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Repository files navigation

Arch Linux Transformer

Inspired by the flexible transition between floating and titling layouts which can be fully navigated and controlled by both keyboard or mouse.

Some details

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • WM: Awesome
  • Terminal: Termite
  • Shell: Zsh
  • File Manager: Nemo, Ranger
  • Launcher: Rofi
  • Editors: Spacemacs, VSCode and Vim
  • Reader: Okular
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • Music: mpd, ncmpcpp, mpv
  • Theme: Equilux
  • Icons: Linebit for Android, Arc


Screenshot1 Floating layout (neofetch, chrome, htop): Screenshot2 Titling layout (vim, ranger, ncmpcpp): Screenshot3 Clean desktop: Screenshot4 Lock screen with i3lock (specific script): Screenshot5


  • Firstly, just install and config Arch Linux compatible with your system.
  • Some extra applications and pacakges that may needed: nerd font, fontconfig, oh-my-zsh, xvkbd, i3lock, lxappearance, mpv, mpvc, mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp, fcitx, fcitx-unikey, feh, ntfs-3g, pinta, gimp, copyq, calcurse, galculator, gpick, ...
  • Install "Vimium" extension for Chrome to navigate and control Chrome with vim keys.
  • If you want extra icons from "Linebit", install "Linebit" and use "Iconzy" to get the png icon file.
  • To use xvbkd, click "Focus" and point to anywhere you want to type.


super = Windows key

Basic control

  • super + enter - Spawn terminal
  • super + shift + enter - Spawn floating terminal
  • super + e - Launch VSCode
  • super + shift + e - Launch Emacs
  • super + shift + f - Launch Nemo
  • super + d - Launch rofi
  • super + p - Open htop
  • super + q - Close client
  • super + alt + q - Close all visible clients for the current tag
  • super + ctrl + space - Toggle floating client
  • super + [1-0] - Change workspace
  • super + shift + [1-0] - Move focused client to tag
  • super + tab - Switch to previous client
  • super + grave - Toggle sidebar
  • super + s - Tiling layout
  • super + shift + s - Floating layout
  • super + w - Maximized / Monocle layout
  • super + [arrow keys] - Change focus by direction
  • super + j/k - Cycle through clients
  • super + h/l - Add / remove clients to / from master area
  • super + shift + [arrow keys] / [hjkl] - Move client by direction. Move to edge if it is floating.
  • super + ctrl + [arrow keys] / [hjkl] - Resize
  • super + f - Toggle fullscreen
  • super + m - Toggle maximize
  • super + n - Minimize
  • super + shift + n - Restore minimized
  • super + c - Center floating client
  • super + u - Jump to urgent client (or back to last tag if there is no such client)
  • super + shift + b - Toggle bar
  • super + t - Toggle titlebar
  • super + shift + t - Toggle titlebar for all visible clients in selected tag
  • super + = - Toggle tray
  • super + esc - Exit screen

Funtion keys

  • super + F1 - Lock Screen
  • super + F2 - Open ranger
  • super + F3 - Open nemo
  • super + F4 - Open ncmpcpp
  • super + F6 / F7 / F8 - Toggle / previous / next song mpd
  • super + shift + F6 / F7 / F8 - Toggle / previous / next song mpv
  • super + F9 - Open calcurse
  • super + F10 / F11 / F12 - Toggle / decrease / increase volume

Take screenshot

  • prtsc - Take full screenshot
  • super + shift + prtsc - Select area to capture screenshot
  • super + ctrl + prtsc - Select area to copy to clipboard
  • super + prtsc - Browse screenshot
  • super + alt + prtsc - Edit most recent screenshot with gimp

View (resize and set floating client)

  • super + ctrl + f - Focused view
  • super + ctrl + v - Vertical view
  • super + ctrl + t - Tiny view
  • super + ctrl + n - Normal view

Move and modify UI

  • super + (shift) + z - Focus clients by index
  • super + (shift) + - - Increase / Decrease gaps size for the current tag
  • super + shift + ctrl + [arrow keys] / [hjkl] - Move clients in floating mode
  • super + ctrl + m - Toggle maximize vertically
  • super + shift + m - Toggle maximize horizontally
  • super + ctrl + [1-0] - Toggle tag display
  • super + alt + [1-0] - Move all visible clients to tag
  • super + ctrl + shift + [1-0] - Toggle tag on focused client


  • super + shift + p - Toggle keep on top
  • super + ctrl + p - Toggle sticky
  • ctrl + space - Dismiss notification
  • super + shift + v - Show main menu
  • super + shift + r - Reload awesome
  • super + shift + x - Quit awesome
  • super + shift + ctrl + [right arrow / left arrow] (h / l) - Increase / Decrease the number of columns


On desktop

  • left click - Dismiss all notifications, close sidebar and main menu
  • double left click - Jump to urgent client (or back to last tag if there is no such client)
  • right click - Main menu
  • middle click - Sidebar
  • scroll up/down - Cycle through tags
  • move to left edge - Show sidebar

On titlebars

  • left click - Focus and raise
  • left click (drag) - Move
  • right click (drag) - Resize
  • middle click - Close

On wibar icon (purple flower icon)

  • left click - Toggle sidebar
  • right click - Toggle tray
  • middle click - Toggle on-screen keyboard (xvkbd)

On tag icon

  • left click - Select workspace (tag)
  • right click - Move current focused client to workspace
  • middle click - Restore minimized clients

On layout icon

  • left click - Switch layouts (floating / titling / fullscreen)
  • right click - Show clients in the current workspace with rofi
  • middle click - Close focused clients
  • side click - Minimize and restore minimized

On sidebar

  • left click - Toggle
    • Volume bar : Toggle mute
    • CPU bar and RAM bar : Open htop
    • File : Launch Nemo
    • Search : Launh rofi
    • Exit : Exit screen
  • right click
    • Music name : Open ncmpcpp
    • Volume bar : Launch Pavucontrol
    • File : Open Windows DATA disk with Nemo
    • Search : Show run with rofi
  • scroll up/down
    • Volume bar : Increase / Decrease volume
    • Music name : next / previous song


  • super + left click (drag) - Move client
  • super + middle click - Close client
  • super + right click - Resize client

Exit screen

  • left click - Choose option
  • right click or middle click - Cancel
  • Keyboard controls:
    • escape or q or x to cancel
    • p to poweroff
    • r to reboot
    • s to suspend
    • e to exit (logout)
    • l to lock


A fork of elenapan/dotfiles that work on Arch






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