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This transition uses CSS transforms to 'fly' elements to their natural location on the page, fading in from transparent as they go. By default, they will fly in from left.

{{#if visible}}
  <div intro-outro='fly'>
    this will fly in and out of view
    depending on the value of `visible`


Include it from CDN...

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

...or install from npm...

npm install ractive-transitions-fly

...or download it and add it as a script tag to your page:

<script src='ractive.js'></script> <!-- must go first! -->
<script src='ractive-transitions-fly.js'></script>

Use as a module...

**Note: previous versions of this plugin would 'self-register'. If you are using a module system such as Browserify, Webpack or RequireJS, that's no longer the case - you must explicitly register the plugin.


var Ractive = require( 'ractive' );

// To use the fly transition with a specific instance
var ractive = new Ractive({
  el: 'body',
  template: myTemplate,
  transitions: {
    fly: require( 'ractive-transitions-fly' )

// To use it with components
MyComponent = Ractive.extend({
  template: componentTemplate,
  transitions: {
    fly: require( 'ractive-transitions-fly' )

// To make it globally available to *all* instances = require( 'ractive-transitions-fly' );


define([ 'ractive', 'ractive-transitions-fly' ], function ( Ractive, fly ) {
  var ractive = new Ractive({
    el: 'body',
    template: myTemplate,
    transitions: {
      fly: fly


import Ractive from 'ractive';

var ractive = new Ractive({
  el: 'body',
  template: myTemplate,
  transitions: { fly }

Use as a <script> tag

If you include ractive-transitions-fly as a script tag, it will 'self-register' with the global Ractive object, and all Ractive instances will be able to use it.


You can specify the x and y positions to fly in from (or out to), using the conventional syntax:

<div intro-outro='fly:{"x":0,"y":"-200"}'>this will fly down from above</div>

You can also specify the delay, duration and easing properties. Both delay and duration are in milliseconds. The easing value must be a valid CSS easing function (see


Copyright (c) 2013-15 Rich Harris. Licensed MIT.