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Merge pull request #51 from stdweird/more_logging
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Allow AII to use netcat to send logfiles to kickstart syslog server
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Piojo committed Apr 24, 2014
2 parents 0b979cb + 310db92 commit 2c097ea
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Showing 9 changed files with 358 additions and 51 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions aii-ks/src/main/pan/quattor/aii/ks/schema.pan
Expand Up @@ -32,10 +32,22 @@ type structure_ks_ksfirewall = {

# Information needed for logging into syslog
# Anaconda syslog uses UDP
type structure_ks_logging = {
"host" : type_hostname
"port" : type_port = 514
"level" ? string with match(SELF, "^(debug|warning|error|critical|info)$")

"console" : boolean = true # redirect AII ks logfile to console

# send AII ks logfile to host/port
"send_aiilogs" : boolean = false

# use legacy defaults
# via bash or netcat
"method" : string = 'netcat' with match(SELF, '^(bash|netcat)$')
# via tcp or udp
"protocol" : string = 'udp' with match(SELF, '^(tcp|udp)$')

# Information needed for creating the Kickstart file
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172 changes: 139 additions & 33 deletions aii-ks/src/main/perl/
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,15 @@ use constant { KS => "/system/aii/osinstall/ks",
use constant MODULEBASE => "AII::";
use constant USEMODULE => "use " . MODULEBASE;

# use this syslogheader for remote AII scripts logging:
# 190 =
use constant LOG_ACTION_SYSLOGHEADER => '<190>AII: ';
# awk command to prefix LOG_ACTION_SYSLOGHEADER and
# to insert sleep (usleep by initscripts), throtlles to 40 lines per sec
use constant LOG_ACTION_AWK =>
"awk '{print \"".LOG_ACTION_SYSLOGHEADER."\"\$0; fflush(); system(\"usleep 25000 >& /dev/null\");}'";

# Configuration variable for the osinstall directory.
use constant KSDIROPT => 'osinstalldir';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,7 +226,8 @@ sub kscommands
my $config = shift;

my $tree = $config->getElement(KS)->getTree;

my @packages = @{$tree->{packages}};

my $installtype = $tree->{installtype};
if ($installtype =~ /http/) {
my ($proxyhost, $proxyport, $proxytype) = proxy($config);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +262,11 @@ EOF
print " --level=$tree->{logging}->{level}" if $tree->{logging}->{level};
print "\n";
if(exists($tree->{logging}->{send_aiilogs}) && $tree->{logging}->{send_aiilogs}) {
# requirement for usleep
push(@packages, 'initscripts');
push(@packages, 'nc') if ($tree->{logging}->{method} eq 'netcat');
print "bootloader --location=$tree->{bootloader_location}";
print " --driveorder=", join(',', @{$tree->{bootdisk_order}})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,7 +327,7 @@ EOF
print "services ", join (' ', @services), "\n" if (@services);

print "%packages ", join(" ",@{$tree->{packages_args}}), "\n",
join ("\n", @{$tree->{packages}}), "\n",
join ("\n", @packages), "\n",
$config->getElement(END_SCRIPT_FIELD)->getValue(), "\n";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -397,12 +412,69 @@ EOF
kscommands ($config);

# Create the action to be taken on the log files
# logfile is the path to the log file
sub log_action {
my ($config, $logfile, $wait_for_network) = @_;

my $tree = $config->getElement(KS)->getTree;
my @logactions;
push(@logactions, "exec >$logfile 2>&1");

my $consolelogging = 1; # default behaviour
if (exists($tree->{logging})) {
$consolelogging = $tree->{logging}->{console} if(exists($tree->{logging}->{console}));

if (exists($tree->{logging}->{send_aiilogs}) && $tree->{logging}->{send_aiilogs}) {
# network must be functional
# (not needed in %pre and %post; we can rely on anaconda for that)
push(@logactions, "wait_for_network $tree->{logging}->{host}")
if ($wait_for_network);

my $method = $tree->{logging}->{method};
my $protocol = $tree->{logging}->{protocol};

my $actioncmd;
if ($method eq 'netcat') {
push(@logactions,'# Send messages to $protocol syslog server via netcat');
# use netcat to log to syslog port
my $nccmd = 'nc';
$nccmd .= ' -u' if ($protocol eq 'udp');

$actioncmd = "| $nccmd $tree->{logging}->{host} $tree->{logging}->{port}";
} elsif ($method eq 'bash') {
push(@logactions,"# Send messages to $protocol syslog server via bash /dev/$protocol");
# use netcat to log to UDP syslog port
# this assumes that the %pre, %post and post-reboot are bash
$actioncmd = "> /dev/$protocol/$tree->{logging}->{host}/$tree->{logging}->{port}";

my $action = "(tail -f $logfile | ".LOG_ACTION_AWK." $actioncmd) &";
push(@logactions, $action);

# insert extra sleep to get all started before any output is send
push(@logactions, 'sleep 1');

if ($consolelogging) {
push(@logactions, '# Make sure messages show up on the serial console',
"tail -f $logfile > /dev/console &");

push(@logactions,''); # add trailing newline
return join("\n", @logactions)

