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A library for working with RDF Turtle.


Myrtle can be included in deps.edn with the following in the :deps map:

com.github.quoll/myrtle {:git/tag "v0.0.1" :git/sha "3763dce"}


For now, this library has been a collection of tools I have been writing to work with RDBMS tables dumped as CSV files.

To load Myrtle:

(require '[myrtle.core :as m])

Tables are typically provided as a seq of arrays, with the first array containing the column names:

(def data [["id" "name" "age" "email"]
           ["1" "Elizabeth" "20" ""]
           ["2" "Fitzwilliam" "28" ""]
           ["3" "Jane" "22" ""]
           ["4" "Charles" "30" ""]])

These can be converted to string-keyed records with to-records:

=> (def records (m/to-records data))
=> records
({"id" "1", "name" "Elizabeth", "age" "20", "email" ""}
 {"id" "2", "name" "Fitzwilliam", "age" "28", "email" ""}
 {"id" "3", "name" "Jane", "age" "22", "email" ""}
 {"id" "4", "name" "Charles", "age" "30", "email" ""})

Alternatively, this can be done via to read the data directly from a file. Note that to-records is lazy, so the data must all be consumed before a stream reader is closed (performed with doall in this example):

(require '[ :as csv])
(require '[ :as io])

(with-open [rdr (io/reader "filename.csv")]
  (doall (to-records (csv/read-csv rdr))))


After any work you may want to do with them, the records can be converted into entites using a specification. This requires a context (a map of localname/namespace pairs used in the RDF), a "key" column, a type for the datatype being created, and a ptype for the localname used for predicates. Optionally, the spec may also include the column to use for labeling the data, and a map of columns to functions to be used to parse that column.

The original context can be based on myrtle.core/base-context which contains the namespaces for rdf, rdfs, and xsd.

(def context (assoc m/base-context
                    "ppl" ""
                    "ppl-prop" ""))
(def spec
 {:context context
  :key "id"
  :type "ppl"  ;; the type must appear in the context map
  :ptype "ppl-prop"  ;; the ptype must appear in the context map
  :colmap {"age" parse-long}})

RDF Conversion

This spec can be used to create a function that converts records into RDF compatible records that can be easily emitted as TTL:

=> (def converter (m/record-entity-converter spec))
=> (def rdf-records (map converter records))
=> rdf-records
({:id :ppl/1,
  :rdf/type :ppl/Ppl,
  :ppl-prop/name "Elizabeth",
  :ppl-prop/age 20,
  :ppl-prop/email ""}
 {:id :ppl/2,
  :rdf/type :ppl/Ppl,
  :ppl-prop/name "Fitzwilliam",
  :ppl-prop/age 28,
  :ppl-prop/email ""}
 {:id :ppl/3,
  :rdf/type :ppl/Ppl,
  :ppl-prop/name "Jane",
  :ppl-prop/age 22,
  :ppl-prop/email ""}
 {:id :ppl/4,
  :rdf/type :ppl/Ppl,
  :ppl-prop/name "Charles",
  :ppl-prop/age 30,
  :ppl-prop/email ""})

Note that Myrtle uses keywords to represent QNames. Also note that the :id key is not an RDF property. This is the equivalent to "@id" in JSON-LD.


Once in this form, the data can be written to a file.

(m/write-ttl-file "people.ttl" context rdf-records)

Full Operation

The above steps are useful while trying to clean the data and determine the appropriate spec, but once this is established, it can all be done in an integrated set of operations:

(let [context (merge m/base-context
                     {"ppl" ""
                      "ppl-prop" ""})
      converter (m/record-entity-converter
                  {:context context
                   :key "id"
                   :type "ppl"
                   :ptype "ppl-prop"
                   :colmap {"age" parse-long}})]
  (with-open [rdr (io/reader "people.csv")]
      (map converter (m/to-records (csv/read-csv rdr)))))

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 2.0.