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A sinatra based HTTP-speaking async pubsub server backed by redis

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rubpubsub: a HTTP-protocol on top of redis pubsub or whatever

rubpubsub implements a HTTP API on top of a pubsub middleware. It pushes messages to clients using Server Sent Events, instead of, e.g. Websockets.

Note: For Licensing see the part on Licensing, below.

Quick starts

Run the chat example.

git clone
cd example/chat
bundle install
# or: foreman start

Deploy the chat example on heroku.

git clone
heroku apps:create
heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
git push heroku master

Why Server Sent Events?

TL;DR: SSE can be deployed on Heroku, Websockets cannot (yet).

rubpubsub uses server sent events to stream events to its clients. Why?

  • SSE are somewhat standardized.
  • There is browser support for the corresponding EventSource Javascript object in all major browsers except in Internet Explorer, and there is a polyfill for those browsers that don't come with native support.
  • The SSE protocol does not need special preparation on the server stack and in intermediate proxies, as it fully conforms to the HTTP protocol. Websockets, on the other hand, need WebSocket support at least on the server. For example, as of today you cannot deploy a WebSocket-ready app behind an nginx reverse proxy, as you cannot deploy such an app on

The rubpubsub HTTP server

The rubpubsub HTTP server is a Rack application, and is intended to be installed via Rack tools. The following, taken from the chat.rb example, installs a rubpubsub instance on the /pub and /sub paths, and the remaining application (Chat) on "/".

rubpubsub = => "redis://localhost:6379/")
  "/pub"  => rubpubsub.publisher,
  "/sub"  => rubpubsub.subscriber,
  "/"     =>

If publisher and subscriber URL paths are identical, the above simplifies to

rubpubsub = => "redis://localhost:6379/")
  "/rubpubsub"  =>
  "/"           =>

The rubpubsub HTTP protocol: accept subscriptions

The rubpubsub server accepts subscriptions on its subscriber URL via a GET request.

The rubpubsub HTTP protocol: publishing

To publish into a channel you POST the data to publish to either the publisher URL with additional channels parameter (e.g. "/pub?channels=channel1,channel2") or to a named channel URL, e.g. "/pub/channel1". The server answers with a single line holding the message ID.

Usually the server generates a uniqe message ID. You can, however, provide a message ID as a URL parameter, e.g. "/pub/channel1?id=AE0F39AB-0731-4192-938B-5FFF8A8F5C3A". The message ID should be globally unique; consider using UUID to generate a message id.

The messaging middleware

rubpubsub is an HTTP speaking front for different pubsub middlewares. rubpubsub comes with a redis based default implementation; but it should be easy to add additional messaging layers.

The redis middleware

The current version would not have been possible without Pieter Noordhuis' EventedRedis. Visit Peter's github profile here:

Examples and Tools

rubpubsub comes with a handful of examples.

The chat example (example/chat)

chat is a simple, (mainly) browser-based chat application. You can also use the hq client application to speak to the chat server.

The hq example (example/hq)

hq is a ruby-bases command line client.

  • hg server start a server
  • hg publish channel message publish a message on a channel
  • hg subscribe channel subscribe to a channel

hg also implements bidirectional communication on top of SSE.

  • hg slave channel listen to a channel, execute commands, and return results through back channel.
  • hg run channel command run a command remotely on a slave listening to that channel.

For more information see hg --help

The unsse tool (example/unsse)

unsse is a native streaming client for server side events. It is intended to be used with a HTTP(S)-speaking client like curl. The following example fetches SSE events from http://localhost:9999/abc and runs a received-event command on each of the events, passing on event type and id as parameters and the event payload on STDIN.

curl -N -s -S http://localhost:9999/abc | ./unsse received-event %event% %id%

Note the use of the -N curl parameter, which puts curl into unbuffered mode.


Files in this distribution - unless listed below - are (c) 2011, 2012, Enrico Thierbach, and distributed under the terms of the modified BSD license, see LICENSE.BSD


  • jquery.min.js: (in example/chat) see
  • trollop.rb: (in example/hq) (c) 2007 William Morgan, distributed under "the same terms as ruby itself"
  • evented_redis.rb (part of the rubpubsub redis adapter) is (c) Pieter Noordhuis; see


A sinatra based HTTP-speaking async pubsub server backed by redis






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