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rad edited this page Sep 29, 2017 · 11 revisions

How This Wiki Will Be Used

  • I'm going to use this wiki as a way to create my backlog of work.
  • I will attempt to keep it up to date as I complete work on each backlog item in my sprints.
  • I will also attempt to show which Items I am working on in my current sprint.
  • I will date-stamp lists and work and keep most recent work at the top of this page.
  • Items marked with [X] are completed [-] are in process or partially complete, [ ] not currently being worked on

2017-09-29 Backlog

Lot's of work yesterday (09/28) because I got a bit stuck on the Edit Site piece. Running on GenyMotion emulator and local emulator and having difficulties in both places. The GenyMotion emulator accepts clicks in odd places (not quite on target). Also onLongHold event on Spinner was working oddly. Also discovered that much functionality that is assumed to be in Spinner is not actually there. Documented this on SO : Android Studio Code Completion Provides methods not available

Need to clean up bugs

Much of the functionality for Edit Site Keys is now available, but it is still buggy and doesn't work quite right. The working code is still in the branch (AddSiteReqsAndJson).

More Backlog Items

[] Must sort SiteKeys in Spinner -- first sort them simply alphabetically but later allow the user to move them around in the list.
[] Seems like changes to uppercase and specialchars get saved but maxlength changes are not saving properly
[] Insure that password is auto re-generated when user makes changes to site key reqs.
[] Need to change package namespace for two major reasons*

*Two Reasons to Change Package Namespace

  1. I seem to have lost my original private certificate I used to deploy the original C'YaPass on Google Play.
  2. This will be a breaking release since it will overwrite the User Prefs file where the Site Keys were originally stored as plaintext (now stored in JSON). If I release it as the same package name it may overwrite those values and user would lose them. Changing package name should allow the user to install the newest version and then remove the old one after they've gotten their site keys. THis is a challenge because User Prefs is a protected area that no other app can read from.

2017-09-26 Backlog

  • [X] Convert text file which contains SiteKeys (SiteInfo in Android) to JSON
    This needs to auto-convert the file if necessary and not convert it if it isn't.
    That reminds me! When the user installs the new version the old SiteKeys are going to be lost. I need a way to resolve that issue.
    2017-09-27 Completed conversion to JSON. However, there is no good way to convert the user's old keys. This is a breaking change to those users and they will lose their keys. It's unfortunate and really caused by my rush and bad decision to save sitekeys as comma-delimited strings.
  • [X] Rename SiteInfo class to SiteKey to match Windows and iOS projects.
  • [X] Add new properties to SiteKey class which are used to track values for site requirements (add uppercase, add special chars, set maxlength) 2017-09-26 These have been added but values aren't set in them yet. THey do get written to JSON and now the JSON matches the Windows JSON exactly.
  • [X] add checkbox items (uppercase, special chars, max length) etc on popup Add SiteKey dialog so user can set site requirements when creating a new Site Key -- similar to how it is done on Windows app. 2017-09-27 I've added these to the dialog box but they aren't wired up yet so not complete as of now.