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Rabbit Socks

Support for communicating with RabbitMQ via Websockets (v75 and v76, covering Chrome 5+, Safari 5, and Firefox 4 beta) and Socket.IO clients (covering much of the rest of the browser world).

We've only just begun

Yes, it's early days. WebSockets draft 76 is supported; Socket.IO support is limited to XHR-polling.

How to build it

Follow the usual kerfuffle given on; summary:

$ hg clone
$ cd rabbitmq-public-umbrella
$ make co
$ make
$ hg clone
$ cd rabbit-socks
$ make
$ cd ../rabbitmq-server
$ mkdir -p plugins; cd plugins
$ cp ../../rabbitmq-stomp/dist/*.ez ./
$ cp ../../rabbit-socks/dist/*.ez ./
$ rm rabbit_common.ez
$ cd ..; make run

There -- easy!

How to use it

By default there are no listeners configured. You can start one through configuration or programmatically (e.g., from your own Erlang app).


Rabbit Socks will start listeners specified in the environment entry 'listeners'. By default this is an empty list. The syntax for a listener is

Listener = {Interface, Module, Options}

Interface = rabbit_mochiweb
          | Port
          | {IpAddress, Port}

Options = []
        | [Option | Options]

Port is a port number, of course; Module is a callback module, e.g., 'rabbit_socks_echo'. The options are passed through to mochiweb.

If 'rabbit_mochiweb' is supplied as the interface, the listener will be registered with RabbitMQ's Mochiweb plugin in the context 'socks'.

As usual, you can supply such a configuration on the command line:

$ erl -rabbit_socks listeners [{rabbit_mochiweb, rabbit_socks_echo, []}]

or in a config file.

From code

rabbit_socks:start_listener(Interface, Module, Options).

with the meanings as given above.


A listener serves two kinds of path: paths starting with /websocket/ will use bare WebSockets; paths starting with / will use Socket.IO's protocol (which may also be via WebSockets).

The path after that prefix is given to the callback module.

Callback modules

A callback module must define these procedures:

  • subprotocol_name(): the name of the subprotocol, to be sent in the connection establishment headers.

  • init(Path, []): is given the path and, for a callback module, an empty list (yes this is a wart). It should return {ok, State} if the connection can go ahead; the State will be supplied on subsequent calls.

  • open(WriterModule, WriterArg, State): this is called when the connection has been opened. WriterModule and WriterArg are used to send data, so you should probably keep them in the state. It should return {ok, NewState}.

  • handle_frame(Frame, State): this is called when a frame is received, and should return {ok, NewState}.

  • terminate(State) is called if the connection is closed from the client end. It should return 'ok'.

Returning {error, Reason} at any point will shut the connection down.


Websocket and Socket.IO support for RabbitMQ (deprecated -- see instead)



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