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Station parsers for

How does it work?

Each station consists of a class which encapsulates the logic used to parse the data for a given station URL. Each class has to define three things.

  1. A unique name, preferably in lowercase without whitespace
  2. A URL for which the current playing song can be accessed
  3. A method called process that given some raw data returns a hash on the form { artist: "...", song: "..." } or nil. The data can be accessed using the data variable. The type of data depends on what format class you inherit from. If you for example inherit from Format::JSON the data will consists of a plain ruby hash created by passing the data given by url to JSON.parse. Take a look at the current formats lib/formats and classes lib/stations for examples.

Example station

A station is defined in lib/stations

module Station
  class MyStation < Format::JSON
    config do
      id "unique-id"
      url ""

    def process
      { artist: data[:artist], song: data[:title] }

Install dependencies

Before you can get started you need to install the dependencies. This can be done using bundle install after cloning the project. Take a look at the contributing section for more information.

Test your station

To verify that it acts as expected you can invoke it using the following command

EXPAND=1 STATION=unique-id bundle exec rake

Set STATION to whatever id you chose before.


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your station branch (git checkout -b my-station)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-station)
  5. Create a new pull request here on Github.

We'll merge the pull request as soon as we can.


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