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quket 0.9.4

 Quket: Quantum Unified Kernel for Emulator Toolbox 
 Official Version 0.9.4
     Copyright 2019-2022 Takashi Tsuchimochi, Yuto Mori, Yuma Shimomoto, Taisei Nishimaki, Yoohee Ryo,
                         Masaki Taii, Takahiro Yoshikura, TsangSiuChung, Kazuki Sasasako, Kengo Yoshimura. All rights Reserved.

 This suite of programs simulates quantum computing for electronic Hamiltonian.

Required libraries

  • python >= 3.6
  • pyscf >= 1.7.5
  • openfermion >= 0.10.0
  • openfermionpyscf >= 0.4
  • Qulacs >= 0.1.9
  • numpy
  • scipy
  • psutil
  • pyberny
  • (optional) mpi4py: MPI
  • (optional) threadpoolctl >= 3: Faster ansatz operation for hybrid parallel calculation. (For this to work, unbind processes and cores, e.g., I_MPI_PIN=0)

How to install

git clone
cd quket
pip install .

Quick introduction

Simply create QuketData instance and run.

import quket
Q = quket.create(basis="sto-3g", geometry=[('H', (0,0,0)), ('H', (0,0,1))], ansatz="uccsd")

Quket overrides QuantumState of Qulacs and QubitOperator and FermionOperator of OpenFermion as quket.QuantumState, etc. They are interfaced via Quket, allowing for easy-non-unitary operations.

import quket
# Set an operator: A = X0 Z1 + Z0 X1
A = quket.QubitOperator('[X0 Z1] + [Z0 X1]')
# Set a two-qubit state:  psi = |00>
psi = quket.QuantumState(2)
# Apply A to psi to obtain a new state
Apsi = A@psi
# Print state
[Sample Output]
 Basis         Coef
| 01 > : +1.0000 +0.0000i
| 10 > : +1.0000 +0.0000i

How to use (more detailed document)

Please refer to documents in docs directory for further instructions.

I. On command line

0. (Optional) Open-MP thread setting

To change the number of threads to nthreads, e.g. 4, do either of the followings before importing quket (more specifically, numpy)



import os
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "4"

1. Import quket and create an instance of QuketData class

create() function generates a QuketData instance that holds most of the information needed for simulations. If no arguments are passed, it generates an empty QuketData instance. In such a case, all the attributes are default values; for example, the number of qubits is undefined.

import quket
Q = quket.create()
System undefined.  
Method    = vqe  
Ansatz    = None  
Nqubits   = None  
Energy    = 0.0  
Converged = False  

To initialize a simulation, use either of the following options.

(1) Put options in argumetns of create()

This prepares a simulation based on options entered, automatically running pyscf and performing Jordan-Wigner transformation, etc.

Q = quket.create(basis="sto-3g", geometry="H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1", ansatz="uccsd")
Basis set = sto-3g  
*** Geometry ******************************  
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000  
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    1.0000000  
Symmetry Dooh : D2h(Abelian)  
E[FCI]    = -1.1011503302326187     (Spin = 1   Ms = 0)  
E[HF]     = -1.0661086493179366    (Spin = 1   Ms = 0)  
NBasis = 2  

(2) (Recommended) Use read option of create() to read in an input

Write an input file H2.inp as follows:

basis = sto-6g
ansatz = uccsd
H 0 0 0
H 0 0 1

Pass the path of H2.inp as str in create():

Q = quket.create(read="./H2.inp")

Here, read= and .inp can be both omitted.

Q = quket.create("H2")
Tips (a): One input can hold multiple jobs by separating the lines by @@@. If this is the case, use job option to specify which job number you want to perform.
Tips (b): If other options are specified directly in create() in addition to read option, then the options are overwritten by the former. For instance, if one wants to use the same input as H2.inp but with the 6-31G basis, the following command suffices:
Q = quket.create("H2", basis="6-31g")
*** Geometry ******************************
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    1.0000000

Symmetry Dooh : D2h(Abelian)
E[FCI] = -1.12677835261831
E[HF]  = -1.0948079628605112
NBasis = 4

(3) (Recommended)Use read() function of QuketData

If there exists a (empty) QuketData instance, one can use read() option to read an input.

Q = quket.create()"H2")

Also, as noted below, one may use load() function to load a binary file stored in the proceeding simulation.

(4) Update parameters in QuketData (set() and initialize())

Use set() method to redefine and update parameters, and perform initialize() to reflect the changes:

Q = quket.create(geometry="H 0 0 0; H 0 0 1", basis="6-31g")
Q.set(ansatz="uccsd", basis="sto-3g")

initialize() re-build the qubit Hamiltonian and re-define all the necessary parameters (number of electrons, etc.). Note that create() indeed performs initialize().

