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ksheedlo committed Dec 20, 2014
2 parents fca9aaa + 48cbde3 commit 902be11
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Showing 3 changed files with 324 additions and 0 deletions.
296 changes: 296 additions & 0 deletions mimic/canned_responses/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
Canned responses for MAAS alarm examples.

def alarm_examples():
Canned response for the /alarm_examples call.
return [{
"id": "remote.http_body_match_1",
"label": "Body match - string found",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL if the provided string is found in the body",
"check_type": "remote.http",
"criteria": "if (metric['body_match'] regex '${string}') {\n return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL," +
" '${string} found, returning CRITICAL.');\n}\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "string",
"description": "String to check for in the body",
"type": "string"
}, {
"id": "remote.http_body_match_missing_string",
"label": "Body match - string not found",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL if the provided string is not found in the body",
"check_type": "remote.http",
"criteria": "if (metric['body_match'] == '') {\n return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'HTTP " +
"response did not contain the correct content.');\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, 'HTTP " +
"response contains the correct content');\n",
"fields": []
}, {
"id": "remote.http_connection_time",
"label": "Connection time",
"description": "Alarm which returns WARNING or CRITICAL based on the connection time",
"check_type": "remote.http",
"criteria": "if (metric['duration'] > ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(" +
"CRITICAL, 'HTTP request took more than ${critical_threshold} milliseconds.');\n}\n\nif (" +
"metric['duration'] > ${warning_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, 'HTTP " +
"request took more than ${warning_threshold} milliseconds.');\n}\n\nreturn new " +
"AlarmStatus(OK, 'HTTP connection time is normal');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "Warning threshold (in milliseconds) for the connection time",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "Critical threshold (in milliseconds) for the connection time",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"id": "remote.http_status_code",
"label": "Status code",
"description": "Alarm which returns WARNING if the server responses with 4xx status code or " +
"CRITICAL if it responds with 5xx status code",
"check_type": "remote.http",
"criteria": "if (metric['code'] regex '4[0-9][0-9]') {\n return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, " +
"'HTTP server responding with 4xx status');\n}\n\nif (metric['code'] regex '5[0-9][0-9]') {\n" +
"return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'HTTP server responding with 5xx status');\n}\n\nreturn " +
"new AlarmStatus(OK, 'HTTP server is functioning normally');\n",
"fields": []
}, {
"id": "remote.http_cert_expiration",
"label": "SSL certificate expiration time",
"description": "Alarm which returns WARNING or CRITICAL based on the certificate expiration " +
"check_type": "remote.http",
"criteria": "if (metric['cert_end_in'] < ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'Cert expiring in less than ${critical_threshold} seconds.');\n}\n\nif " +
"(metric['cert_end_in'] < ${warning_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, 'Cert " +
"expiring in less than ${warning_threshold} seconds.');\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, " +
"'HTTP certificate doesn\\'t expire soon.');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "Warning threshold (in seconds) for the certificate expiration",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "Critical threshold (in seconds) for the certificate expiration",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"id": "remote.dns_address_match",
"label": "DNS record address match",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL if the DNS record is not resolved to the " +
"provided address",
"check_type": "remote.dns",
"criteria": "# Match if the 127... address was in the resolution\n# if it wasn't than " +
"default to CRITICAL\n\nif (metric['answer'] regex '.*${address}.*') {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(OK, 'Resolved the correct address!');\n}\nreturn new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL);\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "address",
"description": "Address to which the DNS record must resolve to",
"type": "string"
}, {
"id": "remote.ssh_fingerprint_match",
"label": "SSH fingerprint match",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL if the SSH fingerprint doesn't match the "
"provided one",
"check_type": "remote.ssh",
"criteria": "if (metric['fingerprint'] != '${fingerprint}') {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'SSH fingerprint didn\\'t match the expected one ${fingerprint}');" +
"\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, 'Got expected SSH fingerprint (${fingerprint})');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "fingerprint",
"description": "Expected SSH fingerprint",
"type": "string"
}, {
"id": "remote.ping_packet_loss",
"label": "Ping packet loss",
"description": "Alarm which returns WARNING if the packet loss is greater than 5% and " +
"CRITICAL if it's greater than 20%",
"check_type": "",
"criteria": "if (metric['available'] < 80) {\n return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'Packet loss" +
" is greater than 20%');\n}\n\nif (metric['available'] < 95) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(WARNING, 'Packet loss is greater than 5%');\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, " +
"'Packet loss is normal');\n",
"fields": []
}, {
"id": "remote.tcp_connection_time",
"label": "Connection time",
"description": "Alarm which returns WARNING or CRITICAL based on the connection time",
"check_type": "remote.tcp",
"criteria": "if (metric['duration'] > ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(" +
"CRITICAL, 'TCP Connection took more than ${critical_threshold} milliseconds.');\n}\n\nif " +
"(metric['duration'] > ${warning_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, 'TCP " +
"Connection took more than ${warning_threshold} milliseconds.');\n}\n\nreturn new " +
"AlarmStatus(OK, 'TCP connection time is normal');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "Warning threshold (in seconds) for the connection time",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "Critical threshold (in seconds) for the connection time",
"type": "integer"
}, {
"id": "remote.dns_spf_record_include_match",
"label": "SPF TXT record",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL if the SPF record doesn't contain an include " +
"clause with the provided domain.",
"check_type": "remote.dns",
"criteria": "if (metric['answer'] regex 'v=spf1.* include:${domain} .*[~|-]all') {\n return " +
"new AlarmStatus(OK, 'SPF record with include clause for domain ${domain} exists');\n}\n\n" +
"return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'SPF record doesn\\'t contain an include clause for domain " +
"fields": [{
"name": "domain",
"description": "Domain to check for",
"type": "string"
}, {
"id": "remote.dns_dkim_public_key_match",
