) AND (id = 2)

4. Group using the "OR", "AND" "NOT" operators

Then it becomes necessary to combine conditions using the operators AND, OR, NOT.
All of these combinations have the same format [operator, condition, condition, ...]:

The first in the array must be the operator AND / OR / NOT.
Next, separated by commas, are conditions in one of three formats (array, expression, string). These conditions can also be in the format with the operator AND / OR / NOT

For example: ['AND', $condition1, $condition2, ['OR', $condition3, $condition4]]

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\InExpr;

$conditions = ['and', ['user_id' => 10, 'session_id' => 101], new Expr("id = LEAST(10, 20)")];
// (user_id = 10 AND session_id = 101) AND (id = LEAST(10, 20))
$conditions = ['or', ['user_id' => 10, 'session_id' => 101], new Expr("id = LEAST(10, 20)")];
// (user_id = 10 AND session_id = 101) OR (id = LEAST(10, 20))
$conditions = ['not', ['user_id' => 10, 'session_id' => 101], new Expr("id = LEAST(10, 20)")];
// NOT ((user_id = 10 AND session_id = 101) AND (id = LEAST(10, 20)))

// Lets combine it
$conditions = [
    ['or', ['id' => 2], ['id' => 3]],
    ['not', ['session_id' => 10]]
// ((id = 2) OR (id = 3)) AND (NOT (session_id = 10))

How to use this with a SELECT query, for example:

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::select()->where(['and', $condition1, $condition2]);
// Its equal with:
$query = Query::select()->where($condition1)->andWhere($condition2);

$query = Query::select()->where(['or', $condition1, $condition2]);
// Its equal with:
$query = Query::select()->where($condition1)->orWhere($condition2);

Part 4. Select Sql Statement

1. Select

To construct a SELECT clause, you need to use methods

  • Query::select()->select() to create SELECT clause
  • Query::select()->addSelect() to add values to SELECT clause
  • Query::select()->distinct(true) to add DISTINCT keyword

The method select() overwrites all previously added values!

The clause can be construct in different formats.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;

// 1. String format
Query::select()->select('id, name, surname');

// 2. Array alias-value format
        'name' => "name || ' ' || surname",
        new Expr('created_at::DATE as date'),
        'cnt' => Query::select()->select('COUNT(*)')->from('user')
// Result: SELECT id, name || ' ' || surname AS name, created_at::DATE as date, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user) AS cnt

// 3. Add values
Query::select()->select('id, name')->addSelect(new Expr('created_at::DATE as date'));
// Result: SELECT id, name, created_at::DATE as date

// 4. Reset values

// 4. Distinct
Query::select()->select('id, name')->distinct(true);
// // Result: SELECT DISTINCT id, name

2. Where

To construct a WHERE clause, you need to use methods

  • Query::select()->where()
    to create WHERE clause
  • Query::select()->andWhere()
    Adding a condition using the AND operator to the current conditions. Identical - ['and', current conditions, new conditions]
  • Query::select()->orWhere()
    Adding a condition using the OR operator to the current conditions. Identical - ['or', current conditions, new conditions]

The method where() overwrites all previously added values!

All methods accept conditions in the format described above in 'Conditions format'.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

Query::select()->where(['id' => 2])->andWhere(['user_id' => 3]);

You can also use methods that will remove all NULL values from the condition. For Expression instances the method ExprInterface::isEmpty() will be called.

  • Query::select()->filterWhere()
  • Query::select()->andFilterWhere()
  • Query::select()->orFilterWhere()

The method filterWhere() overwrites all previously added values!

All methods accept conditions in the format described above in 'Conditions format'.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\CompareExpr;

Query::select()->filterWhere(['id' => null])->andFilterWhere(new CompareExpr('>=', 'id', null));
// Result will be without WHERE clause

3. Group By

To construct a GROUP BY clause, you need to use methods

  • Query::select()->groupBy() to create GROUP BY clause
  • Query::select()->addGroupBy() to add values to GROUP BY clause

The method groupBy() overwrites all previously added values!

The clause can be construct in different formats.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

// 1. String format
Query::select()->from('user')->groupBy('id, name');
// SELECT * FROM user GROUP BY id, name

// 2. Array format
Query::select()->from('user')->groupBy(['id', 'name']);
// SELECT * FROM user GROUP BY id, name

// 3. Expression/Query format
Query::select()->from('user')->groupBy(new Expr('id, name'));
// SELECT * FROM user GROUP BY id, name

// 4. Add values
Query::select()->from('user')->groupBy('id, name')->addGroupBy(new Expr('created_at::DATE'));
// Result: SELECT * FROM user GROUP BY  id, name, created_at::DATE

// 5. Reset values

4. Order By

To construct a ORDER BY clause, you need to use methods

  • Query::select()->orderBy() to create ORDER BY clause
  • Query::select()->addOrderBy() to add values to ORDER BY clause

The method orderBy() overwrites all previously added values!

