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oldie has been archived. It is replaced by the lifecycle package.


This is an experimental package for deprecation of functions and arguments. Deprecation is spread over several releases with three levels of deprecation:

  • Soft-deprecated: This is the first stage of deprecation. The function or argument continues to work normally without any warning. Soft-deprecated functions will generally not be documented, and should not be used in examples or package code. They are left around so that existing code continues to work, but new code should not use them.

  • Deprecated: The function or argument now issues a warning when used or supplied. Users should upgrade their code to use the suggested replacement, if any.

  • Defunct: The function or argument now issues an error when used or supplied.

The deprecation levels can be promoted by calling promote_retirement(). The testthat and the strict packages will probably automatically promote the deprecation levels to make sure you are not using any soft-deprecated functions in your code.



Let's create an obsolete function to illustrate how to retire it:

old_fn <- function() "old"

retire() is a function operator that takes a function and modifies it so that it automatically calls oldie::signal_retired(). It takes as second argument a release cycle:

old_fn <- retire(old_fn, c("0.1.0", "0.3.0", "0.5.0"))

In this release cycle the function is soft-deprecated from version 0.1.0 until 0.3.0. During that period it signals a simple condition. Between 0.3.0 and 0.5.0 it is deprecated and signals a warning. After 0.5.0 it is defunct and issues an error.

If you supply a single version, oldie completes it on the assumption that each minor version increases the deprecation level. The following expressions are thus equivalent:

retire(old_fn, "0.1.0")
retire(old_fn, c("0.1.0", "0.2.0", "0.3.0"))

If there is a new function that you can suggest as replacement, supply its name as third argument:

retire(old_fn, "0.1.0", "new_fn")

# If it lives in another package make it clear with a namespace:
retire(old_fn, "0.1.0", "pkg::new_fn")


When retire() is supplied named arguments it deprecates the function arguments rather than the function itself:

fn <- function(..., old, new) NULL

# This deprecates the argument `old` with no replacement
retire(fn, "0.1.0", old =)

# This deprecates the argument `old` with replacement `new`
retire(fn, "0.1.0", old = new)

If a user supplies the retired argument, two things happen:

  • A deprecation signal is sent. The signal follows the same rule as for function deprecation.

  • The value supplied to the deprecated argument is reassigned to the replacement, if there is one.

Note that the retired argument is automatically added to the function formals if it's not there. This makes the code cleaner because retired arguments don't need to clutter the function definition:

fn <- function(..., new) NULL
retire(fn, "0.1.0", old =)

However this might not be appropriate if the deprecated argument originally appeared before .... In that case the argument order might not be backward compatible.


Gracefully retire your functions or arguments that are no longer needed (experimental)







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