2. Simulate with methods in QuketData

The following functions are essential ones but are not comprehensive.

(1). run() and vqe()

run() performs a calculation corresponding to method and ansatz attributes.
Entered VQE driver
Performing VQE for uccsd
Number of VQE parameters: 3
Initial configuration: | 0011 >
Convergence criteria: ftol = 1E-09, gtol = 1E-05
Theta list = zero
Circuit order: Exp[T1] Exp[T2] |0>
Initial E[uccsd] = -1.066108649318  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  rho = 1
     1: E[uccsd] = -1.100498918254  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  Grad = 5.45e-02  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)
     2: E[uccsd] = -1.101149957270  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  Grad = 1.30e-03  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)

Another way to perform VQE is vqe().

(2). print_state()

Print out the quantum state in QuketData.state. The same as quket.fileio.print_state(QuketData.state).

  Basis          Coef
| 0011 > : +0.9844 +0.0000i
| 1100 > : -0.1762 +0.0000i

(3). get_E(), get_S2(), get_N()

The expectation values of Energy, S^2, and electron number of QuketData.state.


This is the same as the result of using qulacs's Observable, which is stored in QuketData.qulacs.Hamiltonian:


However, get_E() calls QuketData.get_expectation_value() that performs the same operation with MPI, if mpi4py is available. Use get_E(state=***) to compute the expectation value of an arbitrary QuantumState instance (the number of qubits has to be the same)。


Since Q.init_state contains the HF state, we get the HF energy.

(4). fci2qubit(nroots=1)

This performs FCI in the qubit representation (VQE) but is significantly slow for larger qubits. It uses QuketData.fci_coeff obtained from PySCF. If nroots option (int) is given, multiple states are computed, but this requres nroots option in create(), too, so that QuketData.fci_coeff contains nroots solutions.

FCI Energy by Qubits: -1.10887306016844
(FCI state)
  Basis          Coef
| 0011 > : -0.9844 +0.0000i
| 1100 > : +0.1762 +0.0000i

The final FCI QuantumStates are stored in QuketData.fci_states[:].

(5). fidelity()

If QuketData.fci_states is defined via fci2qubit(), then computes the fidelity of QuketData.state.

Note that UCCSD is equivalent to FCI for 2e systems.

(6). get_1RDM(), get_2RDM()

These compute 1RDM (unrelaxed and relaxed ones) and 2RDM of QuketData.state in the spin-orbital basis. get_1RDM() may perform get_2RDM(), as needed for relaxed 1RDM. The results are stored in QuketData.DA, QuketData.DB, QuketData.Daaaa, QuketData.Dbbbb, QuketData.Dbaab. The relaxed 1RDM is stored in QuketData.RelDA and QuketData.RelDB.

from quket import printmat
printmat(Q.RelDA, 'Relaxed density matrix')
Relaxed density matrix

              0             1          

    0     0.9689452    -0.0000000  
    1    -0.0000000     0.0310548  

(7). taper_off(backtransform=False, reduce=True)

This function calls to find the redundant qubits that can be tapered-off, and transform QuketData.state, QuketData.qulacs.Hamiltonian, Quket.pauli_list, Quket.theta_list, etc., to the new reduced mapping. If backtransform=True, backtransformation is done. The option reduce=False transform things to the new mapping but not reduce the qubits.

Tapering-Off Results:
List of Tapered-off Qubits:  [0, 1, 2]
Qubit: 0    Tau: 1.0 [Z0 Z3]
Qubit: 1    Tau: 1.0 [Z1 Z3]
Qubit: 2    Tau: 1.0 [Z2 Z3]

States     transformed.
Operators  transformed.
pauli_list transformed.
theta_list transformed.

Usually, taper_off() method can be used blindly, but how it works is explained below for clarity:

(7a). First perform

Perform the tapering-off algorithm to find out the reduced qubits and unitary transformation. (If create() has taper_off = True option, this is automatically done.)"H2")
Tapering-Off Results:
List of Tapered Qubits: 0 1 2   (total of 3 qubits)
Qubit: 0    Tau: 1.0 [Z0 Z3]
Qubit: 1    Tau: 1.0 [Z1 Z3]
Qubit: 2    Tau: 1.0 [Z2 Z3]

The unitary operator is stored in QuketData.tapering.clifford_operators、the reduced qubits in QuketData.tapering.redundant_bits、and the corresponding eigenvalues in QuketData.tapering.X_eigvals.

(7b). transform_***

Perform the transformation for each quantity.

