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📉   MQTT ⇒ InfluxDB Gateway   📈

An MQTT gateway sending data to InfluxDB

CircleCI Codecov GitHub tag (latest SemVer) Maintenance GitHub last commit Docker Pulls Docker Image Version (latest semver) Docker Image Size (latest semver)


As a script

  1. Open terminal
  2. Make sure git is installed:
    git --version   
    The output should look something like:
    git version 2.25.1
  3. Make sure Python 3.9+ is installed:
    python --version
    The output should look something like:
    Python 3.9.7
    • If it shows 2.7.x instead, try python3 instead and use it in the rest of the guide.
    • If it shows 3.8.x or lower, use pyenv to install a higher version of Python on your system.
  4. Make sure poetry is installed:
    poetry --version
    The output should look something like:
    Poetry version 1.1.5
  5. Clone this repository:
    git clone
    cd mqtt-influxdb-gateway
  6. Copy the .env.template file into .env file:
    cp .env.template .env
  7. Edit the .env file, fill all missing values and/or change existing ones to suit your needs.
  8. Install all application dependencies:
    poetry install --no-dev
  9. Run the app:
    poetry run python src/

As a docker container

  1. Open terminal
  2. Make sure docker is installed:
    docker --version   
    The output should look something like:
    Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
  3. Create a base folder structure for the service:
    cd mqtt-influxdb-gateway
    # Download .env file template
    curl --output .env
  4. Edit the .env file and fill the missing details.
  5. Run the container:
    docker run \
       --pull always --rm --name mqtt-influxdb-gateway \
       --env-file=.env \
    This configuration will run the service in the foreground (you need to keep the terminal open) and always use the latest version.
    • Change latest to a specific version if you don't always want the latest version or remove the --pull always flag to not update.

Add --detach flag to run in the background. You can close the terminal, but it will not start on system start up.

  • To see the log of the service running in the background, run docker logs mqtt-influxdb-gateway
  • To stop the service, run docker container stop mqtt-influxdb-gateway

As a service

You can use the above-mentioned docker image to run the sync as a service on server or even your local machine. The simples way is to use docker compose:

  1. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed:
    docker --version
    docker-compose --version
    The output should look something like:
    Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
    docker-compose version 1.28.5, build unknown
    docker-py version: 4.4.4
    CPython version: 3.8.5
    OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1f  31 Mar 2020
  2. Create a base folder structure for the service:
    mkdir mqtt-influxdb-gateway 
    cd mqtt-influxdb-gateway
  3. Download a compose file and an example .env file:
    curl $BASE_URL/.env.template --output .env
    curl $BASE_URL/docker-compose.yml -O
  4. Edit the .env file and fill the missing details.
  5. Run the service:
    docker-compose up
    This command will run the service in the foreground (you need to keep the terminal open) and always use the latest version.

Add --detach flag to run in the background. You can close the terminal. The service should start on system start up.

  • To see the log of the service running in the background, run docker-compose logs mqtt-influxdb-gateway
  • To stop the service, run docker-compose stop mqtt-influxdb-gateway


As a script

  1. Open terminal

  2. Navigate to the project repository:

    cd mqtt-influxdb-gateway
  3. Update the source code:

    git pull
  4. Update application dependencies:

    poetry install --no-dev
  5. Run the application again.

From docker-compose

If you used the latest tag, run docker-compose pull mqtt-influxdb-gateway.

Environment variables


Optional, default value: INFO

Logging level.

Possible values




URL of your InfluxDB Cloud instance.



Organization ID. A hexadecimal string. Should be part of the cloud instance URL or in About Organization. This is not the organization name!



API token with write access to influxdb_default_bucket.


Optional, default value: ns

The precision for the unix timestamps within the body line-protocol.

Possible values

s, ms, ns, us


Optional, default value: None

Default value if {bucket} in mqtt_topic_pattern below is not set or parsed.


Optional, default value: None

Default value if {measurement} in mqtt_topic_pattern below is not set or parsed.



IP address or a host name of an MQTT broker.


Optional, default value: 1883

Port of the MQTT broker.


Optional, default value: None

User name used to authenticate with the MQTT broker.


Optional, default value: None

Password used to authenticate with the MQTT broker.



A topic to subscribe to. You can also use the '+' and '#' wildcards.



A pattern to parse the topic into fields sent to InfluxDB. Use {variable} or {variable_type:value} syntax in topic parts to create the match. Use a plain string to ignore a topic part. The pattern must be a prefix of mqtt_topic_subscribe.

When both a variable and a influxdb_* configuration option are defined, variable takes precedence.


dt/influxdb/{bucket}/{measurement}/{tag:device_id}/{field}/{value_type} will parse dt/influxdb/home/environment/esp8266/temperature/float 23.412 into:

   "bucket": "home",
   "measurement": "environment",
   "tags": {"device_id": "esp8266"},
   "fields": {"temperature": 23.412}

Possible values

  • {bucket}: InfluxDB bucket to send data to. Required unless influxdb_default_bucket is set.
  • {measurement}: InfluxDB measurement field. Required unless influxdb_default_measurement is set.
  • {field}: Field name. Required.
  • {value_type}: Value type used to parse the received data. Optional. Acceptable values in the topic are str, int, float and bool. Default value is str.
  • {tag:TAG_NAME}: where TAG_NAME will be used as a tag name and the parsed value as a value. Optional.


Optional, default value: {measurement}{bucket}{tags}

It is expected there will be a single value in each topic. But InfluxDB allows multiple fields to be sent at once (for example from one device). Use this option to define criteria on which to merge data points. The order and any extra characters aside from variables below are irrelevant. All collected fields are then sent to InfluxDB when any of the fields is seen more than once (suggesting new data is coming in).


A value of {tags[device_id]} will merge all received data that share the same device_id tag.

Possible values

  • {bucket}
  • {measurement}
  • {tags}: for all tags and their values
  • {tags[NAME]}: for a value of single tag named NAME


Building for ARMv7

At the moment, build for ARMv7 takes about 15-20 minutes. This is caused by the cryptography package switching to Rust compiler (some info here). The build process is significantly slower and not suitable for running in the free tier CircleCI build pipeline.

To build and push the image manually, run:

inv docker-build

Paho documentation

InfluxDB documentation


  • Define what to merge data points on.