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Spotify API extension and sample widget for Quasar.

quasar-spotify-api is licensed under GPL-3.0. Sample widget spotify-now-playing is licensed under the MIT license.


  1. Goto the Spotify Developer Dashboard and log into your Spotify account.
  2. Click Create an App, and give it an App name and description of your choosing.
  3. Once the app is registered, click Edit Settings, and add under Redirect URIs.
  4. Under Users and Access, add your Spotify account.
  5. (Re)start Quasar, then right click the Quasar tray icon, select Settings > spotify-api.
  6. Under the Settings tab, copy your Client ID and Client Secret from the Dashboard to the fields, and click OK.
  7. You will be sent to the app authorization page on your browser. Authorize the app.
  8. Load your widgets that uses quasar-spotify-api.

Since the Spotify API is rate limited for each App, this extension does not provide its own Client ID/Secret. Register your own App on the Spotify Developer Dashboard and set up your Client ID and Secret in Quasar settings. Make sure whitelisted Redirect URIs is set to


Source code is available on GitHub.

This repository should be built as a part of the main Quasar CMake project. See the Quasar repository for more information.

Building on Windows

Build Requirements

Build as a part of the main Quasar CMake project with the option BUILD_SPOTIFY_API set to ON.

Building on Linux

Build Requirements

  • Qt 6.4 or later, with the optional qtnetworkauth module
  • GCC 11+ or Clang 15+
  • CMake 3.23+

Build as a part of the main Quasar CMake project with the option BUILD_SPOTIFY_API set to ON.


quasar-spotify-api implements most of Spotify's Player Endpoint as Quasar Data Sources. See the Spotify API Reference for more details.

These include:

  • currently-playing
  • volume
  • player
  • previous
  • recently-played
  • next
  • pause
  • repeat
  • play
  • seek
  • shuffle
  • devices

Sample Queries/Responses


  "method": "query",
  "params": {
    "topics": ["spotify-api/currently-playing"]


  "spotify-api/currently-playing": {
    "actions": {
      "disallows": {
        "resuming": true,
        "skipping_prev": true
    "context": {
      "external_urls": {
        "spotify": ""
      "href": "",
      "type": "artist",
      "uri": "spotify:artist:1uNFoZAHBGtllmzznpCI3s"
    "currently_playing_type": "track",
    "is_playing": true,
    "item": {
      "album": {
        "album_type": "album",
        "artists": [
            "external_urls": {
              "spotify": ""
            "href": "",
            "id": "1uNFoZAHBGtllmzznpCI3s",
            "name": "Justin Bieber",
            "type": "artist",
            "uri": "spotify:artist:1uNFoZAHBGtllmzznpCI3s"
        "available_markets": [
        "external_urls": {
          "spotify": ""
        "href": "",
        "id": "3BmcYMh0KYsimWL6p2gPa9",
        "images": [
            "height": 640,
            "url": "",
            "width": 640
            "height": 300,
            "url": "",
            "width": 300
            "height": 64,
            "url": "",
            "width": 64
        "name": "My World 2.0",
        "release_date": "2010-01-01",
        "release_date_precision": "day",
        "total_tracks": 10,
        "type": "album",
        "uri": "spotify:album:3BmcYMh0KYsimWL6p2gPa9"
      "artists": [
          "external_urls": {
            "spotify": ""
          "href": "",
          "id": "1uNFoZAHBGtllmzznpCI3s",
          "name": "Justin Bieber",
          "type": "artist",
          "uri": "spotify:artist:1uNFoZAHBGtllmzznpCI3s"
          "external_urls": {
            "spotify": ""
          "href": "",
          "id": "3ipn9JLAPI5GUEo4y4jcoi",
          "name": "Ludacris",
          "type": "artist",
          "uri": "spotify:artist:3ipn9JLAPI5GUEo4y4jcoi"
      "available_markets": [
      "disc_number": 1,
      "duration_ms": 214240,
      "explicit": false,
      "external_ids": {
        "isrc": "USUM70919263"
      "external_urls": {
        "spotify": ""
      "href": "",
      "id": "6epn3r7S14KUqlReYr77hA",
      "is_local": false,
      "name": "Baby",
      "popularity": 73,
      "preview_url": "",
      "track_number": 1,
      "type": "track",
      "uri": "spotify:track:6epn3r7S14KUqlReYr77hA"
    "progress_ms": 8097,
    "timestamp": 1558398525866


  "method": "query",
  "params": {
    "topics": ["spotify-api/play"],
    "args": {
      "device_id": "yourdeviceidhere",
      "context_uri": "spotify:album:6pYNEn4tMc6gdv5fIZf5yn",
      "offset": {
        "position": 9


No response. The track should start playing on your Spotify client.