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The Rust Ecosystem

Categorization of (more or less) widely used crates in the Rust ecosystem.

Category Crates
error handling thiserror, anyhow
testing assert_matches, insta, tokio-test, tracing-test, rstest, test-case
mocking wiremock, mockito, mockall
code coverage cargo-tarpaulin, cargo-llvm-cov
performance cargo-flamegraph, inferno, criterion
logging log, fern, log4rs
tracing tracing, tracing-subscriber, tracing-appender, tracing-test
metrics metrics, prometheus, opentelemetry, tracing-opentelemetry, opentelemetry-datadog, statsd, cadence
decimal/rational numbers rust_decimal, num-rational
time std::time, time, chrono
email lettre, rusoto_ses, rusoto_credential
serialization/deserialization serde, serde_json, serde_path_to_error, serde_yaml, rkyv
encoding/decoding base64
mime type (media type) infer
parsing csv, plist
xml xml-rs, quick-xml, xmlparser, roxmltree, xot
encryption ring, rustls
authentication, JWT jsonwebtoken
futures futures::future::Future, futures::future::FutureExt
streams futures::stream::Stream, futures::stream::StreamExt, async_std::stream::Stream, tokio-stream, tokio_stream::StreamExt, std::async_iter::AsyncIterator
channels std::sync::mpsc, crossbeam::channel futures::channel::oneshot, tokio::sync::mpsc, tokio::sync::oneshot, tokio::sync::broadcast, tokio::sync::watch, async_channel::unbounded, async_channel::bounded, oneshot
async runtime tokio
concurrency dashmap
parallelism rayon, parallel-stream
HTTP client reqwest, ureq, isahc
HTTP server actix-web, hyper, tower, axum, rocket, tide
gRPC tonic, prost, prost-types, prost-reflect, protobuf, protobuf-parse
websockets tungstenite, tokio-tungstenite, actix-web-actors
message queue celery, message-io
database, SQL postgres, tokio-postgres, sqlx, connectorx
database, ORM diesel
pool deadpool
data processing arrow, arrow2, polars
inversion of control inject
CLI clap, structopt, quicli, ergo, termcolor, concolor-control, crossterm
scripting cargo-script, dyon, rustscript, ion, runner, mlua, rhai
GUI egui, edom, tauri, druid, iced, kas, dioxus, yew, leptos, slint
embedded cortex-m, cortex-m-rt, cortex-m-semihosting
wasm wasm-bindgen, wasm-bindgen-cli
compiler ferrocene
l10n, i18n rocket_i18n


Categorization of Rust crates







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