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Beyond inductive datatypes exploring Self types
Kind is a proof-gramming language that can be used to define inductive datatypes and prove mathematical theorems. Unlike other proof assistants, Kind doesn't include a complex native induction system. Instead, it extends type-theory with a simple primitive, 'Self', which empowers the core language.
Kind Lang
Victor Taelin

Kind is a proofgramming language that can be used to define inductive datatypes and prove mathematical theorems by induction, just like other proof assistants like Coq, Agda, Idris, Lean. Unlike these, though, Kind doesn't include a complex native inductive datatype system. Instead, it extends type-theory with a very simple primitive, Self, which empowers the core language just enough to allow inductive datatypes to be encoded with native lambdas. But can it go beyond? In this post, I present some creative ways to Self to implement "super inductive" datatypes that are simply impossible in conventional proof assistants.

A quick recap of Self-Types in Kind

Self-types can be described briefly. The dependent function type, ∀ (x : A) -> B(x) allows the type returned by a function call, f(x), to depend on the value of the argument, x. The self-dependent function type, ∀ f(x : A) -> B(f,x) allows the type returned by a function call, f(x), to also depend on the value of the function, f. That is sufficient to encode all the inductive datatypes and proofs present in traditional proof languages, as well as many other things.

To get started, let's recap how Self-Types work in Kind. Let's start by defining the Nat type, a simple recursive function, and an inductive proof:

// A Natural Number is either zero, or the successor of another Natural Number
type Nat {
  succ(pred: Nat)

// A recursive function that removes all `succ` constructors
destroy(a: Nat): Nat
  case a {
    succ: destroy(a.pred)

// An inductive proof that destroying a natural number results in zero
destroy_theorem(a: Nat): destroy(a) == 0
  case a {
    zero: refl
    succ: destroy_theorem(a.pred)

This should be familiar to a reader used to traditional proof assistants. For comparison, here is the same program in Agda:

data Nat : Set where
  zero : Nat
  succ : (pred : Nat) -> Nat

destroy : Nat -> Nat
destroy zero = zero
destroy (succ pred) = destroy pred

destroy-theorem : (a : Nat) -> destroy(a) == 0
destroy-theorem zero = refl
destroy-theorem (succ pred) = destroy-theorem pred

The algorithms are the same. Under the hoods, though, things are very different. When you declare a datatype in Agda, it will add the constructors zero and succ to the global scope. These constructors are atomic, they can't be broken down into smaller pieces.

In Kind, something different happens: the type syntax is translated to top-level definitions that represent the datatype using raw lambdas. Then, the case expressions are translated to raw function applications. After this "desugaring" process, the program above becomes:

// Natural numbers
Nat: Type
  self(P: Nat -> Type) ->
  (zero: P( ->
  (succ: (pred: Nat) -> P(Nat.succ(pred))) ->

// The zero constructor of Nat Nat
  (P, zero, succ) zero // same as: "λP. λzero. λsucc. zero"

// The succ constructor of Nat
Nat.succ(pred: Nat): Nat
  (P, zero, succ) succ(pred) // same as: "λP. λzero. λsucc. (succ pred)"

// A recursive function that removes all `succ` constructors
destroy(a: Nat): Nat
  a((a) Nat)(, (a.pred) destroy(a.pred))

// An inductive proof that destroying a natural number results in zero
destroy_theorem(a: Nat): destroy(a) ==
  a((a) destroy(a) ==, refl, (a.pred) destroy_theorem(a.pred))

// Syntax notes:
// - "self(x: A) -> B" is a self-forall (self-dependent function type)
// - "(f, x) f(f(x))" is a lambda (as in, "λf. λx. (f (f x))")
// - "." is just a name-valid character (so "" is just a name)

In other words, after parsing, the first program is exactly equivalent to this one. If you wanted to, you could completely ignore the type / case syntaxes and just encode your datatypes / pattern-matches with lambdas / applications directly. Doing so will make your programs more verbose, but will grant you the power to do things that were otherwise impossible. Let's explore some of these possibilities now!

