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[ABW-3433] Fix Manifest Crash #5102

[ABW-3433] Fix Manifest Crash

[ABW-3433] Fix Manifest Crash #5102

GitHub Actions / Xcode test results succeeded Jun 19, 2024 in 0s

Xcode test results

Testing project RadixWallet with scheme Radix Wallet Dev


TotalSuccess PassedFailure FailedSkipped SkippedExpected Failure Expected Failure⏱️ Time

Test Summary


  • Device: iPhone 15 Pro Max, 17.4 (21E213)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.4, 17.4
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class AccountAndPersonaHidingTests22000
test-class AccountDetailsFeatureTests22000
test-class AccountPreferencesTests11000
test-class AppFeatureTests44000
test-class AssetTransferDepositRuleTests1212000
test-class CacheClientTests22000
test-class CustomizeFeePayerTests11000
test-class DataChannelClientTests99000
test-class DataChannelMessageEncodingDecodingTests44000
test-class DataExtensionTests1111000
test-class DataToHexStringTests22000
test-class DiskPersistenceClientTests11000
test-class EntitiesHidingTests99000
test-class FactorSourcesClientLiveTests22000
test-class FaucetClientTests77000
test-class GatewaySettingsFeatureTests77000
test-class HexStringToDataTests33000
test-class IdentifiedArrayOfTests11000
test-class ImportLegacyWalletClientTests22000
test-class ImportMnemonicTests33000
test-class KeychainClientTests11000
test-class KeychainHolderTests22000
test-class LedgerModelTests44000
test-class MainFeatureTests22000
test-class NewConnectionTests33000
test-class OnLedgerEntitiesClientTests11000
test-class ProfileStoreAsyncSequenceTests22000
test-class ProfileStoreExistingProfileTests1313000
test-class ProfileStoreNewProfileTests2222000
test-class ROLAClientTests88000
test-class SecureStorageClientTests99000
test-class SettingsViewStateTests11000
test-class SignalingClientTests99000
test-class SortedTests11000
test-class SplashFeatureTests11000
test-class TokenPriceCientTests1111000
test-class TransactionClientTests1111000
test-class ValidationExtraTests11000
test-class ValidationTests11000

