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Multi-module project with modern android development technologies

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Fitness Assistant

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Fitness Assistant provides a user platform whereby he can train using his exercises and track the result. The Project is based on a multi-module architecture using modern android development technologies.



Technology Overview

NOTE: See dev-mm branch

Modules Structure


  • core - Elements and Technological Solutions used by project modules everywhere
  • core-data - Database and Data Class Models
  • core-theme - App Theme and XML styles
  • feature-N - Functional part of Application

Architecture Diagram


Dagger Dependency Graph


Navigation Graph


  • repository* - For data transferring between OptionSecondFragment and WorkoutFragment are used Statistic data and StatisticSource respectively. OptionSecondFragment saves all customized options by the user and selected exercises. WorkoutFragment requests the Latest Row from Statistic Source and then sets up the workout.

  • nested-grapgh** - OptionFirstFragment and OptionSecondFragment are used shared ViewModel (OptionsViewModel). For this reason, the graph is used for viewModel's lifecycle control.

Technology Stack

  • Kotlin
  • Jetpack
    • Lifecycle
    • LiveData
    • ViewModel
    • Room
    • Navigation Component & safeArgs
  • Dagger2
    • Multibinding
    • Scopes
  • Firebase
    • Performance Monitoring
    • Crashlytics
    • Analytics
  • Admob
  • Glide