  • transform_state(backtransform=False, reduce=True) : Transform QuketData.state
  • transform_states(backtransform=False, reduce=False) : Transform states in QuketData (state, init_state, fci_states, etc.)
  • transform_operators(backtransform=False, reduce=True) : Transform operators in QuketData (Hamiltonian, S^2, Number, etc.)
  • transform_pauli_list(backtransform=False, reduce=True) : Transform QuketData.pauli_list
  • transform_theta_list(backtransform=False, reduce=True) : Transform QuketData.theta_list
States     transformed.
Basis         Coef
| 0 > : +1.0000 +0.0000i

0, 1, and 2 qubits from the total of 4 qubits are tapered-off. Note that qulacs.Observable is not transformed yet, so using get_E() results in an error:

 Operators are tapered-off [False]
   States are tapered-off [True]
The result below may be nonsense.

 Mismatch of n_qubits between ops (4) and state (1) 

Exception: Error termination of quket.

Use transform_operators() to reconcile this inconsistency:

Operators  transformed.

For simulations, QuketData.pauli_list has to be also transformed. Most of the methods implemented in Quket use Pauli rotations, for which Pauli strings are listed in QuketData.pauli_list.

pauli_list transformed.
Entered VQE driver
Performing VQE for uccsd
Number of VQE parameters: 1
Initial configuration: | 11 >
Convergence criteria: ftol = 1E-09, gtol = 1E-05
Circuit order: Exp[T1] Exp[T2] |0>
Initial E[uccsd] = -1.073582930786  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  rho = 1  CNOT = 0
     1: E[uccsd] = -1.108219989158  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  Grad = 5.45e-02  CNOT = 13  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)
     2: E[uccsd] = -1.108872678203  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  Grad = 1.32e-03  CNOT = 13  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)
     3: E[uccsd] = -1.108873060168  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  Grad = 5.33e-07  CNOT = 13  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)
 Final: E[uccsd] = -1.108873060168  <S**2> = +0.000000000000000  CNOT = 13  rho = 1

(uccsd state)
 Basis         Coef
| 0 > : +0.9844 +0.0000i
| 1 > : -0.1762 +0.0000i

VQE Done: CPU Time =          0.0119

To backtransform to the original mapping, use backtransform=True:

Operators  backtransformed.
States     backtransformed.
>>> Q.print_state()
  Basis          Coef
| 0011 > : +0.9844 +0.0000i
| 1100 > : -0.1762 +0.0000i

As said above, these operations are done in one step by QuketData.taper_off(backtransform=False, reduce=True)

States     transformed.
Operators  transformed.
Current pauli_list is already tapered-off. No transformation done
Current theta_list is already tapered-off. No transformation done

Note QuketData.tapered manages the flags if states and operators (and pauli_list, etc.) are tapered-off or not. It is highly suggested to make sure that all entries are consistent:

{'operators': True, 'states': True, 'pauli_list': True, 'theta_list': True}
States     backtransformed.
Operators  backtransformed.
pauli_list backtransformed.
theta_list backtransformed.
{'operators': False, 'states': False, 'pauli_list': False, 'theta_list': False}

If qubits are not to be reduced, set reduce=False:

States     transformed.
Operators  transformed.
pauli_list transformed.
theta_list transformed.
  Basis          Coef
| 0000 > : +0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0001 > : -0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0010 > : -0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0011 > : +0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0100 > : +0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0101 > : -0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0110 > : -0.3480 +0.0000i
| 0111 > : +0.3480 +0.0000i

However, reduce=False is mainly for a debugging purpose.

(8). read(filepath)

Read an input file filepath and reconstruct QuketData.

(9). save(filepath), load(filepath)

save(filepath) creates a binary file at filepath and store QuketData in it、and load(filepath) loads it. In the example below, QuketData (Q) is stored in "Q.qkt" (in the same working directory) and we load this data in a different empty QuketData to copy. Note that loading the data overwrites the information (except for the information that are not stored in the data file).'Q.qkt')
Saved in Q.qkt.
new = quket.create()
Data loaded successfully.
*** Geometry ******************************
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    1.0000000

Basis     = sto-6g
NBasis    = 2
Ne        = 2
Norbs     = 2
Ms        = 1
Method    = vqe
Ansatz    = uccsd
Nqubits   = 4
Energy    = -1.1088730601683976
Converged = True

(10) copy()

Copy a QuketData instance:

X = Q.copy()

(11). grad(), opt()

Compute the nuclear energy gradient (grad()) and perform geometry optimization (opt()).