# Takes care of the pre-install script, in which the
sub pre_install_script
my ($self, $config) = @_;

print <<'EOF';
my $logfile = '/tmp/pre-log.log';
my $logaction = log_action($config, $logfile);

print <<EOF;
# Pre-installation script.
Expand All @@ -414,11 +486,14 @@ sub pre_install_script
# primary, one extended and your /dev/foo4 will be silently renamed to
# /dev/foo5.
# Make sure messages show up on the serial console
exec >/tmp/pre-log.log 2>&1
tail -f /tmp/pre-log.log > /dev/console &
echo 'Begin of pre section'
set -x

print <<'EOF';
# Hack for RHEL 6: force re-reading the partition table
# fdisk often fails to re-read the partition table on RHEL 6, so we have to do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,8 +565,11 @@ EOF
# De-activate logical volumes. Needed on RHEL6, see:
lvm vgchange -an
echo 'End of pre section'


# Prints the code needed for removing and creating partitions, block
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,25 +680,35 @@ sub kspostreboot_header
my $config = shift;

# TODO is it ok to rename this logfile?
my $logfile = '/root/ks-post-reboot.log';
my $logaction = log_action($config, $logfile, 1);
$logaction =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;

my $hostname = $config->getElement (HOSTNAME)->getValue;
my $domain = $config->getElement (DOMAINNAME)->getValue;
my $fqdn = "$hostname.$domain";

my $rootmail = $config->getElement (ROOTMAIL)->getValue;

print <<EOF;
# Script to run at the first reboot. It installs the base Quattor RPMs
# and runs the components needed to get the system correctly
# configured.
hostname $fqdn
# Function to be called if there is an error in this phase.
# It sends an e-mail to $rootmail alerting about the failure.
fail() {
echo "Quattor installation on failed: \\\$1"
echo "Quattor installation on $fqdn failed: \\\$1"
sendmail -t <<End_of_sendmail
From: root\@$hostname
From: root\@$fqdn
To: $rootmail
Subject: [\\`date +'%x %R %z'\\`] Quattor installation on $hostname failed: \\\$1
Subject: [\\`date +'%x %R %z'\\`] Quattor installation on $fqdn failed: \\\$1
\\`cat /root/ks-post-install.log\\`
\\`cat $logfile\\`
\\`ls -tr /var/log/ncm 2>/dev/null|xargs tail /var/log/spma.log\\`
Expand All @@ -632,37 +720,44 @@ End_of_sendmail
# Function to be called if the installation succeeds. It sends an
# e-mail to $rootmail alerting about the installation success.
success() {
echo "Quattor installation on $fqdn succeeded"
sendmail -t <<End_of_sendmail
From: root\@$hostname
From: root\@$fqdn
To: $rootmail
Subject: [\\`date +'%x %R %z'\\`] Quattor installation on $hostname succeeded
Subject: [\\`date +'%x %R %z'\\`] Quattor installation on $fqdn succeeded
Node $hostname successfully installed.
Node $fqdn successfully installed.
hostname $hostname.$domain
# Wait for functional network up by testing DNS lookup via nslookup.
wait_for_network () {
# Wait up to 2 minutes until the network comes up
while ! nslookup \\\$1 > /dev/null
sleep 1
let i=\\\$i+1
if [ \\\$i -gt 120 ]
fail "Network does not come up (nslookup \\\$1)"
# Ensure that the log file doesn't exist.
[ -e /root/ks-post-install.log ] && \\
fail "Last installation went wrong. Aborting. See logfile"
[ -e $logfile ] && \\
fail "Last installation went wrong. Aborting. See logfile $logfile."
exec &> /root/ks-post-install.log
tail -f /root/ks-post-install.log &>/dev/console &
echo 'Begin of ks-post-reboot'
set -x
# Wait up to 2 minutes until the network comes up
while ! nslookup \\`hostname\\` > /dev/null
sleep 1
let i = \\\$i+1
if [ \\\$i -gt 120 ]
fail "Network does not come up"
wait_for_network $fqdn


sub ksquattor_config
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,6 +841,8 @@ sub kspostreboot_tail

print <<EOF;
rm -f /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S86ks-post-reboot
echo 'End of ks-post-reboot'
sleep 1
shutdown -r now
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -993,16 +1090,20 @@ EOF
sub post_install_script
my ($self, $config) = @_;

my $logfile='/tmp/post-log.log';
my $logaction = log_action($config, $logfile);

print <<EOF;
set -x
# %post phase. The base system has already been installed. Let's do
# some minor changes and prepare it for being configured.
echo 'Begin of post section'
set -x
exec &>/tmp/post-log.log
tail -f /tmp/post-log.log > /dev/console &

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1061,7 +1162,12 @@ EOF

ksuserhooks ($config, PREREBOOTHOOK);
my $end = $config->getElement(END_SCRIPT_FIELD)->getValue();
print "$end\n";
print <<EOF;
echo 'End of post section'
sleep 1


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