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Add support for composable WITH statements
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r0man committed Jul 19, 2014
1 parent b39541c commit 6da327a
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Showing 3 changed files with 107 additions and 85 deletions.
176 changes: 96 additions & 80 deletions src/sqlingvo/compiler.clj
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(defmethod compile-fn :case [db node]
(let [parts (partition 2 2 nil (:args node))]
(concat-sql (apply concat-sql "CASE"
(concat (for [[test then] (filter #(= 2 (count %1)) parts)]
(concat-sql " WHEN "
(compile-sql db test) " THEN "
(compile-sql db then)))
(for [[else] (filter #(= 1 (count %1)) parts)]
(concat-sql " ELSE " (compile-sql db else)))
[" END"]))
(concat (for [[test then] (filter #(= 2 (count %1)) parts)]
(concat-sql " WHEN "
(compile-sql db test) " THEN "
(compile-sql db then)))
(for [[else] (filter #(= 1 (count %1)) parts)]
(concat-sql " ELSE " (compile-sql db else)))
[" END"]))
(compile-alias db (:as node)))))

(defmethod compile-fn :cast [db {[expr type] :args}]
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"(" (join-sql ", " (compile-exprs db args)) ")"
(compile-alias db as)))

;; WITH Queries (Common Table Expressions)

(defn compile-with [db node compiled-statement]
(if-let [bindings (:bindings node)]
", " (map (fn [alias stmt]
(concat-sql (sql-name db alias) " AS (" (compile-sql db stmt) ")"))
(map first bindings)
(map second bindings)))
" " compiled-statement)


(defmulti compile-from (fn [db ast] (:op ast)))
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(if inherits
(concat-sql " INHERITS (" (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) inherits)) ")")))))

(defmethod compile-sql :delete [db {:keys [where table returning]}]
"DELETE FROM " (compile-sql db table)
(if-not (empty? where)
(concat-sql " WHERE " (compile-sql db where)))
(if-not (empty? returning)
(concat-sql " RETURNING " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) returning)))) ))
(defmethod compile-sql :delete [db node]
(let [{:keys [where table returning]} node]
db (:with node)
"DELETE FROM " (compile-sql db table)
(if-not (empty? where)
(concat-sql " WHERE " (compile-sql db where)))
(if-not (empty? returning)
(concat-sql " RETURNING " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) returning)))) ))))

(defmethod compile-sql :distinct [db {:keys [exprs on]}]
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(defmethod compile-sql :if-exists [db {:keys [op]}]

(defmethod compile-sql :insert [db {:keys [table columns rows default-values values returning select]}]
(let [columns (if (and (empty? columns)
(defmethod compile-sql :insert [db node]
(let [{:keys [table columns rows default-values values returning select]} node
columns (if (and (empty? columns)
(not (empty? values)))
(map (fn [k] {:op :column :name k})
(keys (first values)))
"INSERT INTO " (compile-sql db table)
(if-not (empty? columns)
(concat-sql " (" (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) columns)) ")"))
(if-not (empty? values)
(let [template (str "(" (join ", " (repeat (count columns) "?")) ")")]
", "
(for [value values]
(cons template (map value (map :name columns))))))))
(if select
(concat-sql " " (compile-sql db select)))
(if default-values
(if-not (empty? returning)
(concat-sql " RETURNING " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) returning)))))))
db (:with node)
"INSERT INTO " (compile-sql db table)
(if-not (empty? columns)
(concat-sql " (" (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) columns)) ")"))
(if-not (empty? values)
(let [template (str "(" (join ", " (repeat (count columns) "?")) ")")]
", "
(for [value values]
(cons template (map value (map :name columns))))))))
(if select
(concat-sql " " (compile-sql db select)))
(if default-values
(if-not (empty? returning)
(concat-sql " RETURNING " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) returning))))))))

(defmethod compile-sql :intersect [db node]
(compile-set-op db :intersect node))
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(defmethod compile-sql :restart-identity [db {:keys [op]}]