Failure Failures

All tests passed 🎉

Code Coverage

Coverage Covered Executable
Radix 7.89 % 7395 93679
  LoadableView.swift 0.00 % 0 30
  Stage1MigrateToSargon+DepositAddressExceptionRule.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  ChooseAccounts+View.swift 0.00 % 0 200
  RandomBytes.swift 0.00 % 0 25
  TotalCurrencyWorthView.swift 0.00 % 0 43
  StateEntityFungiblesPageRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 17
  P2PLinkRow+View.swift 0.00 % 0 136
  EditPersona.swift 0.00 % 0 310
  OverlayWindowClient+Live.swift 0.00 % 0 71
  URLFormatterClient+Test.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  FullScreenOverlayCoordinator+Reducer.swift 0.00 % 0 33
  AssetTagsView.swift 0.00 % 0 125
  PersonaDataPermissionBox+View.swift 0.00 % 0 236
  MnemonicClient+Live.swift 57.14 % 8 14
  ExpandableTextView.swift 0.00 % 0 104
  MetadataOriginValue.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  SelectFeePayer+View.swift 0.00 % 0 397
  AccountDepositPreValidationResponse.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  Profile+UpdateNetwork.swift 52.94 % 9 17
  AuthorizedDappsClient+Interface.swift 0.00 % 0 91
  TransactionReview.swift 0.00 % 0 1053
  AssetBehaviorsView.swift 0.00 % 0 128
  Asset.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  DevAccountPreferences+Reducer.swift 0.72 % 2 276
  IOSSecurityClient+Test.swift 0.00 % 0 2
  StateNonFungibleIdsRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  ScanQRCoordinator+Reducer.swift 68.49 % 50 73
  ResourceBalanceView.swift 0.00 % 0 715
  StateNonFungibleDataResponse.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  OptionalNonFungibleIdsCollection.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  OrderedSet+Extensions.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  ProgrammaticScryptoSborValueReference.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  PreviewOfSomeFeatureReducer.swift 0.00 % 0 44
  CloudBackupClient+Test.swift 16.67 % 3 18
  WalletInteraction.swift 27.27 % 6 22
  Home+View.swift 0.00 % 0 497
  MetadataNonFungibleGlobalIdArrayValue.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  GatewayRow+View.swift 0.00 % 0 195
  MetadataU32ArrayValue.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  StateEntityDetailsRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  NonFungbileAssetRow+Reducer.swift 0.00 % 0 103
  URLFormatterClient+Interface.swift 0.00 % 0 4
  NonFungibleResourcesCollectionItem.swift 0.00 % 0 39
  KeychainHolder.swift 59.46 % 66 111
  StateNonFungibleLocationResponseItem.swift 0.00 % 0 17
  Loadable.swift 9.35 % 23 246
  IntroductionToPersonas.swift 0.00 % 0 42
  ProgrammaticScryptoSborValueU8.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  PresentationBackground.swift 0.00 % 0 190
  ForceFullScreen.swift 0.00 % 0 16
  OnboardingStartup+View.swift 0.00 % 0 413
  TransactionFee.swift 69.57 % 128 184
  GatewayAPIClient+Live.swift 0.00 % 0 383
  PersonaDataPermissionBox.swift 0.00 % 0 12
  SubmitTransactionClient+Test.swift 25.00 % 2 8
  EventsItem.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  UserDefaults+Dependency+Extension.swift 20.94 % 40 191
  SmallAccountCard.swift 0.00 % 0 56
  Stage1MigrateToSargon+SignatureOfEntity.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  PackageBlueprintCollection.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  InvalidTransactionError.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  ImportMnemonic.swift 36.96 % 231 625
  PreviewOfSomeFeatureReducer+View.swift 0.00 % 0 66
  RecoverWalletControlWithBDFSComplete+View.swift 0.00 % 0 82
  ComponentEntityRoleAssignmentEntry.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  TransactionHistory+Reducer.swift 0.45 % 2 442
  Main+View.swift 5.00 % 3 60
  InternalServerError.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  Thumbnails.swift 0.00 % 0 286
  OnboardingClient+Test.swift 22.22 % 2 9
  ValidatorUptimeCollection.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  Either+Extra.swift 0.00 % 0 8
  TransactionSubmitResponse.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  ConfigurationBackup+View.swift 0.00 % 0 791
  TransactionReceipt.swift 0.00 % 0 25
  MetadataPublicKeyHashValue.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  DappInteractionLoading+View.swift 0.00 % 0 94
  OnboardingClient+Interface.swift 100.00 % 5 5
  StreamTransactionsRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 37
  RecoverWalletWithoutProfileStart.swift 0.00 % 0 50
  OnLedgerEntitiesClient+Live.swift 3.13 % 14 448
  BlueTextButtonStyle.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  P2P+ConnectorExtension+Request.swift 0.00 % 0 62
  DisplayEntitiesControlledByMnemonic+Reducer.swift 0.00 % 0 96
  Array+Identifiable.swift 76.92 % 10 13
  DebugKeychainContents+View.swift 0.00 % 0 147
  Footer.swift 0.00 % 0 40
  RecoverWalletControlWithBDFSOnly+View.swift 0.00 % 0 53
  EditPersonaEntry+View.swift 0.00 % 0 161
  FullScreenOverlayCoordinator+View.swift 0.00 % 0 36
  ResetWalletClient+Interface.swift 100.00 % 6 6
  DappInteractionCoordinator+View.swift 0.00 % 0 129
  StateEntitySchemaPageRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  MetadataPublicKeyValue.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  CameraPermission+View.swift 0.00 % 0 27
  AssetsView+View.swift 0.00 % 0 393
  StateNonFungibleIdsResponse.swift 0.00 % 0 11
  TransactionHistory+View.swift 0.00 % 0 350
  MigratedHardwareAccounts.swift 0.00 % 0 25
  Shapes.swift 0.00 % 0 33
  LoadingOverlayView.swift 0.00 % 0 68
  ContactSupportClient.swift 0.00 % 0 2
  AssetTransfer+View.swift 0.00 % 0 200
  ImportMnemonicWord+View.swift 0.00 % 0 322
  AssetResourceDetails.swift 0.00 % 0 153
  URLButtonStyle.swift 0.00 % 0 21
  Stage2MigrateToSargon+Persona.swift 78.57 % 11 14
  MnemonicClient+Interface.swift 100.00 % 10 10
  FactorSourceCommon+New+Dependencies.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  CreatePersonaCoordinator+Models.swift 0.00 % 0 30
  AccountPermission+View.swift 0.00 % 0 190
  Selection.swift 0.00 % 0 372
  Swift.DecodingError+Equatable.swift 0.00 % 0 48
  CloseButton.swift 0.00 % 0 32
  RTCDataChannel+Delegate.swift 0.00 % 0 31
  HeaderListViewContainer.swift 0.00 % 0 345
  CursorLimitMixin.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  NormalFeesCustomization+View.swift 0.00 % 0 14
  DappInteractionModels.swift 0.00 % 0 155
  NewConnection+Reducer.swift 59.78 % 220 368
  LabelledDate.swift 0.00 % 0 24
  ROLAClient+Mock.swift 0.00 % 0 8
  LedgerRowView.swift 0.00 % 0 104


Test Details


AccountAndPersonaHidingTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.03s

All tests passed 🎉

AccountDetailsFeatureTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

AccountPreferencesTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.05s

All tests passed 🎉

AppFeatureTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
4 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s

All tests passed 🎉

AssetTransferDepositRuleTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
12 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

CacheClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

CustomizeFeePayerTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.45s

All tests passed 🎉

DataChannelClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
9 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.03s

All tests passed 🎉

DataChannelMessageEncodingDecodingTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
4 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

DataExtensionTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
11 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

DataToHexStringTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

DiskPersistenceClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

EntitiesHidingTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
9 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

FactorSourcesClientLiveTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

FaucetClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
7 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

GatewaySettingsFeatureTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
7 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.03s

All tests passed 🎉

HexStringToDataTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

IdentifiedArrayOfTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

ImportLegacyWalletClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.51s

All tests passed 🎉

ImportMnemonicTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.65s

All tests passed 🎉

KeychainClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

KeychainHolderTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

LedgerModelTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
4 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

MainFeatureTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s

All tests passed 🎉

NewConnectionTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s

All tests passed 🎉

OnLedgerEntitiesClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.35s

All tests passed 🎉

ProfileStoreAsyncSequenceTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.12s

All tests passed 🎉

ProfileStoreExistingProfileTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
13 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

ProfileStoreNewProfileTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
22 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.27s

All tests passed 🎉

ROLAClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
8 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

SecureStorageClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
9 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s

All tests passed 🎉

SettingsViewStateTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

SignalingClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
9 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.10s

All tests passed 🎉

SortedTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

SplashFeatureTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.03s

All tests passed 🎉

TokenPriceCientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
11 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

TransactionClientTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
11 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s

All tests passed 🎉

ValidationExtraTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉

ValidationTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