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Starting Server

  1. Starting this web application by the following command.
    go run main.go
  2. When startup is complete, the console shows the following message:
    http server started on [::]:8080
  3. Access http://localhost:8080 in your browser.
  4. Login with the following username and password.
    • username : test
    • password : test

Build executable file

Build this source code by the following command.

go build main.go

Project Map

The follwing figure is the map of this sample project.

  + config                  … Define configurations of this system.
  + logger                  … Provide loggers.
  + middleware              … Define custom middleware.
  + migration               … Provide database migration service for development.
  + router                  … Define routing.
  + controller              … Define controllers.
  + model                   … Define models.
  + repository              … Provide a service of database access.
  + service                 … Provide a service of book management.
  + session                 … Provide session management.
  - main.go                 … Entry Point.


This sample provides 3 services: meals, users, and food management.

Meals Management

There are the following services in the Meals management.

Service Name HTTP Method URL Parameter Summary
Get Service GET /api/meal/[MEAL_ID] Meal ID Get a meal data.
List/Search Service GET /api/meal?query=[KEYWORD]&page=[PAGE_NUMBER]&size=[PAGE_SIZE] Page, Keyword(Optional) Get a list of meal.
Regist Service POST /api/meals Meal Regist a meal data.

Users Management

There are the following services in the Users management.

Service Name HTTP Method URL Parameter Summary
Login Service POST /api/auth/login Session ID, User Name, Password Session authentication with username and password.
Logout Service POST /api/auth/logout Session ID Logout a user.
Login Status Check Service GET /api/auth/loginStatus Session ID Check if the user is logged in.
Login Username Service GET /api/auth/loginAccount Session ID Get the login user's username.

Food Management

There are the following services in the Food management.

Service Name HTTP Method URL Parameter Summary
Food List Service GET /api/foods Nothing Get a list of foods.


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