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Stubbed out scan tests for CRUD
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Kevan Holdaway committed Apr 2, 2018
1 parent b120d9f commit 99ebd2d
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Showing 4 changed files with 500 additions and 259 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions camayoc/
Expand Up @@ -344,6 +344,9 @@
QCS_SOURCE_TYPES = ('vcenter', 'network', 'satellite')
"""Types of sources that the quipucords server supports."""

QCS_SCAN_TYPES = ('inspect', 'connect')
"""Types of sources that the quipucords server supports."""

QCS_HOST_MANAGER_TYPES = ('vcenter', 'satellite')
"""Types of host managers that the quipucords server supports."""

Expand Down
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion camayoc/tests/qcs/cli/
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
import pytest

from camayoc.config import get_config
from camayoc.constants import QCS_SOURCE_TYPES
from camayoc.constants import QCS_SCAN_TYPES, QCS_SOURCE_TYPES

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,12 @@ def source_type(request):
return request.param

def scan_type(request):
"""Fixture that returns the quipucords source types."""
return request.param

@pytest.fixture(scope='module', autouse=True)
def cleanup_server():
"""Cleanup objects on the server after each module runs.
Expand Down
354 changes: 354 additions & 0 deletions camayoc/tests/qcs/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
# coding=utf-8
"""Tests for qpc scan job commands.
:caseautomation: automated
:casecomponent: cli
:caseimportance: high
:caselevel: integration
:requirement: Sonar
:testtype: functional
:upstream: yes
import json
import re
import time
from pprint import pformat

import pexpect

import pytest

from camayoc.config import get_config
from camayoc.exceptions import (
from camayoc.utils import name_getter, uuid4

from .conftest import qpc_server_config
from .utils import (

def config_credentials():
"""Return all credentials available on configuration file."""
return get_config().get('credentials', [])
except ConfigFileNotFoundError:
return []

def config_sources():
"""Return all sources available on configuration file."""
return get_config().get('qcs', {}).get('sources', [])
except ConfigFileNotFoundError:
return []

@pytest.fixture(params=config_credentials(), ids=name_getter)
def credentials(request):
"""Return each credential available on the config file."""
return request.param

@pytest.fixture(params=config_sources(), ids=name_getter)
def source(request):
"""Return each source available on the config file."""
return request.param

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module')
def setup_credentials():
"""Create all credentials on the server."""

qpc_cred_clear = pexpect.spawn(
'qpc cred clear --all'
assert qpc_cred_clear.expect(pexpect.EOF) == 0

credentials = get_config().get('credentials', [])
for credential in credentials:
inputs = []
if 'password' in credential:
inputs.append((CONNECTION_PASSWORD_INPUT, credential['password']))
credential['password'] = None
if 'become-password' in credential:
(BECOME_PASSWORD_INPUT, credential['become-password']))
credential['become-password'] = None
cred_add(credential, inputs)

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module')
def setup_sources():
"""Create all sources on the server."""

qpc_cred_clear = pexpect.spawn(
'qpc source clear --all'
assert qpc_cred_clear.expect(pexpect.EOF) == 0

sources = get_config().get('qcs', {}).get('sources', [])
for source in sources:
source['cred'] = source.pop('credentials')
options = source.pop('options', {})
for k, v in options.items():
source[k.replace('_', '-')] = v

def wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='completed', timeout=900):
"""Wait for a scan to reach some ``status`` up to ``timeout`` seconds.
:param scan_job_id: Scan ID to wait for.
:param status: Scan status which will wait for. Default is completed.
:param timeout: wait up to this amount of seconds. Default is 900.
while timeout > 0:
result = scan_job({'id': scan_job_id})
if status != 'failed' and result['status'] == 'failed':
raise FailedScanException(
'The scan with ID "{}" has failed unexpectedly.\n\n'
'The information about the scan is:\n{}\n'
.format(scan_job_id, pformat(result))
if result['status'] == status:
timeout -= 5
raise WaitTimeError(
'Timeout waiting for scan with ID "{}" to achieve the "{}" status.\n\n'
'The information about the scan is:\n{}\n'
.format(scan_job_id, status, pformat(result))

def test_scan(isolated_filesystem, qpc_server_config, source):
"""Scan a single source type.
:id: 49ae6fef-ea41-4b91-b310-6054678bfbb4
:description: Perform a scan on a single source type.
:steps: Run ``qpc scan start --sources <source>``
:expectedresults: The scan must completed without any error and a report
should be available.
scan_name = uuid4()
result = scan_add({
'name': scan_name,
'sources': config_sources()[0]['name'],
match = re.match(r'Scan "{}" was added.'.format(scan_name), result)
assert match is not None
result = scan_start({
'name': scan_name,
match = re.match(r'Scan "(\d+)" started.', result)
assert match is not None
scan_job_id =
result = scan_job({
'id': scan_job_id,
assert result['status'] == 'completed'
report_id = result['report_id']
assert report_id is not None
output_file = 'out.json'
report = report_detail({
'json': None,
'output-file': output_file,
'report': report_id,
with open(output_file) as report_data:
report = json.load(report_data)
assert report.get('sources', []) != []