"label": "DKIM TXT record",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL if the DKIM record doesn't contain or match the " +
"provided public key.",
"check_type": "remote.dns",
"criteria": "if (metric['answer'] regex '.*p=${public_key}$') {\n return new AlarmStatus(OK," +
" 'DKIM record contains a provided public key');\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'DKIM " +
"record doesn\\'t contain a provided public key');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "public_key",
"description": "Public key to check for. Note: Special characters must be escaped.",
"type": "string"
}, {
"id": "agent.cpu_usage_average",
"label": "CPU Usage",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL, WARNING or OK based upon average CPU usage",
"check_type": "agent.cpu",
"criteria": "if (metric['usage_average'] > ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, 'CPU usage is #{usage_average}%, above your critical threshold of " +
"${critical_threshold}%');\n}\n\nif (metric['usage_average'] > ${warning_threshold}) {\n " +
"return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, 'CPU usage is #{usage_average}%, above your warning threshold" +
" of ${warning_threshold}%');\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, 'CPU usage is " +
"#{usage_average}%, below your warning threshold of ${warning_threshold}%');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "CPU usage percentage above which CRITICAL is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "CPU usage percentage above which WARNING is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"id": "agent.memory_usage",
"label": "Memory usage",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL, WARNING or OK based upon memory usage",
"check_type": "agent.memory",
"criteria": "if (percentage(metric['actual_used'], metric['total']) > 90) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, \"Memory usage is above your critical threshold of 90%\");\n}\n\nif " +
"(percentage(metric['actual_used'], metric['total']) > 80) {\n return new AlarmStatus(" +
"WARNING, \"Memory usage is above your warning threshold of 80%\");\n}\n\nreturn new " +
"AlarmStatus(OK, \"Memory usage is below your warning threshold of 80%\");\n",
"fields": []
}, {
"id": "agent.filesystem_usage",
"label": "Filesystem usage",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL, WARNING or OK based upon filesystem usage",
"check_type": "agent.filesystem",
"criteria": "if (percentage(metric['used'], metric['total']) > 90) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, \"Disk usage is above your critical threshold of 90%\");\n}\n\nif " +
"(percentage(metric['used'], metric['total']) > 80) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, " +
"\"Disk usage is above your warning threshold of 80%\");\n}\n\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, " +
"\"Disk usage is below your warning threshold of 80%\");\n",
"fields": []
}, {
"id": "agent.high_load_average",
"label": "High Load Average",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL, WARNING or OK based on load average",
"check_type": "agent.load_average",
"criteria": "if (metric['5m'] > ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(CRITICAL," +
" '5 minute load average is #{5m}, above your critical threshold of ${critical_threshold}');" +
"\n}\n\nif (metric['5m'] > ${warning_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, '5 " +
"minute load average is #{5m}, above your warning threshold of ${warning_threshold}');\n}\n\n" +
"return new AlarmStatus(OK, '5 minute load average is #{5m}, below your warning threshold of " +
"fields": [{
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "Load average above which CRITICAL is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "Load average above which WARNING is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"id": "agent.network_transmit_rate",
"label": "Network transmit rate",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL, WARNING or OK based upon network transmit rate",
"check_type": "",
"criteria": "if (rate(metric['tx_bytes']) > ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, \"Network transmit rate on ${interface} is above your critical " +
"threshold of ${critical_threshold}B/s\");\n}\n\nif (rate(metric['tx_bytes']) > " +
"${warning_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, \"Network transmit rate on " +
"${interface} is above your warning threshold of ${warning_threshold}B/s\");\n}\n\nreturn new " +
"AlarmStatus(OK, \"Network transmit rate on ${interface} is below your warning threshold of " +
"fields": [{
"name": "interface",
"description": "The network interface to alert on",
"type": "string"
}, {
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "Network transmit rate, in bytes per second, above which CRITICAL is " +
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "Network transmit rate, in bytes per second, above which WARNING is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"id": "agent.network_receive_rate",
"label": "Network receive rate",
"description": "Alarm which returns CRITICAL, WARNING or OK based upon network receive rate",
"check_type": "",
"criteria": "if (rate(metric['rx_bytes']) > ${critical_threshold}) {\n return new " +
"AlarmStatus(CRITICAL, \"Network receive rate on ${interface} is above your critical " +
"threshold of ${critical_threshold}B/s\");\n}\n\nif (rate(metric['rx_bytes']) > " +
"${warning_threshold}) {\n return new AlarmStatus(WARNING, \"Network receive rate on " +
"${interface} is above your warning threshold of ${warning_threshold}B/s\");\n}\n\nreturn new " +
"AlarmStatus(OK, \"Network receive rate on ${interface} is below your warning threshold of " +
"fields": [{
"name": "interface",
"description": "The network interface to alert on",
"type": "string"
}, {
"name": "critical_threshold",
"description": "Network receive rate, in bytes per second, above which CRITICAL is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"name": "warning_threshold",
"description": "Network receive rate, in bytes per second, above which WARNING is returned",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
}, {
"id": "agent.mysql_threads_connected_threshold",
"label": "Connected Threads",
"description": "Alarm which returns WARNING if the threads connected is over the specified " +
"threshold and OK if it is under the specified threshold.",
"check_type": "agent.mysql",
"criteria": "if (metric['threads.connected'] > ${threads.connected.threshold}) {\n\treturn " +
"new AlarmStatus(WARNING, 'Total number of threads connected are above your threshold of " +
"${threads.connected.threshold}');\n}\nreturn new AlarmStatus(OK, 'Total number of threads " +
"connected are below your warning threshold of ${threads.connected.threshold}');\n",
"fields": [{
"name": "threads.connected.threshold",
"description": "Warning threshold for the number of connections",
"type": "whole number (may be zero padded)"
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions mimic/rest/
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
from mimic.imimic import IAPIMock
from mimic.canned_responses.maas_json_home import json_home
from mimic.canned_responses.maas_monitoring_zones import monitoring_zones
from mimic.canned_responses.maas_alarm_examples import alarm_examples
from mimic.util.helper import random_hex_generator

