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Releases: r4nx/cryptomsg


17 Mar 20:58
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0.4.0 Pre-release

Togglable debug messages, minor improvements and bugfixes.


12 Mar 20:58
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0.3.0 Pre-release


  • GUI finished
  • get rid of LIP dependency
  • fix aeslua IV defect, described in #1
  • fix /encrypt and /decrypt commands

This release is considered to be stable enough. All known bugs fixed, even that IV problem. But anyway I should switch to lockbox before 1.0.0 release. Now you can track the progress in this project. I forget about the remaining part of GUI at all in previous release - base64 charset and password selection. Now GUI finished. Despite the fact that dialogs-based GUI is pretty nice and it doesn't have any external dependencies, I have found a fault: if another dialog is shown while CryptoMsg menu is active, the thread, that checks was menu respond, is getting stuck in the infinite loop. Next time, when you open the menu, new thread will be created and you will have 2 threads. I think switching to ImGui is good solution. But this is not a critical bug and that's why can be postpound.


10 Mar 15:12
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0.2.0 Pre-release

Almost all necessary features implemented: inline encryption, multiple inline expressions, config, GUI. Some refactoring and tests are needed, but script works stable enough already. There is another issue as for script's dependency - aeslua. It seems that IV generates only after first encryption and 2 same plaintexts will give you same ciphertexts, if you encrypt them right after script loading.

I think after solving problems described below it will be time for alpha prerelease and then release candidate.