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@EwoutH EwoutH released this 18 Jun 19:05


2.4.1 is a small patch release of the EMAworkbench, primarily resolving issues #276 and #277 in the workbench itself, and a bug introduced by #241 in the docs. The EMAworkbench now also raise exception when sampling scenarios or policies while no uncertainties or levers are defined (#282).

What's Changed

🛠 Enhancements made

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • bugfix to rebuild_platypus_population by @quaquel in #276
  • Fixed dtype handling in load_results function. The dtype metadata is now correctly applied, resolving issue #277.
  • Fixed the documentation bug introduced by #241 in the general introduction section, which now accurately reflects the handling of categorical uncertainties in the experiment dataframe.

📜 Documentation improvements

  • readthedocs: Add search ranking and use latest Python version by @EwoutH in #242
  • docs/examples: Always use n_processes=-1 in MultiprocessingEvaluator by @EwoutH in #278

Full Changelog: 2.4.0...2.4.1