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kind Resource Provider

The kind Resource Provider lets you manage kind resources.

It is based on the Kind Terraform Provider.


Install the plugin with pulumi cli

pulumi plugin install resource kind v0.0.1 --server "github://"

Remember to replace the 'v0.0.1' with the right version

This package is available for several languages/platforms:

Node.js (JavaScript/TypeScript)

To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

npm install @pulumi/kind

or yarn:

yarn add @pulumi/kind


To use from Python, install using pip:

pip install pulumi_kind


To use from Go, use go get to grab the latest version of the library:

go get


To use from .NET, install using dotnet add package:

dotnet add package Pulumi.kind


WIP The following configuration points are available for the kind provider:

  • kind:apiKey (environment: kind_API_KEY) - the API key for kind
  • kind:region (environment: kind_REGION) - the region in which to deploy resources


For detailed reference documentation, please visit the Pulumi registry.



Ensure the following tools are installed and present in your $PATH:

Create the schema by running the following command:

Create the schema necessary to build the plugin

make tfgen

Build the provider

Build the binary and ensure there are no warnings about unmapped resources and no warnings about unmapped data sources:

make provider

Build the SDKs

Build the SDKs in the various languages Pulumi supports:

make build_sdks

Ensure the build

Run this command to ensure the Golang SDK is a proper go module:

cd sdk && go mod tidy && cd -

Expose the provider

Copy the pulumi-resource-kind binary generated by make provider and place it in your $PATH ($GOPATH/bin is a convenient choice), e.g.:

cp bin/pulumi-resource-kind $GOPATH/bin

Build and push


  • goreleaser

Check if locally itworks

goreleaser release --snapshot --clean

Export github token


Create a tag

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
git push origin v0.1.0


goreleaser release