Possibility #0: smart constructors

To motivate this example, let's port Agda's Int type to Kind:

// Int.pos(n) represents +n
// Int.neg(n) represents -(n + 1)
type Int {
  pos(n: Nat)
  neg(n: Nat)

The idea is that an Int is either a positive Nat or a negative Nat. In order to avoid having two zeros, the neg constructor starts as -1. This works, but it results in complex, confusing arithmetic functions, as we have to cautiously consider many cases of signs. For example, here is negate and add, ported from Agda:

Int.negate(a: Int): Int
  case a {
    pos: case a.nat {
      zero: Int.pos(
      succ: Int.neg(a.nat.pred)
    neg: Int.pos(Nat.succ(a.nat))

Int.add(a: Int, b: Int): Int
  case a b {
    pos pos: Int.pos(Nat.add(a.nat, b.nat))
    neg neg: Int.neg(Nat.succ(Nat.add(a.nat, b.nat)))
    pos neg: if b.nat <? a.nat
      then Int.pos((a.nat - b.nat) - 1)
      else Int.neg(b.nat - a.nat)
    neg pos: Int.add(Int.pos(b.nat), Int.neg(a.nat))

Disgusting, right? The odds I've inverted some sign or off-by-one error when porting this code are great, and I don't want to prove it either.

An alternative would be to represent an Int as a pair of two Nats, and the integer is represented by the first natural number subtracting the second natural number.

// Int.val(a, b) represents `a - b`
type Int {
  new(pos: Nat, neg: Nat)

In this representation, algorithms become very simple. For example, we could negate an Int by just swapping its components, and we could add two Ints by adding each component:

Int.neg(a: Int): Int
  case a {
    new:, a.pos)

Int.add(a: Int, b: Int): Int
  case a b {
    new new:, b.pos), Nat.add(a.neg, b.neg))

This is beautiful. But while this type is great for algorithms, it breaks theorem proving. That's because there are multiple representations of the same integer. For example, 3 can be written as, 0),, 1),, 2) and so on. This is bad. We could solve this issue by adding an extra field enforcing that either pos or neg is zero:

// Int.val(a, b) represents `a - b`
type Int {
  new(pos: Nat, neg: Nat, eq: Either(Equal(Nat,pos,0), Equal(Nat,neg,0))

This would be technically correct, but algorithms would become considerably worse, as we'd need to prove that eq still holds every time we construct and Int. This is terrible. What if we could, instead, have an constructor that automatically "canonicalized itself", such that, 2) reduced to, 0), making both equal by definition?

A friend of mine, Tesla Zhang, has some unpublished work, where he uses this idea, which he calls "inductive types with conditions", to encode higher inductive types (HITs) and the cubical path type. I'm a simpler person, so I just call this "smart constructors". The concept is implemented in the Arend language with a nice syntax, and the idea was invented individually by me and the language authors.

Kind doesn't have a nice syntax for smart constructors yet. But the surprising fact is we can still encode them by "hacking" the Self encodings generated by the parser! Let's start by asking Kind to display the self-encoding of Int with Kind Int --show:

Int: Type
  self(P: Int -> Type) ->
  (new: (pos:Nat) -> (neg:Nat) -> P(,neg))) ->
  P(self) Nat, neg: Nat): Int
  (P, new) new(pos, neg)

As you can see, the constructor isn't an atomic value, but instead, it is just a regular definition. Does that mean we can add computations inside that definition? Sure! And that is exactly what we are going to do: Nat, neg: Nat): Int
  (P, new)
  case pos {
    zero: new(, neg) // halts
    succ: case neg {
      zero: new(Nat.succ(pos.pred), // halts
      succ:, neg.pred)(P, new) // recurses
  }: P(, neg))

This new "smart constructor" does exactly what it should, decreasing both values recursively until one of them is zero. It is as if we wrote this hypothetical syntax:

type Int {
  new(pos: Nat, neg: Nat) with {
    zero zero: new(zero, zero)             // halts
    zero succ: new(zero, succ(neg.pred))   // halts
    succ zero: new(succ(pos.pred), zero)   // halts
    succ succ:, neg.pred) // recurses

And, yes: it just works! Different ways to represent the same number become equal by definition. So, for example, we can prove that, 2) ==, 0) with just refl:

same:, 2) ==, 0);

And the algorithms become as clean as you'd expect. Check them on the Kind/base/Int directory!

