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#Scala and Emacs with Ensime. Guide for frustrated IDEA users.

this gist is under development. once done i will transform it into blogpost

1. Emacs pre-configuration

1.1 Install Emacs

sudo apt-get install emacs

1.2 Get familiar with Emacs (for first-time users)

If you see Emacs for the first time, go through the interactive tutorial. Simply open Emacs and follow the link of the 'Emacs Guidd Tour'. I mean it, do it! It's less ten 1000 lines of text and it will give you basic intro to the tool.

Further instructions of this tutorial presume that you understand what C-x C-s or M-X means.

1.3 Update your .emacs file

Update ~/.emacs to look like the one available here. If you are new to Emacs, just replace your .emacs file with the provided one.

This file contain all configurations needed to make your Emacs a fully fledged Scala IDE on steroids.

3. Sbt & Ensime

Majority of "IDE" functionalities are provided by ensime-module. That modules requires your project to contain a descriptor file called .ensime placed in top-level folder of your project. There are numerous ways to create that file, but the easiest way is to use generator which will do all work for you in a matter of seconds.

Assuming your project runs on SBT, the best way to do it is by using ensime-sbt plugin:

3.1 Add ensime-sbt plugin

Create and/or update sbt plugins file ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt by adding following line:

addSbtPlugin("org.ensime" % "ensime-sbt" % "0.2.0")

3.2 Generate .ensime file

In root folder of your project run sbt gen-ensime. This will create .ensime file.

4. Ensime in Emacs

4.1 Open your project

Open one of you project files with Emacs (C-x C-f). ScalaMode2 should instantly kick in, providing highlighting for you Scala code. If not done automatically, run it explicitly scala-mode

4.2 Run Ensime

M-x ensime

This will initialize Ensime server and connect it to your Emacs editor. First time your run it, it might take a while to initilize.

Congrats! Now you can use all features provded by both ScalaMode2 & Ensime

5. Shortcuts mapping

5.1 Idea <-> Emacs equivalents

Shortcut IDEA Emacs+ENSIME
Save changes Ctrl+S C-x C-s
Find Type Ctrl+N C-c C-v v
Find File Ctrl+Shift+N C-c C-v V
Context select Ctrl+W C-c C-v .
Recently used files Ctrl+E C-x C-b
Variable/method definition Ctrl+Q C-c C-v i
Jump to definition Ctrl+B M-.
List method parameteres Ctrl+P ???
List project files Ctrl+1 F8
Rename Shift+F C-c C-r r
Find usage Alt+F7 C-c C-v r
Format file Ctrl+Alt+L C-c C-v f
Toggle comment Ctrl+/ C-c /
Double line Ctrl+d C-c d
Import file Alt+Enter+select C-c C-r t
Errors & warning Alt+Enter+select C-c C-v e


Scala and Emacs with Ensime. Guide for frustrated IDEA users.







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