The clause can be construct in different formats.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

// 1. String format
Query::select()->from('user')->orderBy('id, name');
// SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id, name

// 2. Array format
Query::select()->from('user')->orderBy(['id' => SORT_ASC, 'name' => SORT_DESC]);
// SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id ASC, name DESC

// 3. Expression/Query format
Query::select()->from('user')->orderBy(new Expr('id ASC, name DESC'));
// SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id ASC, name DESC

// 4. Mix format
Query::select()->from('user')->orderBy(['id' => SORT_ASC, 'name' => SORT_DESC, new Expr('created_at::DATE DESC')]);
// SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id ASC, name DESC, created_at::DATE DESC

// 5. Add values
Query::select()->from('user')->orderBy('id DESC')->addOrderBy(new Expr('created_at::DATE DESC'));
// Result: SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY id DESC, created_at::DATE DESC

// 6. Reset values

5. Having

To construct a HAVING clause, you need to use methods

  • Query::select()->having()
  • Query::select()->andHaving()
  • Query::select()->orHaving()

The method having() overwrites all previously added values!

These methods work just look like 'WHERE' methods.


To construct a OFFSET clause, you need to use method

  • Query::select()->offset()

Use null value to disable offset.
The offset may be int|ExprInterface|SelectQuery|null

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

// 1. Integer

// 2. Expression
Query::select()->from('user')->offset(new Expr("length('SPARK')"));
// SELECT * FROM user OFFSET length('SPARK')

// 2. Reset value


To construct a LIMIT clause, you need to use method

  • Query::select()->limit()

Use null value to disable limit.
The offset may be int|ExprInterface|SelectQuery|null

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

// 1. Integer
// SELECT * FROM user LIMIT 10

// 2. Expression
Query::select()->from('user')->limit(new Expr("length('SPARK')"));
// SELECT * FROM user LIMIT length('SPARK')

// 2. Reset value


To construct a different JOIN clauses, you need to use method

  • Query::select()->join()
  • Query::select()->leftJoin()
  • Query::select()->rightJoin()
  • Query::select()->innerJoin()

All these methods accept conditions in the format described above in 'Conditions format'.
Also, all these methods accept table in the format described above in 'Table format'.

Example of usage:

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

Query::select()->from('user u')->leftJoin('session s', ' = s.user_id');
// Result: SELECT * FROM user u LEFT JOIN session s ON = s.user_id


To use union queries, you need to use method.

  • Query::select()->union() to add union query
  • Query::select()->deleteUnion() to delete all union queries

ORDER BY clause will be combined from all queries and added to the end of the union queries

The query may be string|ExprInterface|SelectQuery

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;

$query = Query::select()
    ->from('table t')->where(['user_id' => 2])->orderBy('created_at')
    ->union(Query::select()->from('table2 t2')->where(['user_id' => 12])->orderBy('id'), true)
    ->union(Query::select()->from('table3 t3')->where(['user_id' => 22]))
    ->union(new Expr('SELECT * FROM table4 t4 WHERE user_id = :id', ['id' => 32]))
    ->union('SELECT * FROM table5 t5', true);

// Result:
SELECT * FROM table t WHERE user_id = :v1
SELECT * FROM table2 t2 WHERE user_id = :v2
SELECT * FROM table3 t3 WHERE user_id = :v3
SELECT * FROM table4 t4 WHERE user_id = :id
SELECT * FROM table5 t5
ORDER BY created_at, id

Part 5. INSERT Sql Statement

Creating the INSERT INTO statement with format:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);

To specify table name use:

  • Query::insert()->into()
    This method accept table in the format described above in 'Table format'.

To add group of values to a VALUES clause use methods:

  • Query::insert()->addValues($data)
    The data should be an array in the format [column1 => value1, ...] or instance of QueryInterface
  • Query::insert()->addMultipleValues($data)
    The data should be an array of arrays in the format [column1 => value1, ...]