This idea, I believe, can be generalized to represent quotient types; see Aaron Stump's Quotients by Idempotent Functions in Cedille.

Possibility #1: conditional constructors

Edit: after thinking about it, this isn't different from just functions that return types, which conventional proof languages can do just fine. But I'll leave it here because it is still useful information. Go ahead to the next section if you just want to explore self types.

In this paper, Tesla Zhang (again!) proposes a different encoding of indexed datatypes. He starts by presenting the usual definition of Vector in Agda:

data Vector (A : Type) : (len : Nat) -> Type where
  vnil  : Vector A zero
  vcons : (len : Nat) -> (head : A) -> (tail : Vector A len) -> Vect A (succ len)

And then proposes, instead, a definition that, adapted, looks like this:

data Vector (A : Type) (len : Nat) : Type
| A zero        => vnil
| A (succ pred) => vcons (head : A) (tail : Vect A pred)

What this is saying is that the very shape of a Vector depends on the value of len (its length). A Vector with length 0 has only one constructor: vnil. A Vector with length succ(n) has also only one constructor: vcons, with a head and a tail. Tesla argues this is an easier way to implement indexed datatypes since it doesn't require dealing with indices. For Kind, that isn't relevant, as we already have inductive datatypes from Self (which, I argue, is even easier to implement). But this encoding has another benefit: pattern-matching only demands the required cases. If you pattern-match a vector with len > 0, you don't need to provide the nil case at all, which is very convenient as you don't need to prove it is unreachable. Of course, if the len is unknown, then you won't be able to pattern-match it at all until you pattern-match on the len itself.

How can we do it with Self types? Let's start defining the conventional indexed Vector datatype, using the built-in syntax.

type Vector (A: Type) ~ (len: Nat) {
  nil                                          ~ (len =
  cons(len: Nat, head: A, tail: Vector(A,len)) ~ (len = Nat.succ(len))

This has the same information as Agda's definition, although with a slightly different syntax. We can ask Kind to display its self-encoding by typing kind Vector --show on the terminal. The result, adapted for readability, is:

Vector(A: Type, len: Nat): Type
  self(P: Nat -> Vector(A,len) -> Type) ->
  (nil: P(0, nil(A))) ->
  (cons: (len: Nat) -> (head: A) -> (tail: Vector(A,len)) -> P(Nat.succ(len), cons(A,len,head,tail))) ->
  P(len, self)

nil(A: Type): Vector(A,
  (P, nil, cons) nil

cons(A: Type, len: Nat, head: A, tail: Vector(A, len)): Vector(A, Nat.succ(len))
  (P, nil, cons) cons(len,head,tail)

This isn't very easy on the eye, but you don't need to understand how this translation works. The only thing that matters is that Vector is, again, just a regular definition, so we can "hack" it too by adding a computation inside:

Vector(A: Type, len: Nat): Type
  case len {
      self(P: (self: Vector(A,0)) Type) ->
      (nil: P(nil(A))) ->
      self(P: (self: Vector(A,Nat.succ(len.pred))) Type) ->
      (cons: (head: A) -> (tail: Vector(A, len.pred)) -> P(cons(A,len.pred,head,tail))) ->

nil(A: Type): Vector(A, 0)
  (self, nil) nil

cons(A: Type, len: Nat, head: A, tail: Vector(A, len)): Vector(A, Nat.succ(len))
  (self, cons) cons(head, tail)

Here, we pattern-match on len inside of the Vector definition, in order to return two different types. When len zero, Vector becomes a datatype only the nil constructor. When len is succ(n), it becomes a datatype with only the cons constructor. It is as if we wrote this hypothetical syntax:

type Vector(A: Type, len: Nat) {
  case len {
    zero: nil
    succ: cons(head: A, tail: Vector(A, len.pred))

Is that enough to implement Tesla's datatypes? Yes, and it behaves exactly as expected! We can construct Vectors using cons:

my_vec: Vector(Nat, 3)
  cons!!(100, cons!!(200, cons!!(300, nil!)))

