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code-review-report build status

Generates a report for Friday's code review

  • How successful we were at integrating our work
  • Areas of the code we committed to most frequently to spark conversation on the changes going on
  • Commits that failed to integrate
  • Files that featured in failed integrations


Download the latest binary from releases

./code-review-report -owner=quii -repo=code-review-report -repo=learn-go-with-tests


  • You'll need a $GITHUB_TOKEN env var if you need this to work with private repos
  • Put the binary somewhere in your $PATH for convienience

some other useful commands

git log --pretty="%h [%cn] (%ar) %s" --since="1 hour ago"

git log --since 6.months.ago --numstat |
  awk '/^[0-9-]+/{ print $NF}' |
  sort |
  uniq -c |
  sort -nr |