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File metadata and controls

350 lines (321 loc) · 14.3 KB

Setting Up

  1. Install Xcode from the Mac App Store
  2. Open XCode and select Clone an existing project
  3. In the search bar, enter the project URL
  4. Select where to clone to
  5. Done!


Data in the app is gathered from four main endpoints on the Shuttle Tracker website:

Each endpoint stores JSON data, the entries of which are summarized below.


  "id": 1,
  "name": "Bus 95",
  "created": "2018-09-14T16:18:01.427041Z",
  "updated": "2018-09-14T16:18:01.427041Z",
  "enabled": true,
  "tracker_id": "1831394663"

id: The id of the vehicle, from 1 to 11
name: The name of the vehicle (ex. Bus 95 or Van 87)
created: The timestamp of when this vehicle entry was created
updated: The timestamp of when this entry was last updated
enabled: Seems to always be true
tracker_id: Unknown what this represents


  "id": 1,
  "name": "West Campus",
  "description": "",
  "enabled": true,
  "color": "#0080FF",
  "width": 6,
  "stop_ids": [
  "created": "2018-09-14T17:04:49.250185Z",
  "updated": "2019-02-23T16:50:54.637024Z",
  "points": [
    "latitude": 42.730628,
    "longitude": -73.676352
  "active": true,
  "schedule": []

id: The id of the route (1 for West Campus, 2 for East Campus, 3 for Weekend/Late Night, 4 for East Inclement Weather Route, 5 for West Inclement Weather Route, 10 for Arch East Campus)
name: The name of the route
description: Appears to be always empty
enabled: Whether or not this route is currently enabled (ex. typically only West Campus and East Campus are enabled)
color: The hex color of the route outline on the map
width: The width of the route outline on the map
stop_ids: A list of the ids of stops in this route
created: The timestamp of when this route entry was created
updated: The timestamp of when this entry was last updated
points: A list of points (a pair of latitude and longitude values) that make up the route
active: Appears to always be true
schedule: Appears to always be empty


  "id": 1,
  "latitude": 42.73029109316892,
  "longitude": -73.67655873298646,
  "created": "2018-09-14T18:06:36.80459Z",
  "updated": "2018-09-14T18:06:36.80459Z",
  "name": "Student Union",
  "description": "Shuttle stop in front of the Student Union"

id: The id of the stop, from 1 to 21
latitude: The latitude of the stop
longitude: The longitude of the stop
created: The timestamp of when this stop entry was created
updated: The timestamp of when this entry was last updated
name: The name of the stop
description: The description of where the stop is


  "id": 1204867,
  "tracker_id": "1831394663",
  "latitude": 42.7392,
  "longitude": -73.684,
  "heading": 285,
  "speed": 0,
  "time": "2019-06-16T21:04:07Z",
  "created": "2019-06-16T21:04:09.783084Z",
  "vehicle_id": 1,
  "route_id": null

id: The id of the update
tracker_id: Unknown what this represents
latitude: The latitude of vehicle at this update
longitude: The longitude of the vehicle at this update
heading: The angle of the vehicle with north at this update
speed: The speed of the vehicle at this update, in km/h
time: The timestamp of when this update was sent
created: The timestamp of when this update was received
vehicle_id: The id of the vehicle this update is for
route_id: The id of the route the vehicle is on


There is an additional /history endpoint that stores entries of all the update batches received for the last 30 days. The iOS app currently doesn't utilize historical data at all.

Data Parsing

There are four classes that we use to represent data from endpoints: Vehicle, Route, Stop, and Update, as well as Point for representing pairs of latitude and longitude values. These four classes each have static init functions that are used to fetch and initialize data from the corresponding endpoint. For routes and stops, however, data is cached after being initialized and will not be fetched again until the cached data is deleted. (TODO: check for new data)

Vehicle ---> initVehicles() ---------> deserializes the data from the endpoint
                 \                     and populates the vehicles dictionary
                  \                    with objects
                   \                        /
                    ---> fetchVehicles() ---
                   grabs the JSON data from the
                   /vehicles endpoint
Route ---> initRoutes() ---------------> deserializes the data from either
                 \                       the endpoint or cache and populates
              not cached                 the routes dictionary with objects
                    \                        /
                     ---> fetchVehicles() ---
                   grabs the JSON data from the
                   /routes endpoint and caches it
Stop ---> initStops() ----------> deserializes the data from either the
               \                  endpoint or the cache and populates the
           not cached             stops dictionary with objects
                 \                     /
                  ---> fetchStops() ---
                grabs the JSON data from the
                /stops ednpoint and caches it
Update ---> initUpdates(): ----------> deserializes the data from the endpoint,
                  \                    populates the updates list with objects,
                   \                   and propogates the updates to vehicles
                    \                       /
                     ---> fetchUpdates() ---
                    grabs the JSON data from
                    the /updates endpoint

The first three of these init fuctions (initVehicles(), initRoutes(), and initStops()) are called by initData() in the ViewController, which is called only when the view first loads. initUpdates() is called every 10 seconds on a timer.

Vehicles are stored in the global vehicles dictionary [id:vehicle], routes are stored in the global routes dictionary [id:route], stops are stored in the global stops dictionary [id:stop] as well as in their route, and updates are stored in the global updates list as well as in their vehicle.


