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thangleiter committed May 7, 2020
2 parents 2578a34 + 2cee556 commit 1e7aaab
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56 changes: 52 additions & 4 deletions
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Simply put, filter functions characterize a pulse's susceptibility to noise at a given frequency and can thus be used to gain insight into the decoherence of the system. The formalism allows for efficient calculation of several quantities of interest such as average gate fidelity. Moreover, the filter function of a composite pulse can be easily derived from those of the constituent pulses, allowing for efficient assembly and characterization of pulse sequences.
## Introduction
Simply put, filter functions characterize a quantum system's susceptibility to noise at a given frequency during a control operation and can thus be used to gain insight into its decoherence. The formalism allows for efficient calculation of several quantities of interest such as average gate fidelity and even the entire quantum process up to a unitary rotation. Moreover, the filter function of a composite pulse can be easily derived from those of the constituent pulses, allowing for efficient assembly and characterization of pulse sequences.

Previously, filter functions have only been computed analytically for select pulses such as dynamical decoupling sequences [1], [2]. With this project we aim to provide a toolkit for calculating and inspecting filter functions for arbitrary pulses including pulses without analytic form such as one might get from numerical pulse optimization algorithms.
Previously, filter functions have only been computed analytically for select pulses such as dynamical decoupling sequences [1, 2]. With this project we aim to provide a toolkit for calculating and inspecting filter functions for arbitrary pulses including pulses without analytic form such as one might get from numerical pulse optimization algorithms.

The package is built to interface with [QuTiP](, a widely-used quantum toolbox for Python, and comes with extensive documentation and a test suite.
The `filter_functions` package is built to interface with [QuTiP](, a widely-used quantum toolbox for Python, and comes with extensive documentation and a test suite. Note that the project is still in pre-release and thus liable to breaking API changes.

As a very brief introduction, consider a Hadamard gate implemented by a pi/2 Y-gate followed by a NOT-gate using simple square pulses. We can calculate and plot the dephasing filter function of the gate with the following code:

import filter_functions as ff
import qutip as qt
from math import pi

H_c = [[qt.sigmax()/2, [0, pi], 'X'],
[qt.sigmay()/2, [pi/2, 0], 'Y']] # control Hamiltonian
H_n = [[qt.sigmaz()/2, [1, 1], 'Z']] # constant coupling to z noise
dt = [1, 1] # time steps

hadamard = ff.PulseSequence(H_c, H_n, dt) # Central object representing a control pulse
omega = ff.util.get_sample_frequencies(hadamard)
F = hadamard.get_filter_function(omega)

ff.plot_filter_function(hadamard) # Filter function cached from before

![Hadamard dephasing filter function](./doc/source/_static/hadamard.png)

An alternative way of obtaining the Hadamard `PulseSequence` is by concatenating the composing pulses:

Y2 = ff.PulseSequence([[qt.sigmay()/2, [pi/2], 'Y']],
[[qt.sigmaz()/2, [1], 'Z']],
X = ff.PulseSequence([[qt.sigmax()/2, [pi], 'X']],
[[qt.sigmaz()/2, [1], 'Z']],


hadamard = Y2 @ X # equivalent: ff.concatenate((Y2, X))
# True (filter function cached during concatenation)

To compute, for example, the infidelity of the gate in the presence of an arbitrary classical noise spectrum, we can simply call `infidelity()`:

spectrum = 1e-2/abs(omega) # omega is symmetric about zero
infidelity = ff.infidelity(hadamard, spectrum, omega)
# array([0.006037]) (one contribution per noise operator)

## Installation
To install the package from PyPI, run `pip install filter_functions`. It is recommended to install QuTiP before by following the [instructions on their website]( rather than installing it through `pip`. To install the package from source run `python develop` to install using symlinks or `python install` without.
Expand All @@ -25,4 +73,4 @@ Building the documentation requires the following additional dependencies: `nbsp
## References
[1]: Cywinski, L., Lutchyn, R. M., Nave, C. P., & Das Sarma, S. (2008). How to enhance dephasing time in superconducting qubits. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 77(17), 1–11. [](

[2]: Green, T. J., Sastrawan, J., Uys, H., & Biercuk, M. J. (2013). Arbitrary quantum control of qubits in the presence of universal noise. New Journal of Physics, 15(9), 095004. [](
[2]: Green, T. J., Sastrawan, J., Uys, H., & Biercuk, M. J. (2013). Arbitrary quantum control of qubits in the presence of universal noise. New Journal of Physics, 15(9), 095004. [](
Binary file added doc/source/_static/hadamard.png
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# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
intersphinx_mapping = {
'python': ('', None),
'numpy': ('', None),
'scipy': ('', None),
'matplotlib': ('', None),
'qutip': ('', None)
'python': ('', None),
'numpy': ('', None),
'scipy': ('', None),
'matplotlib': ('', None),
'qutip': ('', None)

