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I02. | Telegram group rules

nnian edited this page Aug 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Telegram group rules

Here we'll list a couple of rules for the Telegram international group(s), please stick to them to keep it fun for everyone.

  1. Keep it civil
    There's no need to insult people, tell other people what to do or curse every few words.

  2. English only
    Except for the national groups please use the national language in this groups.

  3. Stick to what the group is meant for
    We have a dedicated off-topic group, use it.

    A bit of off-topic ain't bad, but within reason.

  4. No piracy, warez, no ICO Advertisement or scam Stuff

  5. Use your brain

  6. Mod decisions are final

  7. DO NOT ASK FOR ETAs. Seriously.

  8. Don't tag admins unless really necessary

Breaking rules will get you a warning, 3 warnings and you get a ban.

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