(defmethod compile-sql :select [db {:keys [exprs distinct joins from where group-by limit offset order-by set]}]
"SELECT " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-expr db %1) exprs))
(if distinct
(compile-sql db distinct))
(if-not (empty? from)
(concat-sql " FROM " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-from db %1) from))))
(if-not (empty? joins)
(concat-sql " " (join-sql " " (map #(compile-sql db %1) joins))))
(if-not (empty? where)
(concat-sql " WHERE " (compile-sql db where)))
(if-not (empty? group-by)
(concat-sql " GROUP BY " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) group-by))))
(if-not (empty? order-by)
(concat-sql " ORDER BY " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) order-by))))
(if limit
(concat-sql " " (compile-sql db limit)))
(if offset
(concat-sql " " (compile-sql db offset)))
(if-not (empty? set)
(concat-sql " " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) set))))))
(defmethod compile-sql :select [db node]
(let [{:keys [exprs distinct joins from where group-by limit offset order-by set]} node]
db (:with node)
"SELECT " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-expr db %1) exprs))
(if distinct
(compile-sql db distinct))
(if-not (empty? from)
(concat-sql " FROM " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-from db %1) from))))
(if-not (empty? joins)
(concat-sql " " (join-sql " " (map #(compile-sql db %1) joins))))
(if-not (empty? where)
(concat-sql " WHERE " (compile-sql db where)))
(if-not (empty? group-by)
(concat-sql " GROUP BY " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) group-by))))
(if-not (empty? order-by)
(concat-sql " ORDER BY " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) order-by))))
(if limit
(concat-sql " " (compile-sql db limit)))
(if offset
(concat-sql " " (compile-sql db offset)))
(if-not (empty? set)
(concat-sql " " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) set))))))))

(defmethod compile-sql :truncate [db {:keys [tables continue-identity restart-identity cascade restrict]}]
(join-sql " " ["TRUNCATE TABLE"
Expand All @@ -454,31 +477,24 @@
(defmethod compile-sql :union [db node]
(compile-set-op db :union node))

(defmethod compile-sql :update [db {:keys [where from exprs table row returning]}]
"UPDATE " (compile-sql db table)
" SET "
", " (if row
(for [column (keys row)]
[(str (sql-quote db column) " = ?") (get row column)])
(map unwrap-stmt (compile-exprs db exprs))))
(if-not (empty? from)
(concat-sql " FROM " (join-sql " " (map #(compile-from db %1) from))))
(if-not (empty? where)
(concat-sql " WHERE " (compile-sql db where)))
(if-not (empty? returning)
(concat-sql " RETURNING " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) returning))))))

(defmethod compile-sql :with [db {:keys [bindings query]}]
", " (map (fn [alias stmt]
(concat-sql (sql-name db alias) " AS (" (compile-sql db stmt) ")"))
(map first bindings)
(map second bindings)))
" " (compile-sql db query)))
(defmethod compile-sql :update [db node]
(let [{:keys [where from exprs table row returning]} node]
db (:with node)
"UPDATE " (compile-sql db table)
" SET "
", " (if row
(for [column (keys row)]
[(str (sql-quote db column) " = ?") (get row column)])
(map unwrap-stmt (compile-exprs db exprs))))
(if-not (empty? from)
(concat-sql " FROM " (join-sql " " (map #(compile-from db %1) from))))
(if-not (empty? where)
(concat-sql " WHERE " (compile-sql db where)))
(if-not (empty? returning)
(concat-sql " RETURNING " (join-sql ", " (map #(compile-sql db %1) returning))))))))

(defmethod compile-sql nil [db {:keys [op]}]
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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/sqlingvo/core.clj
Expand Up @@ -487,11 +487,11 @@ Examples:
(partition 2 bindings))
query (ast query)]
(Stmt. (fn [stmt]
[nil (make-node
:op :with
:children [:bindings :query]
:bindings bindings
:query query)]))))
[nil (assoc query
:with (make-node
:op :with
:children [:bindings]
:bindings bindings))]))))

(defn pprint
"Pretty print the abstract syntax tree of `stmt` to standard output
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions test/sqlingvo/core_test.clj
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(with [:t (delete :foo)]
(delete :bar)))

(deftest-stmt test-with-compose
["WITH a AS (SELECT * FROM \"b\") SELECT * FROM \"a\" WHERE (1 = 1)"]
(compose (with [:a (select [:*] (from :b))]
(select [:*] (from :a)))
(where '(= 1 1))))


(deftest-stmt test-attr-composite-type
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