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -868,6 +869,22 @@ def list_monitoring_zones(self, request, tenant_id):
return json.dumps({'values': mzs, 'metadata': metadata})

@app.route('/v1.0/<string:tenant_id>/alarm_examples', methods=['GET'])
def list_alarm_examples(self, request, tenant_id):
Lists all of the alarm examples.
axs = alarm_examples()
metadata = {
'count': len(axs),
'limit': 100,
'marker': None,
'next_marker': None,
'next_href': None
return json.dumps({'values': axs, 'metadata': metadata})

@app.route('/v1.0/<string:tenant_id>/views/alarmCountsPerNp', methods=['GET'])
def alarm_counts_per_np(self, request, tenant_id):
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions mimic/test/
Expand Up @@ -602,6 +602,17 @@ def test_list_monitoring_zones(self):
mz = data['values'][0]
self.assertEquals('mzdfw', mz['id'])

def test_list_alarm_examples(self):
List the alarm examples
req = request(self, self.root, "GET", self.uri + '/alarm_examples', '')
resp = self.successResultOf(req)
self.assertEquals(resp.code, 200)
data = self.get_responsebody(resp)
ax = data['values'][0]
self.assertEquals('remote.http_body_match_1', ax['id'])

def test_alarm_count_per_np(self):
Expand Down

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