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File metadata and controls

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title summary permalink sidebar varListJSON varUploadKinds varNoBucket varCantDelRootDir varRootDirNotEmpty varDefaultPrefix include_content
Creating and Managing S3 Buckets in Qumulo Core
This section explains how to create and manage S3 buckets for a Qumulo cluster. These buckets expose a part of your Qumulo file system to applications that use the <a href=''>Amazon S3 API</a>.
The JSON output contains an array named <code>Buckets</code> that contains the individual buckets as objects.
<code>UploadPart</code>, <code>PutObject</code>, or <code>CopyObject</code>
The specified bucket doesn't exist.
You don't have permission to delete the bucket root directory.
The bucket root directory isn't empty.
<a href="#default-directory-prefix">default bucket directory prefix</a>