To change start or end of statement use methods:

  • Query::insert()->setStartOfQuery()
    The expression INSERT INTO will be replaced with the passed expression
  • Query::insert()->setEndOfQuery()
    The expression will be added to the end of the query
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::insert()->into('user')->addValues(['name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Jonson']);
// Result: INSERT INTO user (name, surname) VALUES (:v1, :v2)

$query->setStartOfQuery('INSERT IGNORE INTO')->setEndOfQuery('RETURNING id');
// Result: INSERT IGNORE INTO user (name, surname) VALUES (:v1, :v2) RETURNING id

$query = Query::insert()->into('user')->addMultipleValues([['name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Jonson'], ['surname' => 'Nelson', 'name' => 'Mike']]);
// Result: INSERT INTO user (name, surname) VALUES (:v1, :v2), (:v4, :v3)

Part 6. UPDATE Sql Statement

1. Table

To specify table name use:

  • Query::update()->setTable()
    This method accept table in the format described above in 'Table format'.
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::update()->setTable('user');
// Result: UPDATE user

2. SET

To construct a SET clause, you need to use methods

  • Query::update()->set($attributes)
    To create SET clause
  • Query::update()->addSet($attributes)
    To add attributes to SET clause

The method set() overwrites all previously added attributes!

Attributes can be passed in different formats.
If we pass it with the key, we will try to add the value as a query parameter.
If passed without a key, the value will be a string.
The value can be passed as a string, an ExprInterface instance, or a QueryInterface instance.

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\DML\Expression\Expr;

// 1. Format of attributes
$query = Query::update()
        'name' => 'John', // name=:v19,
        'age' => new Expr('18 + 10'), // age=18 + 10,
        'last_session_at' => Query::select()->from('session')->select('MAX(created_at)')->where(['user_id' => 123])
    ->addSet("status='active'") // status='active',
    ->addSet(new Expr('is_active = TRUE')); // is_active = TRUE,

// Result: UPDATE "user" SET name = :v1, age = 18 + 10, last_session_at = (SELECT MAX(created_at) FROM session WHERE user_id = :v2), status='active', is_active = TRUE

// 2. Reset SET clause
$query = Query::update()->setTable('"user"')->set(null);

3. Where

To construct a WHERE clause see the description in "Part 3. Select Sql Statement". Format and methods will be completely identical with Select Sql Statement

4. Join

To construct a different JOIN clauses see the description in "Part 3. Select Sql Statement". Format and methods will be completely identical with Select Sql Statement.


To construct a FROM clause, you need to use method:

  • Query::update()->joinFrom() This method accept table in the format described above in 'Table format'.

Use null value to disable FROM clause

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::update()->setTable('user')->joinFrom('session');
// Result: UPDATE user FROM session

6. Limit

To construct a LIMIT clause see the description in "Part 3. Select Sql Statement". Format and methods will be completely identical with Select Sql Statement

7. Start and end clauses

To change start or end of statement use methods:

  • Query::update()->setStartOfQuery()
    The expression UPDATE will be replaced with the passed expression
  • Query::update()->setEndOfQuery()
    The expression will be added to the end of the query
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::update()
    ->setStartOfQuery('UPDATE ONLY')
    ->setEndOfQuery('RETURNING id');
// Result: UPDATE ONLY user RETURNING id

Part 7. DELETE Sql Statement

1. From

To specify table name use:

  • Query::delete()->from()
    This method accept table in the format described above in 'Table format'.
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::delete()->from('user');
// Result: DELETE FROM user

2. Where

To construct a WHERE clause see the description in "Part 3. Select Sql Statement". Format and methods will be completely identical with Select Sql Statement

3. Join

To construct a different JOIN clauses see the description in "Part 3. Select Sql Statement". Format and methods will be completely identical with Select Sql Statement.

4. Using

To construct a USING clause, you need to use method:

  • Query::delete()->using() This method accept table in the format described above in 'Table format'.

Use null value to disable USING clause

use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::delete()->from('user')->using('session');
// Result: DELETE FROM user USING session

5. Limit

To construct a LIMIT clause see the description in "Part 3. Select Sql Statement". Format and methods will be completely identical with Select Sql Statement

6. Start and end clauses

To change start or end of statement use methods:

  • Query::delete()->setStartOfQuery()
    The expression DELETE FROM will be replaced with the passed expression
  • Query::delete()->setEndOfQuery()
    The expression will be added to the end of the query
use Qstart\Db\QueryBuilder\Query;

$query = Query::delete()
    ->setStartOfQuery('DELETE FROM ONLY')
    ->setEndOfQuery('RETURNING id');


Library for creating DML (Data Manipulation Language) SQL statements.







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