And we can destruct using the case syntax, which will work since the desugaring is the same:

head(A: Type, len: Nat, vec: Vector(A, Nat.succ(len))): A
  case vec {
    cons: vec.head

The head function magically type-checks with only the cons case, because Kind knows that the size is not 0. If the size of the vector was unknown:

head(A: Type, len: Nat, vec: Vector(A, len)): Maybe(A)
  case vec {
    nil: ?a
    cons: ?b
  }: A

Kind would complain that it can't infer the type of case. We can't pattern-match on vec on the body of head at all. But we can if we pattern-match on len first and then specialize the type of vec with with:

head(A: Type, len: Nat, vec: Vector(A, len)): Maybe(A)
  case len with vec {
    zero: case vec {
      nil: none
    succ: case vec {
      cons: some(vec.head)

Kind graciously demands only the nil case on the zero branch and only the cons case on the succ branch!

To be honest, I'm surprised it works so well, given that I wasn't even aware of this encoding when I implemented the language. In a future, I may update Kind to incorporate Tesla's syntax for this kind of datatype, but the fact you can already do that by manually tweaking the Self-encodings is beautiful.

Possibility #2: first-class modules

Check this post for a simple encoding of first-class modules with self types.

Possibility #3: higher inductive types

From ncatlab, "Higher inductive types (HITs) are a generalization of inductive types which allow the constructors to produce, not just points of the type being defined, but also elements of its iterated identity types." In simpler words, it is as if a datatype could have constructors with types that aren't necessarily the same as the type being defined, but, instead, equalities. For example, we could define a type for "unordered pairs" as:

data UnordPair (A : Set) : Set where
  make : (a : A) -> (b : A) -> UnordPair A
  swap : make a b == make b a

This pair type has an extra constructor, swap, that enforces that (a,b) == (b,a). Because of that, whenever we pattern-match on UnordPair, we must prove that the result will not depend on the order of the arguments. As such, it is impossible to, for example, write the function "first" for it; after all, there is no such a thing as the first element of an unordered pair. But it is possible to write the function "sum", because a + b == b + a, so the order doesn't matter when adding both values.

Can we encode UnordPair with Self? Well yes, but actually no. Let's start by encoding it without the swap constructor:

UPair(A: Type): Type
  self(P: UPair(A) -> Type) ->
  (make: (a: A) -> (b: A) -> P(UPair.make(A, a,b))) ->

UPair.make(A: Type, a: A, b: A): UPair(A)
  (P, make) make(a, b)

This is just a regular pair. Now, let's try to hack it again and add the swap constructor:

UPair(A: Type): Type
  self(P: UPair(A) -> Type) ->
  (make: (a: A) -> (b: A) -> P(UPair.make(A, a,b))) ->
  (swap: (a: A) -> (b: A) -> Equal(_, make(a,b), make(b,a))) ->

UPair.make(A: Type, a: A, b: A): UPair(A)
  (P, make, swap) make(a, b)

As you can see, all we did is add a new constructor, swap, that returns an Equal(...) instead of a P(...). That constructor is supposed to, whenever we pattern-match an UPair, demand a proof that the value returned by the make branch doesn't depend on the order of a and b. Does that work? No! That's because Kind doesn't have heterogeneous equality, and make(a,b) and make(b,a) have different types (P(UPair.make(A, a,b)) and P(UPair.make(A, b,a))). We can make it work, though, if we create a non-inductive version of UPair:

