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Minimal setup to start hacking on a website using HTML & CSS.

git clone
cd website-mini
npm install
# open index.html and styles.css in your favorite editor
npx live-server

If you make changes to either index.html or styles.css and save, the webpage should reload. You should be able to see the effects of changes that you've made in the browser without taking any additional actions.


There is also a way to use this repository to practice. I created exercises based on two fabulous resources:

My recommendation would be to go to the above, study the material and come here to do the exercises.

I list the exercises below. You can checkout the starting branch, see if you can implement the layout from the image and compare to the done branch. The starting branch will contain all the code you need to get started.

I work on these exercises having the editor, image of what I am implementing and a browser window open on my screen. By saving I can immediately see any changes that I have made. This is a really good environment for learning as it allows me to try out many things very quickly.

I also find having this awesome flexbox cheatsheet and this wonderful grid cheatsheet printed out on my desk very helpful.


To implement starting branch done branch learning objective
internetingishard_flexbox internetingishard_flexbox_done flexbox
internetingishard_advanced_pos internetingishard_advanced_pos_done advanced positioning
internetingishard_menu internetingishard_menu_done advanced positioning
internetingishard_responsive_design internetingishard_responsive_design_done responsive design

Now that you've exercised your flexbox skills, try flexbox froggy! It's a fun little browser game to help you practice what you've learned.


To implement starting branch done branch learning objective
scrimba_grid_3x2 scrimba_grid_3x2_done basic grid
scrimba_grid_3x2 scrimba_grid_3x2_repeat_fr_done
  • repeat(..., ...)
  • grid-template
  • fr /auto
    scrimba_grid_miniwebsite scrimba_grid_miniwebsite_done
    • grid-column/row-start/end
    • gird-row/column
    • span, -1
      scrimba_grid_template_areas scrimba_grid_template_areas_done
      • height: 100%
      • grid-template-areas
      • grid-area
        scrimba_grid_autofit_minmax scrimba_grid_autofit_minmax_done
        • auto-fit / auto-fill
        • minmax
          scrimba_grid_autofit_minmax scrimba_grid_auto_rows_done
          • grid-auto-rows
            scrimba_grid_image_grid scrimba_grid_image_grid_done
            • grid-column
            • grid-row
            • grid-auto-flow

              To further hone your grid skills, you can give css grid garden a try. It's a fun little browser game for exploring css grid.


              Branches demonstrating integrating other libraries with the basic setup available on the main branch.

              additional functionality branch name
              • jquery
              • google fonts
              • tailwindcss


              No description, website, or topics provided.






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