Currently, all frontend code exists in the ViewController and a few supporting classes such as:

  • ShuttleAnnotation: An annotation for shuttle markers displayed on the map. Stores most of the same data as vehicles.
  • ShuttleAnnotationView: overrides the default MapKit annotatation for markers, i.e. the red pin. Responsible for resizing, coloring, and rotating shuttle markers.
  • RouteView: Routes to be displayed on the map, represented by a polyline.
  • StopAnnotation: An annotation for stops to be displayed on the map. Contains the static function initStopViews(), called in ViewController's initData() when the view loads.
  • ColorPolyline: Overrides the default MapKit polyline and allows it to be recolored.
  • CenteredTabBar: Overrides the default tab bar controller to change the default index.

As for the ViewController itself, the lifecycle is as such:

                    viewDidLoad()               mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap(mapview)
                     /   |   \                          /               \
                    /    |    \                        /                 \
                   /     |     \                registerViews()    initAnnotations()
                  /      |      \                                         |
                 / initMapView() \                                        |
                /                 \                               updateAnnotations()
            initData()        initTimer()
            /   |   \               \
           /    |    \           timer(1s)
          /     |     \               \
 initStops()    | initRouteViews()  update()
 initRoutes()   | initStopViews()       \
 initVehicles() |                 lastUpdateTime > 10?
 initVehicles() |                     /        \
 initUpdates()  |                    no        yes
                |                   /            \
       propagateUpdates()  predictPositions?  initUpdates()
                               /      \            \
                              no      yes           \
                                       |      updates != recentUpdates?
                                   estimate()    /          \
                                                no          yes
                                                            / \
                                                           /   \
                                                          /     \
                                           propagateUpdates()  updateAnnotations()

The key points in this lifecycle are:

  • The order that init functions are called from initData() are important, as routes depend on stops and updates depend on vehicles.
  • update() is called on a 1 second timer, and initUpdates() is called every 10 seconds from this function. If the new updates differ from the old updates, the updates are propagated and all shuttle annotations are updated on the map. If shuttle predictions are turned on and it's been less than 10 seconds since the last batch of updates were received, estimate() is called.


There are two types of notifications supported by the app: nearby notifications and scheduled notifications. Both of these are dispatched via the NotificationHandler instance: handleScheduledNotifications() for scheduled notifications and handleNearbyNotifications() for nearby notifications. These functions are called from update() on a 1 second timer in the view:

                       /     \
                      /  handleScheduledNotifications()
         updates != recentUpdates?
             /        \
            no        yes


A nearby notification is sent whenever a vehicle on a selected route comes within a certain distance of the user, currently 100 meters for testing purposes. A "selected route" is a route that is in the notifyForNearbyIds dictionary; the key is the route ID and the value is a counter that is set to 60 after a notification is sent for that route and counts down until it reaches 0, at which point another notification may be sent when a shuttle on that route enters the notify radius. (TODO: let the user select routes to receive nearby notifications for through the settings panel)


A scheduled notification is sent 5 minutes beforehand and when the user should get on the shuttle to arrive at their destination on time. A scheduled notification is represented by a Trip, an object that stores:

  • start: The stop that the user wants to get on the shuttle at
  • destination: The stop that the user wants to get off the shuttle at
  • getOnShuttleAt: The time that the user should get on the shuttle at in order to arrive at their destination on time. The user does not interact with this value directly.
  • arriveBy: The time that the user wants to get off the shuttle at
  • fiveMinuteWarning: Whether or not the user has been given the "get on the shuttle in 5 minutes" notification for this trip

Trips are displayed and scheduled through the settings panel (in progress). Here's how it works:

  1. The user selects a start, a destination, and an arrival time through the settings panel
  2. The schedule data is iterated through to find the closest time before or equal to the selected arrival time that a shuttle on a route containing both the start and destination reaches the destination. If no route exists that contains both the start and destination, or a similar error occurs, the user should be alerted and the trip should not be scheduled.
  3. Backtrack through the schedule data to find when the shuttle reaching at the destination near the arrival time reaches the start before that. Set getOnShuttleAt accordingly.
  4. Create the trip, store it in notifyForTrips, and display it in the settings panel. The time on the trip will be checked every 10 seconds from handleScheduledNotifications() until both the five minute warning and the precise notification have been sent, at which point the trip will be removed from the list and will no longer be displayed in the settings panel.

Shuttle Prediction

Vehicle objects' estimateCurrentPosition() function can be used to estimate where the vehicle would currently be, represented by a point index on the vehicle's route, based on its last recorded velocity and time since its position was last updated. The algorithm operates as follows:

  1. The shuttle's last recorded speed is converted from km/h to m/s
  2. The m/s speed is multiplied by the time elapsed since the last update was received to find the distance the shuttle would have travelled if it continued at the same speed
  3. The shuttle is snapped to the closest point on the route to its actual latitude and longitude position. This is the starting point.
  4. From the starting point, each successive point is iterated over and the distance from the last point to that point is added to a running tally. Once the elapsed distance exceeds the predicted distance, the last point index is returned.

There are a few key assumptions made by this algorithm that contribute to its unreliability:

  • The shuttle's velocity does not change between updates. This is obviously not true.
  • The true path between each point in a route is a straight line. This is not necessarily true, but this will not influence things much for a well-drawn route.
  • Points in route data are in order. This has not been proven to be true or false.

The algorithm could be significantly improved by removing these assumptions, potentially by looking at historical data in the /history endpoint.