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YOLO Example

The repository contains code for a PyTorch Live object detection prototype. The prototype uses the YOLOv5s model for the object detection task and runs on-device. It runs on Android and iOS.

NOTE: This example uses an unreleased version of PyTorch Live including an API that is currently under development and can change for the final release.

How was this project bootstrapped?

The project was bootstrapped with the following command:

npx torchlive-cli init YOLOExample --template react-native-template-pytorch-live

Unused packages were removed and react-native upgraded to version 0.64.3.


Android iOS
Screenshot of YOLOExample on Android Screenshot of YOLOExample on iOS

Run project in emulator or on a device


Install React Native development depencencies. Follow the instructions for Setting up the development environment as provided on the React Native website.

Install project dependencies

Run yarn install to install the project dependencies.

Start Metro server

Start the Metro server, which is needed to build the app bundle (containing the transpiled TypeScript code in the <PROJECT>/src directory).

yarn start


Build the apk for Android and install and run on the emulator (or on a physical device if connected via USB).

yarn android

See instructions on the React Native website for how to build the app in release variant.


Install CocoaPod dependencies

(cd ios && pod install)

Build the prototype app for iOS and run it in the simulator.

yarn ios

or use the following command to open the Xcode workspace in Xcode to build and run it.

xed ios/YOLOExample.xcworkspace

See instructions on the React Native website for how to build the app in release scheme.

Custom YOLOv5 Model

The model that is used in this example was exported from the ultralytics/yolov5.git GitHub repository. Check the repo for more details on the model and documentation.

Python environment

It is recommended to create a Python environment to avoid dependency conflicts among other things. For example, check out the documentation on managing environments) on the Conda website.

Clone ultralytics/yolov5.git GitHub repo

git clone

Install dependencies to export YOLOv5 model

pip install -r requirements.txt

Export YOLOv5s torchscript model

python --weights --include torchscript

Note: This exported model may crash the app when loaded into the PyTorch Mobile Lite Interpreter runtime. The next step is important to avoid the instacrash.

Optimize model for PyTorch Mobile use

Optimize the yolov5s.torchscript model for use with PyTorch Mobile. Change the filenames if you exported different model weights (i.e., change yolov5s.torchscript to match the exported weights).

Copy the code below into a Python file in the YOLOv5 repo checkout directory.

import torch
from torch.utils.mobile_optimizer import optimize_for_mobile

torchscript_model = "yolov5s.torchscript"
export_model_name = "yolov5s.torchscript.ptl"

model = torch.jit.load(torchscript_model)
optimized_model = optimize_for_mobile(model)

print(f"mobile optimized model exported to {export_model_name}")

Execute script to optimize exported yolov5s.torchscript model.


Copy optimized model to project

Copy the yolov5.torchscript.ptl file to model/yolov5.torchscript.ptl in this project.

Note: The file extension has to be ptl, otherwise Metro will not serve the model to the app.


Change MODEL URL from a public GitHub URL to a require resource locally within the project.

To do that, update the following code in App.tsx

const MODEL =

to this

const MODEL = require('../model/yolov5s.torchscript.ptl');

The model is now ready to be tested. Rerun the steps "Run project in emulator or on a device" to test!


Object detection example built with PyTorch Live and YOLOv5






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