 === Computing 1RDM === 
 === Computing 2RDM === 

*** Nuclear Gradients *********************
            x            y            z
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000   -0.1133090
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    0.1133090
*** Nuclear Gradients *********************
            x            y            z
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000   -0.0000559
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000559

Geometry Optimization Converged in 5 cycles

*** Geometry ******************************
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000   -0.3665310
  H     0.0000000    0.0000000    0.3665310

(12). vqd(det=None)

Initiate VQD (VQE is assumed to have finished). The initial state of the VQD is specified by, for example, det = "1100". If not specified, HF is used, and VQD possibly converges to the first VQE state.

Performing VQD for excited state 1
VQD ready. Perform run().

Then do run() to do VQE (VQD).
Entered VQE driver
Performing VQE for uccsd
Number of VQE parameters: 3
Initial configuration: | 1001 >
Convergence criteria: ftol = 1E-09, gtol = 1E-05
Circuit order: Exp[T1] Exp[T2] |0>
Initial E[uccsd] = -0.558570381277  <S**2> = +1.000000000000000  rho = 1  CNOT = 0
     1: E[uccsd] = -0.737814227010  <S**2> = +1.909297426825680  Grad = 1.64e-01  CNOT = 17  CPU Time =  0.01  (0.00 / step)
     2: E[uccsd] = -0.753222511412  <S**2> = +1.987463086021676  Grad = 6.22e-02  CNOT = 17  CPU Time =  0.01  (0.00 / step)
     3: E[uccsd] = -0.755692877954  <S**2> = +1.999995164490748  Grad = 1.23e-03  CNOT = 17  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)
     4: E[uccsd] = -0.755693831130  <S**2> = +1.999999999915676  Grad = 5.06e-06  CNOT = 17  CPU Time =  0.00  (0.00 / step)
 Final: E[1-uccsd] = -0.755693831130  <S**2> = +1.999999999915676  CNOT = 17  rho = 1

(uccsd state)
  Basis          Coef
| 0110 > : +0.7071 +0.0000i
| 1001 > : +0.7071 +0.0000i

VQE Done: CPU Time =          0.0210

(13). oo()

Orbital-optimization is performed. See sample inputs.

A sample N2.ipynb is in docs directory.

II. On cluster (parallel execution)

Quket also provides a wrapper to automatically perform the simulation on a cluster based on an input file.

(1) Prepare an input ***.inp

(2) Use to run

python *** 

This will return ***.log (among other files), in which the results are printed.

Parallel execution

Quket supports open-MP and MPI (via mpi4py).

Thread parallelization

Specify by -nt option to use $NTHREADS (defaulted to 1) threads.

python3.8 *** -nt $NTHREADS  

MPI parallelization

MPI is available in many places in quket, such as VQE gradients, etc. For an MPI parallel calculation using $NPROCS processes, do

mpirun -np $NPROCS python3.8 -m mpi4py ***

Hybrid parallelization

mpirun -np $NPROCS python3.8 -m mpi4py *** -nt $NTHREADS

File specifications

  • ***.inp : input file
  • ***.log : output file
  • ***.out : stdout file
  • ***.chk : PySCF chkpoint file Depending on methods, the following files may be generated.
  • ***.theta : VQE parameters
  • ***.kappa : Orbital rotation parameters These files can be read as an initial guess for VQE.

How to write ***.inp

An input file should be prepared by writing options in a line-by-line style. Some sample inputs (and outputs) can be found in samples directory.

Necessary options

  • method : vqe, qite, mbe
  • ansatz : uccsd, sauccsd (spin-adapted uccsd), uccgd, 2-UpCCGSD, etc.
  • geometry : Either in the xyz format or z-matrix format.
  A    Ax  Ay  Az
  B    Bx  By  Bz
  C    Cx  Cy  Cz 


  B 1 RAB
  C 1 RAC 2 Ang

For the interative mode, one can pass geometry in terms of string with ; being a break. E.g.,

Q = create(geometry="O 0 0 0; H 0 0 0.9; H 0 0.9 0")
Q = create(geometry="O; H 1 0.9; H 1 0.9 2 90")

Tips: multiple jobs

Multiple jobs can be prepared in one input file, by separating each job by @@@. Note that most options are taken over from the previous job as is. Set clear to remove/clear all the previous options.