UPair(A: Type): Type
  self(P: Type) ->
  (make: (a: A) -> (b: A) -> P) ->
  (swap: (a: A) -> (b: A) -> Equal(P, make(a,b), make(b,a))) ->

UPair.make(A: Type, a: A, b: A): UPair(A)
  (P, make, swap) make(a, b)

This definition allows us to create unordered pairs, and we can pattern-match on them, as long as the result doesn't depend on the order of the elements. For example, we can return a constant:

Test: Nat
  let upair = UPair.make!(1, 2)
  case upair {
    make: 4
    swap: refl

And we can add both elements:

Test: Nat
  let upair = UPair.make!(1, 2)
  case upair {
    make: upair.a + upair.b
    swap: Nat.add.comm(upair.a, upair.b)

But we can't get the first element:

Test: Nat
  let upair = UPair.make!(1, 2)
  case upair {
    make: upair.a
    swap: ?a

As that would demand a proof that 1 == 2.

While this kinda works, we can't prove the induction principle for UPair's, because we had to make the Self-encoding non-inductive due to the lack of heterogeneous equality. Moreover, even if we could, we'd still not be able to prove that UPair.make!(a,b) == UPair.make!(b,a) because the language lacks funext. If we did have both heterogeneous equality and funext, though, then we'd be able to encode higher inductive types as done in cubical languages. It is an open problem to have these without huge structural changes on Kind's core language. If you have any clue on how that could be done, please let me know!

Possibility #3: intervals and paths

The main insight is that we can encode the Interval type and the Path type as Self-encodings that refer to each other. The Interval type is like a boolean, but with an extra constructor of type i0 == i1 forcing that, in order to eliminate an interval, both cases must be equal. The Path type proposes that two values a, b : A are equal if there exists a function t : I -> A such that t(i0) = a and t(i1) = b. In other words, it is the equivalent of:

data I : Set where
 i0 : I
 i1 : I
 ie : Path A i0 i1

data Path (A: I -> Set) : (A i0) -> (A i1) -> Set where
  abs : (t : (i: I) -> A i) -> Path A (t i0) (t i1)

Here is it:

// The Interval type:
// Γ ⊢
// ------------
// Γ ⊢ I : Type

I: Type
  i(P: I -> Type) ->
  (i0: P(i0)) ->
  (i1: P(i1)) ->
  (ie: Path(P, i0, i1)) ->

// The i0 interval:
// Γ ⊢
// ----------
// Γ ⊢ i0 : I

i0: I
  (P, i0, i1, ie) i0

// The i1 interval:
// Γ ⊢
// ----------
// Γ ⊢ i1 : I

i1: I
  (P, i0, i1, ie) i1

// Interval equality:
// Γ ⊢
// -----------------
// Γ ⊢ ie : i0 == i1

ie: Path((i) I, i0, i1)
  (P, abs) abs((i) i)

// The Path type:
// Γ, i : Type ⊢ A(i) : Type
// Γ           ⊢ a    : A(i)
// Γ           ⊢ b    : A(i)
// -------------------------------
// Γ ⊢ Path(A, a, b) : Type

Path(A: I -> Type, a: A(i0), b: A(i1)) : Type
  path(P: (a: A(i0)) -> (b: A(i1)) -> Path(A, a, b) -> Type) ->
  (abs: (t: (i:I) -> A(i)) -> P(t(i0), t(i1), Path.abs(A, t))) ->
  P(a, b, path)

// Path abstraction:
// Γ ⊢ A            Γ, i : I ⊢ t : A
// ---------------------------------
// Γ ⊢ (i) t : Path(A, t(i0), t(i1))

Path.abs (A: I -> Type) (t: (i:I) -> A(i)): Path(A, t(i0), t(i1))
  (P, abs) abs(t)

