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This app reads the tracking status of packages and shares it in a rabbitmq queue for other app's consumption. Now is doing the tracking search against FedEx API.

  • Ruby version 2.7.1

  • Rails 6 api-only

  • System dependencies: A rabbitmq message broker is needed. Can you use the freetier.

  • Configuration: You need to set an .env file, rename the .envexample and change the connection information to you rabbitmq server: CLOUDAMQP_URL="amqps://user:password@host/user"

  • Database creation: Typical rails db:create and rails db:seed for load test data.

  • How to run the test suite: bundle exec rspec

  • Services: You can use the free tier of and avoid local rabbitmq instalation.

  • How it works: Controller -> For now, the controller commands the search and update of tracking numbers, you can call the update of tracking information in this way: <URL_BASE>/packages/149331877648230/track. You can use the track numbers in the seed file for testing purposes. The information needs to be preloaded for now. Job -> Execute the search in the API of the transportation provider. It does a retry on timeout cases. You can extend the Job Class and implement other provider integrations. Publisher(event) -> Commands the interaction with rabbitmq. Puts the messages in the queue for later consumption.


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