Other options


  • basis : Basis function used (default: sto-3g)
  • multiplicity : NOT spin multiplicity, but Nalpha - Nbeta + 1 (default: 1)
  • ms : Number of unpaired electrons, Nalpha - Nbeta. This has a higher priority than multiplicity (default: 0)
  • charge : Charge (default: 0)
  • pyscf_guess : Initial guess for PySCF. 'minao' or 'read' (same as 'chkfile').
  • n_electrons : Number of active electrons (default: all)
  • n_orbitals : Number of active orbitals (default: all)
  • spin : Spin multiplicity for post-HF (e.g., FCI). Default is the same as multiplicity. If you wish to run HF in the singlet, and then use the so-obtained HF orbitals to run FCI in the triplet state, set ms=0, spin=3 (or set multiplicity=1, spin=3)

For Quantum Circuit part

  • rho : Trotter number (default is 1).
  • layers : Number of layers (Trotter slices with different parameters)
  • kappa_guess : Initial guess for kappa. 'zero' (default), 'read', 'mix', 'random'.
  • theta_guess : Initial guess for VQE amplitudes. 'zero' (default), 'read', 'random'.
  • Kappa_to_T1 : If true, use ***.kappa to create the initial guess of T1 in UCCSD. Default is False.
  • mix_level : The number of orbitals around HOMO-LUMO to be mixed, in order to generate a spin mixed state (kappa_guess = "mix"). This makes the calculation intentially spin-unrestricted.
  • DS : The ordering of application of T1 and T2. If 0 (default), Exp[T1]Exp[T2]. If 1, Exp[T2]Exp[T1].
  • constraint_lambda : The lambda value for S**2 penalty.
  • ansatz : Currently the following ansatze are available: hf, uhf, phf, uccd, uccsd, uccgd, uccgsd, uccgsdt, uccgsdtq, sauccd (= spin-adapted uccd), sauccsd, sauccgd, sauccgsd, adapt, k-upccgsd (with k being an integer, e.g., 2-upccgsd), hva/hamiltonian (Hamiltonian variational ansatze), ahva/anti-hamiltonian (anti-symmetrized HVA).

For scipy.optimize

  • opt_method : Scipy method for minimize (default is 'L-BFGS')
  • gtol : Same as scipy's gtol (gradient threshold for convergence).
  • ftol : Same as scipy's ftol (energy threshold for convergence).
  • eps : Stepsize for gradient.
  • maxiter : Maximum iteration number. If 0, just run PySCF and perform Jordan-Wigner transformation, and exit. If -1, just compute the energy.

Spin Symmetry Projection

  • spinproj : If True, spin-projection is performed (for VQE).
  • spin : Spin multiplicity for spin-projection (same as post-HF, see above).
  • euler : Numbers of euler angles for projection, (alpha,beta,gamma). Default is (0,-1,0) (i.e., no projection). Since usually Sz is preserved and thus only beta is required, if euler has one integer input, it is regarded as beta. If it has two integer inputs, they are (alpha, beta), and if it has three inputs, they are (alpha,beta,gamma).
euler =  4        ->  (1,4,1)
euler =  2, 4     ->  (2,4,1)
euler =  2, 4, 3  ->  (2,4,3)

Note that in several cases, spin-projection is applied via S2Proj(QuantumState) in a state-vector format, which yields a superposition of spin-rotated states of QuantumState according to (alpha,beta,gamma) grids. For the complete spin-projection, it requires to set alpha, beta > 0 even for Sz-preserving ansatze such as UCCSD.

Initial state (determinant)

det, determinant : Initial determinant (or configuration). Default is Hartree-Fock.

det = 00001111
det = |00001111>
det = 1 * 00001111
det = 1 * |00001111> - 1 * |00110011>

Any of the above works; however, for ansatze that assume a single determinant as a starting point, such as UCCSD, a multi-determinant specification like the last example will result in an error termination.

For the interative-mode, one can define det in terms of string,

Q = create(det="1 * |00001111> - 1 * |00110011>")


multi section is supported for multi-state calculations such as Model-Space Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution. After multi, set states as a bit string or multi-determinant specification. The subsequent value is weight and can be omitted (default is 1.0).

    |00001111>   0.5 
    |00110011>   0.8

For the comman-line mode, pass a list containing the bit strings:

Q = create(....., multi=["00001111   0.5", "|00100111>  0.8"], ...)


To enable VQD, prepare the excited section. Currently, only orthogonally-Constrained VQE (OC-VQE) of Lee et al. is supported, where the penalty is the previous energy. Also, the allowed state specification is a single determinant, but multi-determinant states are not supported yet. If determinants (bits) are given, VQD is performed starting from these determinants. In the example below, we perform two excited state calculations starting from |00001111> and |00100111> in this order.


For the comman-line mode, pass a list containing the bit strings:

Q = create(....., excited=["00001111","00100111"], ...)

This will perform VQE and then VQD. Instead, one can simply perform VQE first without specifying excited and then perform vqd()
