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TEMPLATE for r5py sample data sets

This is a template repository for creating new r5py sample data sets. R5py sample data sets are namespace packages underneath the namespace r5py.sampledata.

To create a new sample data set,

  • create a repository from this template, and adjust pyproject.toml (look out for ‘CHANGE_THIS’, and also
  • adapt the list of authors accordingly. Then,
  • rename the directory src/r5py/sampledata/CHANGE_THIS to a lowercase name reflecting the content of the sample data set (e.g., the name of the city it covers).
  • Add the sample files to data/,
  • and edit src/r5py/sampledata/NOW_CHANGED_DIRECTORY_NAME/
    • change BASE_URL, and
    • include one variable per data set that is an r5py.util.sample_data_set.SampleDataSet() with the source url and the SHA256 checksum as parameters, and
    • add the data set variable to __all__. Then,
    • update the __version__ string, and
  • edit this README to tell about the data set. Also, don’t forget to
  • change CHANGE_THIS in tests/

Once you have added all data sets, add a tag (equal to f"v{__version__}) and push the changes and tags.

For a detailed example, see r5py.sampledata.sao_paulo.


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