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Rackspace Heat template to deploy a single server with Ghost leveraging chef-solo


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Circle CI Description

This is a template for deploying Ghost on a single Linux server. This template is leveraging chef-solo to setup the server.


  • A Heat provider that supports the following:
    • OS::Nova::KeyPair
    • Rackspace::Cloud::Server
    • OS::Heat::RandomString
    • OS::Heat::ChefSolo
  • An OpenStack username, password, and tenant id.
  • python-heatclient >= v0.2.8:
pip install python-heatclient

We recommend installing the client within a Python virtual environment.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to deploy this template using the python-heatclient:

heat --os-username <OS-USERNAME> --os-password <OS-PASSWORD> --os-tenant-id \
  <TENANT-ID> --os-auth-url \
  stack-create Ghost-Stack -f ghost-single.yaml -P flavor="4 GB Performance"
  • For UK customers, use as the --os-auth-url.

Optionally, set environmental variables to avoid needing to provide these values every time a call is made:



Parameters can be replaced with your own values when standing up a stack. Use the -P flag to specify a custom parameter.

  • username: Login name for both the database and system user (Default: ghost)
  • domain: Domain to be used with Ghost site (Default:
  • database_name: Ghost database name (Default: ghost)
  • version: Ghost version to be used (Default: latest)
  • image: Server image used for all servers that are created as a part of this deployment (Default: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin))
  • flavor: Rackspace Cloud Server flavor to use. The size is based on the amount of RAM for the provisioned server. (Default: 4 GB Performance)
  • chef_version: Version of chef client to use (Default: 11.12.8)
  • kitchen: URL for a git repo containing required cookbooks (Default:


Once a stack comes online, use heat output-list to see all available outputs. Use heat output-show <OUTPUT NAME> to get the value fo a specific output.

  • private_key: SSH private that can be used to login as root to the server.
  • server_ip: Public IP address of the cloud server.
  • ghost_url: URL to access Ghost for the first time.
  • ghost_user: The non-privileged user that has sudo access.
  • ghost_user_password: Password to use with ghost_user when logging in via SSH

For multi-line values, the response will come in an escaped form. To get rid of the escapes, use echo -e '<STRING>' > file.txt. For vim users, a substitution can be done within a file using %s/\\n/\r/g.

Stack Details

Accessing Your Deployment

If you provided a domain name that is associated with your Rackspace Cloud account and chose to create DNS records, you should be able to navigate to the provided domain name in your browser. If DNS has not been configured yet, please refer to this documentation on how to setup your Hosts file to allow your browser to access your Deployment via domain name.

To SSH into your server as "root", please use the SSH private key provided in the deployment's secrets. Please refer to our Knowledge Center for instructions on how to use SSH keys on Linux/Mac or Windows.

You may also SSH into the server as the "ghost" user with the "ghost User Password" provided in the deployment's secrets. Once logged in as this user, you can use "sudo" to perform commands as root. The following commands will assume you are using the "ghost" user and will use "sudo". If you prefer to use "root", please drop the "sudo" from the examples.

Once you have SSH'd into your server, you will find Ghost installed in /var/www/vhosts/<domain_name>. There is an Upstart job configured in "/etc/init/ghost.conf" to control the Ghost service. You can start or stop the Ghost service by running "sudo start ghost" or "sudo stop ghost". You can find logs for the Ghost service in "/var/log/upstart/ghost.log". Ghost runs on port 2368; however, Nginx is configured to listen on port 80 and 443 (if SSL was configured) and pass requests to 2368. You can find the Nginx configuration for Ghost in "/etc/nginx/sites-available/ghost.conf".

Getting Started

Ghost is a new blogging platform dedicated to providing a simple, easy to use approach to blogging. Ghost allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even fun to do. It's simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time messing with making your blog work - and more time blogging.

The first step with your new blog is to navigate to /ghost/signup where you will create the your user. Ghost currently only supports one user at this time. After filling out this info, you will be redirected to the admin panel where you can start customizing your blog and adding new posts. To access the admin panel again, navigate to /ghost.

For more information on using Ghost please check out Ghost's usage forums.


Ghost is new and is still in heavy development. However, there are already some plugins and themes to help customize your experience. Checkout the Ghost Marketplace for links. Users coming from WordPress may also be interested in this WordPress plugin to help migrate data from WordPress to Ghost.


There are substantial changes still happening within the OpenStack Heat project. Template contribution guidelines will be drafted in the near future.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Rackspace Heat template to deploy a single server with Ghost leveraging chef-solo







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