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Bachelor's degree project of ant colony heuristic TSP modification using Google Maps API

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Installing dependencies

  1. Download and install Go following
  2. Create a directory structure src/ in your $GOPATH
  3. Clone this repository to $(echo $GOPATH)/src/
  4. Go to $(echo $GOPATH)/src/ where go.mod file is located
  5. Run go mod vendor to install local vendored copy of dependencies

Install and run

  1. Build and install the service with go build gotravel/main.go
  2. Run with ./main

or run server without installing it using go run gotravel/main.go

Server will be listening on port 8080 by default, change it by providing -http-addr argument.



Requests can be made in three modes:

  1. Address, where places are identified by their address match on Google Maps.
  2. Name, where places are searched on Google Maps by provided name and 1st result is selected.
  3. PlaceID, where places are identified by their Google Maps API PlaceID
  "apiKey" : string,
  "mode": ["address"|"name"|"id"],
  "tripStart": string ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"),
  "tripEnd": string ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"),
  "language": string (2 letter code),
  "travelMode": ["driving", "walking", "transit", "bicycling"],
  "places": [
      "description": {},
      "priority": int (0-10),
      "stayDuration": int (minutes)

Description mode specific place description used to identify specific location:

  • in Address mode:

      "name": "Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu",
      "street": "plac Powstańców Warszawy",
      "number": "5",
      "city": "Wrocław",
      "postalCode": "48-300",
      "country": "Poland"
  • in Name mode:

      "name": "Muzeum Narodowe we Wrocławiu"
  • in PlaceID mode:

      "place_id": "AF346Q#ABTG&EASF1!@"

Priority can be integer value in range 0-10, places with lower priority can be omitted to allow visiting more high-priority places.

StayDuration is time that tourist plans to spend in place, will be used to calculate route optimizing for trip time and priorities.

Examples for address and name modes are included as address.json and name.json.

Create API Key

Requesting data from Google Maps APIs requires providing API key that is activated for Google Maps Places API and Google Maps Distance Matrix API. There may be free credit available but use of the APIs can generate cost. Paying for and providing an API key lies is users responsibility.

API Key has to be supplied as "apiKey" field in the request JSON.

Instructions how to acquire an API Key are available in Google Maps Platform documentation.

Making requests

To make request and get complete response with headers one can use:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @request.json http://localhost:8080/api/trip/

And for just pretty printed JSON:

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @request.json http://localhost:8080/api/trip/ | json_pp


  "schedule" : string,
  "totalDistance" : int (meters),
  "path" : [int],
  "steps" : [
        "distance" : int (meters),
        "time" : int (minutes),
        "from" : int,
        "to" : int
  "tripStart" : string ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"),
  "tripEnd" : string ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"),
  "travelMode" : ["driving", "walking", "transit", "bicycling"]
  "places" : [
        "priority" : int (0-10),
        "details" : {
           "openingHours" : {
              "0" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
              "1" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
              "2" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
              "3" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
              "4" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
              "5" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
              "6" { "open" : string ("hhmm"), "close" : string ("hhmm") },
           "name" : string,
           "formattedAddress" : string,
           "closed" : bool
        "arrival" : string ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"),
        "departure" : string ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"),
        "id" : int,
        "stayDuration" : int (minutes)


Bachelor's degree project of ant colony heuristic TSP modification using Google Maps API






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