// Path application:
// Γ ⊢ e : Path(A, a, b)
// Γ ⊢ i : I
// ---------------------
// Γ ⊢ e(i) : A

app(A: I -> Type, a: A(i0), b: A(i1), e: Path(A, a, b), i: I): A(i)
  i(A, a, b, e)

// Path left:
// Γ ⊢ a : A
// Γ ⊢ b : B
// Γ ⊢ e : Path A a b
// --------------------------
// Γ ⊢ p0(a,b,e) : e(i0) == a

p0(A: Type, a: A, b: A, P: A -> Type, e: Path((i) A,a,b), p: P(app((i) A,a,b,e,i0))): P(a)
  e((x, y, e) P(app((i) A,x,y,e,i0)) -> P(x), (t) (p) p, p)

// Path right:
// Γ ⊢ A : Type
// Γ ⊢ a : A
// Γ ⊢ b : B
// Γ ⊢ e : Path A a b
// --------------------------
// Γ ⊢ p1(a,b,e) : e(i1) == b

p1(A: Type, a: A, b: A, P: A -> Type, e: Path((i) A,a,b), p: P(app((i) A,a,b,e,i1))): P(b)
  e((x, y, e) P(app((i) A,x,y,e,i1)) -> P(y), (t) (k) k, p)

// Path reflexivity:
// refl : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {x : A} → Path A x x
// refl {x = x} = λ i → x

refl(A: Type, x: A): Path((i) A, x, x)
  (P, abs) abs((i) x)

// Path congruence:
// cong : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {x y : A} {B : A → Set ℓ} (f : (a : A) → B a) (p : x ≡ y) → PathP (λ i → B (p i)) (f x) (f y)
// cong f p i = f (p i)

  (A: Type) ->
  (B: A -> Type) ->
  (x: A) ->
  (y: A) ->
  (f: (a: A) -> B(a)) ->
  (p: Path((i) A, x, y)) ->
  : Path((i) B(app((i) A, x, y, p, i)), f(x), f(y))
  (P, abs) abs((i) f(app((i) A, x, y, p, i)))

// Path symmetry: (TODO: depends on `neg`)
// sym : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Set ℓ} {x y : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ x
// sym p = λ i → p (~ i)

// Examples

type Bool {

// We can prove that `true = true` by using a constant
tt0: Path((i) Bool, Bool.true, Bool.true)
  Path.abs((i) Bool, (i) Bool.true)

// We can prove that `true = true` by pattern-matching
tt1: Path((i) Bool, Bool.true, Bool.true)
  Path.abs((i) Bool, (i)
    case i {
      i0: Bool.true
      i1: Bool.true
      ie: refl<Bool>(Bool.true)

// We can't prove that `true = false`!

// The fact that the images of two equal elements are equal:
// Γ ⊢ a : A
// Γ ⊢ b : A
// Γ ⊢ f : A → B
// Γ ⊢ p : Path A a b
// -------------------------------------
// Γ ⊢ Path.abs((i) f (p i)) : Path B (f a) (f b)
img(A: Type, B: Type, a: A, b: A, f: A -> B, p: Path((i) A, a, b)): Path((i) B, f(a), f(b))
  Path.abs((i) B, (i) f(app((i) A,a,b,p,i)))

// Function extensionality:
// Note that this is eta-expanded as `(x) f(x) = (x) g(x)` because Formality
// doesn't eta-reduce for performance and code-simplicity reasons, but this
// could easily be added to the language to have `f = g`.
  (A: Type) ->
  (B: A -> Type) ->
  (f: (x: A) -> B(x)) ->
  (g: (x: A) -> B(x)) ->
  (h: (x: A) -> Path((i) B(x), f(x), g(x))) ->
  : Path((i) (x: A) -> B(x), (x) f(x), (x) g(x))
  Path.abs((i) (x:A) -> B(x))((i) (x) app((i) B(x), f(x), g(x), h(x), i))

Sadly, while we can prove funext for this type, we can't prove transp, even though it is true. Finding a simple way to extend Kind's core language to allow transp to be proved internally is another open problem.