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redtide edited this page Nov 9, 2021 · 5 revisions

compton-conf options

The following is the list of compton options compared with the ones implemented in the configurator and in the new picom one.

Empty spaces in tables means missing feature.

✓ = Implemented
x = Unimplemented
D = Deprecated
? = Unknown implementation state
! = Changed
+ = Pseudo setting used in configurator to set other values

Picom only (from next branch)

Name Type picom-conf Comment
blur-deviation double In the sample config file it's a bool? Default: 0.84089642.
blur-method string none (default) or kernel. gaussian, box and dual_kawase experimental backends only.
blur-size int Required by gaussian and box blur methods, default: 3.
blur-strength int Strength of the dual_kawase blur method. Range: 0-20. Default: 5
clip-shadow-above list
corner-radius int Conflicts with transparent-clipping. Default: 0
debug-mode bool ? Only works with the experimental backends
diagnostics bool x Only from command line (?)
experimental-backends bool x Not available in the config file
log-file string Absolute path recommended. Prints to file instead stderr
log-level string TRACE (log-file recommended), DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
log-path string
max-brightness double Requires no-use-damage or experimental glx backend
monitor-repaint bool xrender debug only
no-ewmh-fullscreen bool
no-vsync bool
no-use-damage bool
rounded-corners-exclude list
transparent-clipping bool x Only works with the experimental backends
use-damage bool


See about renders.

Note: why no xr-glx-hybrid?

Name (*) Type compton-conf Picom picom-conf Comment
backend string
backend-glx + + + +
backend-xrender + + + +
glx-copy-from-front bool x x x
glx-no-rebind-pixmap bool x
glx-no-stencil bool x
glx-swap-method string x D x replaced by use-damage
glx-use-copysubbuffermesa bool x x x
glx-use-gpushader4 bool x D x
opengl - x x backend-glx
xrender-sync bool x D x Use xrender-sync-fence
xrender-sync-fence bool x


Name Type compton-conf Picom picom-conf Comment
fade-delta int
fade-exclude list x
fade-in-step double
fade-out-step double
fading bool
no-fading-destroyed-argb bool x Workaround of bugs in Openbox, Fluxbox, etc.
no-fading-openclose bool


Name Type compton-conf Picom picom-conf Comment
benchmark long x
benchmark-wid long x
daemon bool x x Only from command line
dbus bool x x Only from command line
detect-client-leader bool x
detect-client-opacity bool x
detect-rounded-corners bool x
detect-transient bool x
dbe bool x x x
focus-exclude list x
force-win-blend bool x
glx-fshader-win string x
invert-color-include list x
mark-ovredir-focused bool x
mark-wmwin-focused bool x
no-name-pixmap - x D x
no-x-selection bool x ?
paint-exclude list x
paint-on-overlay bool x D x Enabled whenever possible
refresh-rate int x
resize-damage int x
respect-prop-shadow - x D x
show-all-xerrors bool x
sw-opti bool x D? ?
unredir-if-possible bool x
unredir-if-possible-delay int x
unredir-if-possible-exclude list x
use-ewmh-active-win bool x
version string x x
vsync bool x ! Was string type, none replaced with false
vsync-aggressive bool x D x
vsync-use-glfinish bool x
wintypes struct x
write-pid-path string x


Name Type compton-conf Picom picom-conf Comment
active-opacity double
alpha-step double D x
blur-background bool
blur-background-fixed bool
blur-background-frame bool
blur-background-exclude list x
blur-kern string x
frame-opacity double
inactive-dim double
inactive-dim-fixed bool
inactive-opacity double
inactive-opacity-override bool x
menu-opacity double D x Use the wintype option opacity of popup_menu and dropdown_menu
opacity-rule list x


Name Type compton-conf Picom picom-conf Comment
clear-shadow bool D x Removed, always enabled
no-dnd-shadow bool D x Use the the wintype option shadow of dnd
no-dock-shadow bool D x Use the the wintype option shadow of dock
shadow bool
shadow-color string + +
shadow-red double
shadow-green double
shadow-blue double
shadow-exclude list x
shadow-exclude-reg string x D x Use clip-shadow-above
shadow-ignore-shaped bool D x Use shadow-exclude bounding_shaped or shadow-exclude bounding_shaped && !rounded_corners
shadow-offset-x int
shadow-offset-y int
shadow-opacity double
shadow-radius int
xinerama-shadow-crop bool
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