def test_scan_with_multiple_sources(isolated_filesystem, qpc_server_config):
"""Scan multiple source types.
:id: 58fde39c-52d8-42ee-af4c-1d75a6dc80b0
:description: Perform a scan on multiple source types.
:steps: Run ``qpc scan start --sources <source1> <source2> ...``
:expectedresults: The scan must completed without any error and a report
should be available.
scan_name = uuid4()
result = scan_add({
'name': scan_name,
'sources': ' '.join([source['name'] for source in config_sources()]),
match = re.match(r'Scan "{}" was added.'.format(scan_name), result)
assert match is not None
result = scan_start({
'name': scan_name,
match = re.match(r'Scan "(\d+)" started.', result)
assert match is not None
scan_job_id =
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, timeout=1200)
result = scan_job({
'id': scan_job_id,
assert result['status'] == 'completed'
report_id = result['report_id']
assert report_id is not None
output_file = 'out.json'
report = report_detail({
'json': None,
'output-file': output_file,
'report': report_id,
with open(output_file) as report_data:
report = json.load(report_data)
assert report.get('sources', []) != []

def test_scan_with_disabled_products(isolated_filesystem, qpc_server_config):
"""Perform a scan and disable an optional product.
:id: b1cd9901-44eb-4e71-846c-34e1b19751d0
:description: Perform a scan and disable an optional product.
:steps: Run ``qpc scan start --sources <source> --disable-optional-products
:expectedresults: The scan must completed without any error and a report
should be available. The disabled products should not have results in
the report.
:caseautomation: notautomated

def test_scan_restart(isolated_filesystem, qpc_server_config):
"""Perform a scan and ensure it can be paused and restarted.
:id: 7eb79aa8-fe3d-4fcd-9f1a-5e2d4df2f3b6
:description: Start a scan, then pause it and finally restart it.
1) Run ``qpc scan start --sources <source>`` and store its ID.
2) Stop the scan by running ``qpc scan stop --id <id>``
3) Restart the scan by running ``qpc scan restart --id <id>``
:expectedresults: The scan must completed without any error and a report
should be available.
scan_name = uuid4()
result = scan_add({
'name': scan_name,
'sources': config_sources()[0]['name'],
match = re.match(r'Scan "{}" was added.'.format(scan_name), result)
assert match is not None
result = scan_start({
'name': scan_name,
match = re.match(r'Scan "(\d+)" started.', result)
assert match is not None
scan_job_id =
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='running')
scan_pause({'id': scan_job_id})
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='paused')
scan_restart({'id': scan_job_id})
result = scan_job({
'id': scan_job_id,
assert result['status'] == 'completed'
report_id = result['report_id']
assert report_id is not None
output_file = 'out.json'
report = report_detail({
'json': None,
'output-file': output_file,
'report': report_id,
with open(output_file) as report_data:
report = json.load(report_data)
assert report.get('sources', []) != []

def test_scan_cancel(isolated_filesystem, qpc_server_config):
"""Perform a scan and ensure it can be canceled.
:id: b5c11b82-e86e-478b-b885-89a577f81b13
:description: Start a scan, then cancel it and finally check it can't be
1) Run ``qpc scan start --sources <source>`` and store its ID.
2) Cancel the scan by running ``qpc scan cancel --id <id>``
3) Try to restart the scan by running ``qpc scan restart --id <id>``
:expectedresults: The scan must be canceled and can't not be restarted.
scan_name = uuid4()
result = scan_add({
'name': scan_name,
'sources': config_sources()[0]['name'],
match = re.match(r'Scan "{}" was added.'.format(scan_name), result)
assert match is not None
result = scan_start({
'name': scan_name,
match = re.match(r'Scan "(\d+)" started.', result)
assert match is not None
scan_job_id =
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='running')
scan_cancel({'id': scan_job_id})
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='canceled')
result = scan_restart({'id': scan_job_id}, exitstatus=1)
assert result.startswith(
'Error: Scan cannot be restarted. The scan must be paused for it to '
'be restarted.'

def test_scan_cancel_paused(isolated_filesystem, qpc_server_config):
"""Perform a scan and ensure it can be canceled even when paused.
:id: 62943ef9-8989-4998-8456-8073f8fd9ce4
:description: Start a scan, next stop it, then cancel it and finally check
it can't be restarted.
1) Run ``qpc scan start --sources <source>`` and store its ID.
2) Pause the scan by running ``qpc scan pause --id <id>``
3) Cancel the scan by running ``qpc scan cancel --id <id>``
4) Try to restart the scan by running ``qpc scan restart --id <id>``
:expectedresults: The scan must be canceled and can't not be restarted.
scan_name = uuid4()
result = scan_add({
'name': scan_name,
'sources': config_sources()[0]['name'],
match = re.match(r'Scan "{}" was added.'.format(scan_name), result)
assert match is not None
result = scan_start({
'name': scan_name,
match = re.match(r'Scan "(\d+)" started.', result)
assert match is not None
scan_job_id =
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='running')
scan_pause({'id': scan_job_id})
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='paused')
scan_cancel({'id': scan_job_id})
wait_for_scan(scan_job_id, status='canceled')
result = scan_restart({'id': scan_job_id}, exitstatus=1)
assert result.startswith(
'Error: Scan cannot be restarted. The scan must be paused for it to '
'be restarted.'

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