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Contrastive learning for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Data

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Contrastive Learning for LArTPC

We explore a constrastive learning framework based on SimCLR, as a method of pretraining and decorrelating from systematic uncertainties and effects related to symmetries within neutrino events.

This is a two step approach:

  • Pretraining phase - we create two augmented versions of events within the batch, then using all $2N$ events, we create a matrix of $(2N)^2$ pairs. Pairs originated from the same event are known as positive pairs, while the rest are negative. The model tries to get the positive pairs close together, and the negative pairs far apart in the embedding space.

To do

  • train contrastive model with augmentations only
  • more detailed comparison between the different throws
  • make a plot of similarity vs a shift in a parameter


There two options, training the contrastive learning model or the direct classifier:

python3 by default trains the contrastive learning model

python3 --dataset_type single_particle --model SingleParticle trains the direct classifier model

Docker installation 💻

Use the rradev/minkowski:torch1.12_final image. The image uses a custom version of MinkowskiEngine with depthwise convolutions.

Additionally we have to install:

pip install tensorboardx einops LarpixParser wandb 
pip install pytorch-lightning timm --no-deps

Throws Dataset

We vary 3 detector systematics parameters taken from the paper from SLAC. The parameters are the electron lifetime, longitudinal diffusion and electric field strength.

Parameter Units Nominal Value Range
E kV/cm 0.5 [0.45, 0.55]
τ µs 2200 [500, 5000]
Dt cm²/µs 8.8 × 10⁻⁶ [4 × 10⁻⁶, 14 × 10⁻⁶]

We also have 2000 events with fixed values of the throws:

Throw Number Description
1 All positive max
2 All negative max
3 Efield positive max, others nominal
4 Trans diffusion positive max, others nominal
5 Lifetime positive max, others nominal
6 Efield negative max, others nominal
7 Trans diffusion negative max, others nominal
8 Lifetime negative max, others nominal
9 All 1/4x positive max
10 All 1/4x negative max
11 All 1/2x positive max
12 All 1/2x negative max
13 All 3/4x positive max
14 All 3/4x negative max
15 All nominal
16 All 3x of positive max
17 All 3x of negative max

More info about the generation can be found in my dune-nd-detector-sim repo.


Generation edep-sim -> larnd-sim -> .npz model input

  • edep-sim - /wclustre/dune/rradev/larnd-contrast/individual_particles There are 250 files per particle type in both .h5 and root format.

  • larnd-sim - /wclustre/dune/awilkins/contrastive_learning/larndsim_10throws_5particles_125500eventseven.tar.gz

On NERSC everything is available in: /global/cfs/cdirs/dune/users/rradev/contrastive/individual_particles

with the edeps in edeps-h5 and edep-root and the larnd-sim files in larndsim-throws.

The converted .npz files are also available on scratch at larndsim_throws_converted_new, this should be used for training as IO from scratch would be faster than from CFS.

Recreate the dataset

Use the script to convert the files to .npz, you may to adjust the input and output filepaths. It will split the data using files up to number 230 as training, 230 < n < 240 -validation and n > 240 for testing. It will also filter out files with 3 voxels or less.

PiLArNet Method

Augmentations ♻️

Currently used:

  • Rotations
  • Translations
  • Energy scale
  • Dropping voxels

In code:

def rotate(coords, feats):
    coords = coords @ random_rotation(dtype=coords.dtype, device=coords.device)
    return coords, feats

def drop(coords, feats, p=0.1):
    mask = torch.rand(coords.shape[0]) > p
    return coords[mask], feats[mask]

def shift_energy(coords, feats, max_scale_factor=0.1):
    shift = 1 - torch.rand(1, dtype=feats.dtype, device=feats.device) * max_scale_factor
    return coords, feats * shift

def translate(coords, feats, cube_size=512):
    normalized_shift = torch.rand(3, dtype=coords.dtype, device=coords.device)
    translation = normalized_shift * (cube_size / 10)
    return coords + translation, feats
Planning to add in the future:
  • Local energy scale - shift energy in each voxel independently
  • Cutout (can learn representations that are robust even when particles are close to the edge)
  • Smearing the energy

Dataset 📊

  • Using the open OSF dataset. The dataset contains 100k events. here
  • Paper describing it here
  • NuTufts repo

We convert the dataset to a single particle per event. It belongs to any of the 5 classes: $e$, $p$, $\gamma$, $\mu$, $\pi$.

Converted dataset distribution:

Particle Count
Electron 291 291
Proton 212 228
Gamma 189 227
Muon 184 699
Pion 65 248

Dataset conversion

Extra info 📚

Particle Bomb

DLPGenerator Tutorial ND Simulation How To DUNE ND LAr Sim Tutorial



Contrastive learning for Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Data






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