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QQ memory use improvement
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The rabbit_fifo_index is now only used for messages that have moved from
the messages queue to consumers/return queue. This reduces memory used
per queued message.
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kjnilsson committed Jul 20, 2021
1 parent 1db7319 commit f9b2b8a
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,365 additions and 426 deletions.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions deps/rabbit/src/oqueue.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@

%% O(1) when item is larger than largest item inserted
%% worst O(n)
%% O(1) (amortised)
%% fast when deleting in the order of insertion
%% worst O(n)
%% O(1) (amortised)
%% O(1)

-record(oqueue, {length = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
rear = [] :: list(),
rear_deletes = #{} :: map(),
front = [] :: list(),
last_front_item :: undefined | term()}).

-opaque oqueue() :: #oqueue{}.


-spec new() -> oqueue().
new() -> #oqueue{}.

-spec in(term(), oqueue()) -> oqueue().
in(Item, #oqueue{length = Len,
front = [_ | _] = Front,
last_front_item = LastFrontItem} = Q)
when Item < LastFrontItem ->
Q#oqueue{length = Len + 1,
front = enqueue_front(Item, Front)};
in(Item, #oqueue{length = Len,
rear = Rear} = Q) ->
Q#oqueue{length = Len + 1,
rear = enqueue_rear(Item, Rear)}.

-spec out(oqueue()) ->
{empty | {value, term()}, oqueue()}.
out(#oqueue{length = Len, rear_deletes = Dels} = Q)
when Len - map_size(Dels) == 0 ->
{empty, Q};
out(#oqueue{front = [Item], length = Len} = Q) ->
{{value, Item}, Q#oqueue{front = [],
last_front_item = undefined,
length = Len - 1}};
out(#oqueue{front = [Item | Rem], length = Len} = Q) ->
{{value, Item}, Q#oqueue{front = Rem,
length = Len - 1}};
out(#oqueue{front = []} = Q) ->

-spec delete(term(), oqueue()) ->
oqueue() | {error, not_found}.
delete(Item, #oqueue{length = Len,
last_front_item = LFI,
front = [_ | _] = Front0,
rear = Rear0,
rear_deletes = Dels0} = Q) ->
%% TODO: check if item is out of range to avoid scan
case Item > LFI of
true when map_size(Dels0) == 31 ->
Rear = Rear0 -- maps:keys(Dels0#{Item => Item}),
%% TODO we don't know all were actually deleted
Q#oqueue{rear = Rear,
rear_deletes = #{},
length = Len - 32};
%% item is not in front, scan rear list
%% TODO: this will walk the rear list in the least effective order
%% assuming most deletes will be from the front
% case catch remove(Item, Rear0) of
% not_found ->
% {error, not_found};
% Rear ->
% Q#oqueue{rear = Rear,
% length = Len - 1}
% end;
true ->
%% cache delete
Q#oqueue{rear_deletes = Dels0#{Item => Item}};
false ->
case catch remove(Item, Front0) of
not_found ->
{error, not_found};
[] ->
maybe_reverse(Q#oqueue{front = [],
last_front_item = undefined,
length = Len - 1});
Front when LFI == Item ->
%% the last item of the front list was removed but we still have
%% items in the front list, inefficient to take last but this should
%% be a moderately rare case given the use case of the oqueue
Q#oqueue{front = Front,
last_front_item = lists:last(Front),
length = Len - 1};
Front ->
Q#oqueue{front = Front,
length = Len - 1}
delete(_Item, #oqueue{front = [], rear = []}) ->
{error, not_found};
delete(Item, #oqueue{front = []} = Q) ->
delete(Item, maybe_reverse(Q)).

-spec peek(oqueue()) ->
empty | {value, term(), oqueue()}.
peek(#oqueue{front = [H | _]} = Q) ->
{value, H, Q};
peek(#oqueue{rear = [_|_]} = Q) ->
%% the front is empty, reverse rear now
%% so that future peek ops are cheap
peek(_) ->

-spec len(oqueue()) -> non_neg_integer().
len(#oqueue{rear_deletes = Dels, length = Len}) ->
Len - map_size(Dels).

-spec to_list(oqueue()) -> list().
to_list(#oqueue{rear = Rear0, rear_deletes = Dels, front = Front}) ->
Rear = Rear0 -- maps:keys(Dels),
Front ++ lists:reverse(Rear).

-spec from_list(list()) -> oqueue().
from_list(List) ->
lists:foldl(fun in/2, new(), List).

%% internal

remove(_Item, []) ->
remove(Item, [Item | Tail]) ->
remove(Item, [H | Tail]) ->
[H | remove(Item, Tail)].

% remove_all(Items, []) ->
% throw({empty_list, Items});
% remove_all([], Tail) ->
% Tail;
% remove_all([Item | RemItems], [Item | Tail]) ->
% %% how to record an item was deleted?
% remove_all(RemItems, Tail);
% remove_all([Item | Items], [H | Tail]) when Item < H ->
% [H | remove_all(Item, Tail)].

enqueue_rear(Item, [H | T]) when Item < H->
[H | enqueue_rear(Item, T)];
enqueue_rear(Item, List) ->
[Item | List].

enqueue_front(Item, [H | T]) when Item > H->
[H | enqueue_front(Item, T)];
enqueue_front(Item, List) ->
[Item | List].

maybe_reverse(#oqueue{front = [],
length = Len,
rear_deletes = Dels,
rear = [_|_] = Rear0} = Q) ->
Rear = Rear0 -- maps:keys(Dels),
Q#oqueue{front = lists:reverse(Rear),
rear_deletes = #{},
length = Len - map_size(Dels),
rear = [],
last_front_item = hd(Rear)};
maybe_reverse(Q) ->

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