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beeps edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

Randomize Everything includes a few handy settings to tailor how it generates stuff. These can come in useful if, for example, you regularly generate numbers between 0 and 255, or want to insert email addresses with your country's own domain TLD.

Settings are accessed within Nova.

  1. Open the Extensions Library by clicking 'Extensions' in the menu bar and then clicking on 'Extension Library...' (alternatively press ⌘ Command + ⇧ Shift + 2 on your keyboard).
  2. Select Randomize Everything from the list on the left.
  3. Click on the 'Settings' tab in the panel on the right.

The settings are split into sections according to which generators they affect.


String length

Changes the length of generated strings. Can be between 1 and 9999. Default is 32.


  • Random string (Alphabetical)
  • Random string (Alphanumeric)
  • Random string (Password-like)


Insert numbers without prompting

If checked, will skip the prompt asking for a number range and will use the 'Default number range' setting instead. Unchecked by default.


  • Random integer
  • Random float
  • Random binary integer

Default number range

The default minimum and maximum numbers to use for random number generation, as a comma-separated set of digits. Both numbers are inclusive. Defaults to 0,100 (a minimum of 0 and maximum of 100).

If 'Insert numbers without prompting' is checked, this setting will use the configured range immediately. Otherwise, the prompt will be prefilled with this setting.


  • Random integer
  • Random float
  • Random binary integer

Note: Binary integers generation currently only supports positive numbers. Any numbers less than 0 will be rounded up to 0 when generating binary integers.

Decimal places

How many decimal places floats should generate with. Allows values between 1 and 15. Defaults to 5.


  • Random float

Dates and times

Earliest possible year

The earliest year that can be used in a generated date. Allows values between 0 and 9999. Defaults to 1900.


  • Random date (ISO-8601)
  • Random date and time (ISO-8601)

Latest possible year

The latest year that can be used in a generated date. Allows values between 0 and 9999. Defaults to 2100.


  • Random date (ISO-8601)
  • Random date and time (ISO-8601)

Timezone format

Whether to include timezone indicators in generated timestamps. Has three options:

  • Use a randomized timezone offset (the default)
    • Selects an absolute hours and minutes offset from a list of real-world timezones.
    • Generates dates like 2023-03-07T22:09:47+03:00.
  • Always use the UTC timezone
    • Suffixes timestamps with Z, the zone indicator for zero offset from UTC.
    • Generates dates like 2023-03-07T22:09:47Z.
  • Do not use a timezone indicator
    • Omits a timezone, implicitly indicating this is a local time.
    • Generates dates like 2023-03-07T22:09:47.


  • Random date and time (ISO-8601)


Capitalize generated hex colors

If checked, generated hexadecimal colors will be presented in uppercase, as is the preferred standard by some web developers (#BADA55 instead of #bada55). Checked by default.


  • Random hex color

Output colors in CSS compatible formats

If checked, generated RGB and HSL colors will be formatted for use in CSS. Checked by default.


  • Random RGB color
  • Random HSL color


Possible domain extensions

A list of domain extensions (also known as TLDs, or top-level domains) to use when generating content that uses them. Useful if you want to localize randomized data to specific regions or use cases. Default is [".com", ".net", ".org"].


  • Random domain name
  • Random web address
  • Random email address (unless 'Use real email domains' is enabled)

Use real email domains

If checked, generated email addresses will use the domains of actual email providers instead of generating randomized domains. Unchecked by default.

Warning: If enabled, there's a pretty good chance that Randomize Everything may generate real, existing email addresses, especially for popular providers like Gmail. Exercise caution, or just turn this setting off, if this could be a problem.


  • Random email address