# -- Options for todo extension ----------------------------------------------
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions filter_functions/
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Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ class Basis(ndarray):
basis_array : array_like, shape (n, d, d)
An array or list of square matrices that are elements of an operator
basis spanning :math:`\mathbb{C}^{d\times d}`. *n* should be smaller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,10 +141,10 @@ class Basis(ndarray):
Other than the methods inherited from ``ndarray``, a ``Basis`` instance has
the following methods:
Normalizes the basis in-place (used internally when creating a basis
from elements)
Cleans up floating point errors in-place to make zeros actual zeros.
``eps_scale`` is an optional argument multiplied to the data type's
``eps`` to get the absolute tolerance.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -614,7 +613,8 @@ def expand(M: Union[ndarray, Basis], basis: Union[ndarray, Basis],
.. math::
M &= \sum_j c_j C_j, \\
c_j &= \frac{\mathrm{tr}\big(M C_j\big)}{\mathrm{tr}\big(C_j^2\big)}.
c_j &= \frac{\mathrm{tr}\big(M C_j\big)}
{\mathrm{tr}\big(C_j^\dagger C_j\big)}.
coefficients = np.einsum('...ij,bji->...b', np.asarray(M), basis)
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def calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic(
phases: ndarray, R_l: ndarray, Q_liouville: ndarray,
phases: ndarray, R_g: ndarray, Q_liouville: ndarray,
show_progressbar: Optional[bool] = None) -> ndarray:
Calculate the control matrix from the control matrices of atomic segments.
Expand All @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ def calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic(
phases : array_like, shape (n_dt, n_omega)
The phase factors for :math:`l\in\{0, 1, \dots, n-1\}`.
R_l : array_like, shape (n_dt, n_nops, d**2, n_omega)
R_g : array_like, shape (n_dt, n_nops, d**2, n_omega)
The pulse control matrices for :math:`l\in\{1, 2, \dots, n\}`.
Q_liouville : array_like, shape (n_dt, n_nops, d**2, d**2)
The transfer matrices of the cumulative propagators for
Expand All @@ -107,24 +107,22 @@ def calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic(
See Also
calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch : Control matrix from scratch.
liouville_representation : Liouville representation for a given basis.
n = len(R_l)
n = len(R_g)
# Allocate memory
R = np.zeros(R_l[0].shape, dtype=complex)
R = np.zeros(R_g.shape[1:], dtype=complex)

# Set up a reusable contraction expression. In some cases it is faster to
# also contract the time dimension in the same expression instead of
# looping over it, but we don't distinguish here for readability.
R_expr = contract_expression('o,ijo,jk->iko', phases[0].shape,
R_l[0].shape, Q_liouville[0].shape,
optimize=[(0, 1), (0, 1)])
R_expr = contract_expression('ijo,jk->iko',
R_g.shape[1:], Q_liouville.shape[1:])

for l in progressbar_range(n, show_progressbar=show_progressbar,
for g in progressbar_range(n, show_progressbar=show_progressbar,
desc='Calculating control matrix'):
R += R_expr(phases[l], R_l[l], Q_liouville[l])
R += R_expr(phases[g]*R_g[g], Q_liouville[g])

return R

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,20 +208,16 @@ def calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch(
See Also
calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic : Control matrix from concatenation.
if t is None:
t = np.concatenate(([0], np.asarray(dt).cumsum()))

d = HV.shape[-1]
n = len(dt)
# We're lazy
E = omega
n_coeffs = np.asarray(n_coeffs)

# Allocate memory
R = np.zeros((len(n_opers), len(basis), len(E)), dtype=complex)

# Precompute noise opers transformed to eigenbasis of each pulse
# segment and Q^\dagger @ HV
if d < 4:
Expand All @@ -233,39 +227,35 @@ def calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch(
optimize=['einsum_path', (0, 1), (0, 1)])
QdagV = Q[:-1].transpose(0, 2, 1).conj() @ HV
B = np.empty((len(n_opers), n, d, d), dtype=complex)
B = np.empty((len(n_opers), len(dt), d, d), dtype=complex)
for j, n_oper in enumerate(n_opers):
B[j] = HV.conj().transpose(0, 2, 1) @ n_oper @ HV

# Allocate array for the integral
integral = np.empty((len(E), d, d), dtype=complex)
# Allocate result and buffers for intermediate arrays
R = np.zeros((len(n_opers), len(basis), len(E)), dtype=complex)
exp_buf = np.empty((len(E), d, d), dtype=complex)
int_buf = np.empty((len(E), d, d), dtype=complex)
R_path = ['einsum_path', (0, 3), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 1)]

for l in progressbar_range(n, show_progressbar=show_progressbar,
for l in progressbar_range(len(dt), show_progressbar=show_progressbar,
desc='Calculating control matrix'):
# Create a (n_E, d, d)-shaped array containing the energy
# differences in its last two dimensions

dE = np.subtract.outer(HD[l], HD[l])
# Add the frequencies to get EdE_nm = omega + omega_n - omega_m
EdE = np.add.outer(E, dE)

