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A customizable animation library.



  • Lightweight : ~2kb file size (minified).
  • Standalone : no jQuey, just pure vanilla. Works well with jQuery too.
  • Flexible - Use it as a function or an HTMLElement method.
  • Customizable - Use your own easing functions, individual durations, individual easings, the way you want it.



Currently at beta version 1.0.0-beta.1

  • You may download the file here
  • or install it via bower: $ bower install uranimate



UrAnimate can be used as a function or an HTMLElement/jQueryElement method.

As a function:UrAnimate( element, properties, duration, easing )

var element = document.getElementById('myElement');
UrAnimate( element, { 'left' : '10px' }, 300, 'InOutCubic' );

As an HTMLElement/jQueryElement method: HTMLElement.urAnimate( properties, duration, easing )

var element1 = document.getElementById('myElement1'),
    element2 = $('#myElement2');
element1.urAnimate( { 'left' : '10px' }, 300, 'inOutCubic' );
element2.urAnimate( { 'top' : '10px' }, 500, 'outCubic' );


Custom Easing Functions

UrAnimate has four default easing functions: linear, inCubic, outCubic, inOutCubic. It uses Robert Penner's easing functions for its animation (so is jQuery) . You may pass a function in the same format as the easing parameter, for example:

HTMLElement.urAnimate( { 'left':'30px' }, 500, outElasticBig );

function outElasticBig (t, b, c, d) {
    var ts=(t/=d)*t;
    var tc=ts*t;
    return b+c*(56*tc*ts + -175*ts*ts + 200*tc + -100*ts + 20*t);


Individual durations and easings

You can set different duration and easing for each properties. Each duration/easing will follow the properties in the order you specified. In the given example below, 'left':'10px' will take 300ms, while 'top':'15px' will take 500ms.

    { 'left':'10px', 'top':'15px' },
    [ 300, 500 ],
    [ 'linear', 'inCubic' ]

To Do:

  • Support for animation ended callback
  • Support for css transforms