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USB virus cleaning station

Main features

  • Retrieve untrusted files from USB (via keysas-io) or over the network
  • Perform multiple checks
    • Run anti-virus check (ClamAV)
    • Run Yara parsing
    • Run extensions and size checks
  • Signatures (for scanned files and USB keys)
    • Trusted (Outgoing) USB devices must be signed with Keysas-admin application
    • Each verified file signature is stored in the corresponding file report (.krp)
    • Signatures are post-quantum proof (hybrid Ed25519/Diltithium5 scheme)
    • Private keys are stored using PKCS#8 format
    • x509 certificates are signed by the internal PKI (using Keysas-admin)
  • Authentication
    • Users can be authenticated using personal Yubikeys 5



keysas-core architecture

Files are passed between daemons as raw file descriptors and using abstract sockets (GNU/Linux only). Each daemon adds metadata and sends it to the next daemon using a dedicated abstract socket. Finally, the last daemon (Keysas-out) chooses whether or not to write the file to the output directory according to the corresponding metadata. For each file, a report is systematically created in the output directory (sas_out).

  • Daemons are running under unprivileged users
  • Daemons are sandboxed using systemd (Security drop-in)
  • Daemons are sandboxed using LandLock
  • Daemons are sandboxed using Seccomp (x86_64 & aarch64)

Other binaries or applications available

  • Keysas-admin: Desktop application for remotly managing several Keysas stations (Tauri application). It also provides an hybrid post-quantum PKI to sign USB outgoing devices, sign certificat signing requests (csr) from Keysas stations.
  • Keysas-io: Daemon watching udev events to verify the signature of any mass storage USB devices and mount it as a IN (no or invalid signature) or OUT device (valid signature).
  • Keysas-sign: Command line utility to import PEM certificate via Keysas-admin
  • Keysas-fido: Command line utility to manage Yubikeys 5 enrollment
  • Keysas-backend: Create a websocket server to send different json values to the keysas-frontend
  • Keysas-frontend: Readonly Vue.js Frontend for the final user
  • Keysas-firewall (WIP): Provide a Windows 10 application to verify that documents have been signed by a Keysas station.

Build && Installation

On Debian stable (Bookwoom only):

apt -qy install -y libyara-dev libyara9 wget cmake make lsb-release software-properties-common libseccomp-dev clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam pkg-config git bash libudev-dev libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev build-essential curl wget libssl-dev libgtk-3-dev libayatana-appindicator3-dev librsvg2-dev acl xinit sudo 
bash -c "$(wget -O -"
curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly -y
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
git clone --depth=1 && cd keysas
rustup default nightly
make help
make build
make install

User documentation

User documentation can be found here :