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Index: MAVEN instruments

Aloy Aditya Sen edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 2 revisions

NASA PDS data store contains the list of the instruments onboard of MAVEN


NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory NAIF is the computation zone

Mars Maven Naif support

[JPL SPICE by NASA NAIF](Spice toolkit)

Some of the features available in the toolkit

Coding libraries Get the toolkit


The WebGeocalc tool (WGC) provides a web-based graphical user interface to many of the observation geometry computations available from the "SPICE" system. A WGC user can perform SPICE computations without the need to write a program; the user need have only a computer with a standard web browser.


NAIF offers for public use a SPICE-enhanced version of the open source visualization tool named Cosmographia. This is an interactive tool used to produce 3D visualizations of planet ephemerides, sizes and shapes; spacecraft trajectories and orientations; and instrument field-of-views and footprints. Cosmographia has many user controls, allowing one to manage what is displayed, what vantage point is used, and how fast the animation progresses.

documentation of cosmographia