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RabbitMQ Boot Steps Visualiser

This plugin adds an extension to RabbitMQ's Management Web GUI to visualise the current boot steps graph.

Boot Steps are a declarative way to tell RabbitMQ which components to start, and in which order. Since plugins can make use of boot steps, sometimes it's hard to know how a RabbitMQ broker was started, what boot steps were executed, and in which order. This plugins solves that problem by presenting the boot steps as a graph.

More information on the boot steps system can be found here:

It looks like this:

Web Interface


You must build this plugin from source.

Clone the rabbitmq-umbrella:

git clone
cd rabbitmq-public-umbrella
make co
cd deps/rabbitmq_boot_steps_visualiser
make dist

Copy the plugin's .ez file from the ./plugins folder into your RabbitMQ plugins folder. Then you can enable the plugin.


See the LICENSE file.