# Mask the integral to avoid convergence problems
mask_small = np.abs(EdE*dt[l]) <= 1e-7
integral[mask_small] = dt[l]
integral[~mask_small] = (cexp(EdE[~mask_small]*dt[l]) - 1) /\
# Test convergence of integral as argument of exponential -> 0
fn = lambda a, dt: (np.exp(a*dt) - 1)/a - dt
fn1 = lambda a: fn(a, 1)
a = np.logspace(-10, 0, 100)
plt.loglog(a, fn1(a))
# iEdE_nm = 1j*(omega + omega_n - omega_m)
int_buf.real = 0
int_buf.imag = np.add.outer(E, dE, out=int_buf.imag)

# Use expm1 for better convergence with small arguments
exp_buf = np.expm1(int_buf*dt[l], out=exp_buf)
# Catch zero-division warnings
mask = (int_buf != 0)
int_buf = np.divide(exp_buf, int_buf, out=int_buf, where=mask)
int_buf[~mask] = dt[l]

# Faster for d = 2 to also contract over the time dimension instead of
# loop, but for readability we don't distinguish.
R += np.einsum('o,j,jmn,omn,knm->jko',
cexp(E*t[l]), n_coeffs[:, l], B[:, l], integral,
cexp(E*t[l]), n_coeffs[:, l], B[:, l], int_buf,
QdagV[l].conj().T @ basis @ QdagV[l],

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,11 +436,9 @@ def calculate_filter_function(R: ndarray) -> ndarray:
See Also
calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch : Control matrix from scratch.
calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic : Control matrix from concatenation.
calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function : Pulse correlations.
return np.einsum('iko,jko->ijo', R.conj(), R)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,11 +474,9 @@ def calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function(R: ndarray) -> ndarray:
See Also
calculate_control_matrix_from_scratch : Control matrix from scratch.
calculate_control_matrix_from_atomic : Control matrix from concatenation.
calculate_filter_function : Regular filter function.
F_pc = np.einsum('gjko,hlko->ghjlo', R.conj(), R)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,9 +668,8 @@ def error_transfer_matrix(
See Also
infidelity : Calculate only infidelity of a pulse.
N, d = pulse.basis.shape[:2]
u_kl = calculate_error_vector_correlation_functions(pulse, S, omega,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -773,12 +758,16 @@ def infidelity(pulse: 'PulseSequence',
into account.
which : str, optional
Which infidelities should be calculated, may be either 'total'
(default) or 'correlations'. In the former case, only the total
infidelities for each noise operator are returned, in the latter all of
the individual infidelity contributions including the pulse
correlations (note that in this case no checks are performed if the
frequencies are compliant). See :func:`~pulse_sequence.concatenate`
for more details.
(default) or 'correlations'. In the former case, one value is returned
for each noise operator, corresponding to the total infidelity of the
pulse (or pulse sequence). In the latter, an array of infidelities is
returned where element (i,j) corresponds to the infidelity contribution
of the correlations between pulses i and j (see :ref:`Notes <notes>`).
Note that this option is only available if the pulse correlation filter
functions have been computed during concatenation (see
:func:`calculate_pulse_correlation_filter_function` and
:func:`~filter_functions.pulse_sequence.concatenate`) and that in this
case no checks are performed if the frequencies are compliant.
return_smallness : bool, optional
Return the smallness parameter :math:`\xi` for the given spectrum.
test_convergence : bool, optional
Expand All @@ -805,26 +794,30 @@ def infidelity(pulse: 'PulseSequence',
The matplotlib figure and axis instances used for plotting.
Only if *test_convergence* is ``True``.
.. _notes:
The infidelity is given by
.. math::
\big\langle\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{e}\big\rangle &=
\right\rangle \\
&= \frac{1}{2\pi d}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\mathrm{d}\omega
\,\mathrm{tr}\bigl(S(\omega)F(\omega)\bigr) +
\big\langle\mathcal{I}_\mathrm{e}\big\rangle_{\alpha\beta} &=
\frac{1}{2\pi d}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\mathrm{d}\omega\,
+\mathcal{O}\big(\xi^4\big) \\
&= \sum_{g,g'=1}^G \big\langle
with :math:`S_{\alpha\beta}(\omega)` the two-sided noise spectral density
and :math:`F_{\alpha\beta}(\omega)` the first-order filter function for
noise sources :math:`\alpha,\beta`. The noise spectrum may include
correlated noise sources, that is, its entry at :math:`(\alpha,\beta)`
corresponds to the correlations between sources :math:`\alpha` and
are the correlation infidelities that can be computed by setting
To convert to the average gate infidelity, use the
following relation given by Horodecki et al. [Hor99]_ and
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Expand Up @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ def plot_bloch_vector_evolution(pulse: 'PulseSequence',
show** : bool, optional
Whether to show the sphere (by calling :code:`b.make_sphere()`).
return_Bloch : bool, optional
Whether to return the ``qutip.Bloch`` instance
Whether to return the :class:`qutip.bloch.Bloch` instance
bloch_kwargs : dict, optional
A dictionary with keyword arguments to be fed into the Bloch
constructor (if *b* not given).
Expand All @@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ def plot_bloch_vector_evolution(pulse: 'PulseSequence',
See Also
qutip.bloch.Bloch : Qutip's Bloch sphere implementation.
scipy.linalg.expm : asdf
# Raise an exception if not a one-qubit pulse
if not pulse.d == 2:
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