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EzFile - Easy and Simple Filemanager

EzFile is a free, nonprofit PHP library designed to simplify file and directory manipulation in web development. With a focus on ease of use, it provides efficient tools for common tasks like creating, renaming, moving, copying, deleting, uploading, downloading and manipulating files and folders. The EzFile accelerates web development, making it easier to work with files and directories and enhancing productivity.


Tool Version Requirement
PHP 7.0 or Higher Required


Install EzFile using Composer:

composer require amplie-solucoes/ezfile


If you need to work with handling files that will be large in size, make sure to change the following parameters in your php.ini file:

  • memory_limit
  • upload_max_filesize
  • post_max_size

How to Use

The objective of EzFile is to be a simple and easily accessible library, therefore, all the code was designed to be executed statically, facilitating the work and manipulation of the code.

Additionally, it's crucial to note that each of the functions listed below includes a parameter named "force." This parameter serves the purpose of enabling the manipulation of files located beyond the designated main path. Please refer to the examples provided for clarity:

Exists Function
//Validate if a Directory or File exists

//Using 'force' paramn to validate outsite main path
EzFile::exists('your_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
EXISTS: true

Create Function
//Create a Directory or File

//Create a Directory or File replacing special chars and set all to lowercase
EzFile::create('your_path', true);

//Using 'force' paramn to create outsite main path
EzFile::create('your_path', false, true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Write Function
//Write a file replacing the content (the function will create the file if not exist)
EzFile::write('your_file_path', 'any_content_you_want');

//using 'replaceContent' as FALSE, to append the content at the end of file.
EzFile::write('your_file_path', 'any_content_you_want', false);

//Using 'force' paramn to write in a file outsite main path
EzFile::write('your_file_path', 'any_content_you_want', false, true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Read Function
//Read the file that you want

//Using 'force' paramn to read a file outsite main path
EzFile::read('your_file_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
SUCCESS: *The File Content*
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Rename Function
//Rename a Directory or File
EzFile::rename('current_path', 'renamed_path');

//Rename a Directory or File replacing special chars and set all to lowercase
EzFile::rename('current_path', 'renamed_path', true);

//Using 'force' paramn to rename outsite main path
EzFile::rename('current_path', 'renamed_path', false, true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Move Function
//Move a Directory or File
EzFile::move('current_path', 'move_path');

//Using 'force' paramn to move outsite main path
EzFile::move('current_path', 'move_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Copy Function
//Copy a Directory (and all contents inside) or File
EzFile::copy('current_path', 'copy_path');

//Using 'force' paramn to copy outsite main path
EzFile::copy('current_path', 'copy_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Change Path Permissions Function
//Permission code set in a Directory or File
EzFile::changePermissions('your_path', 0777);
EzFile::changePermissions('your_path', 0666);
EzFile::changePermissions('your_path', 0700);
//... and other codes that you need

//Using 'force' paramn to change permissions outsite main path
EzFile::changePermissions('your_path', 0777, true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Pathinfo Function
//Info of the Directory or File

//Using 'force' paramn to get pathinfo outsite main path
EzFile::pathInfo('your_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
SUCCESS: [array_with_all_informations_that_you_need]
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

List Function
//List a Directory

//Using 'force' paramn to list outsite main path
EzFile::list('your_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
SUCCESS: [array_with_all_informations_that_you_need]
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Zip Folder Function
//Zip a Directory with all contents inside
EzFile::zip('your_folder_path', 'zip_path');

//Using 'force' paramn to zip outsite main path
EzFile::zip('your_folder_path', 'zip_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Unzip Folder Function
//Unzip a file with all contents inside (ONLY ZIP FILES)
EzFile::unzip('your_zip_file_path', 'unzip_path');

//Using 'force' paramn to unzip outsite main path (ONLY ZIP FILES)
EzFile::unzip('your_zip_file_path', 'unzip_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Delete Function
//Delete a Directory (and all contents inside) or File

//Using 'force' paramn to delete outsite main path
EzFile::delete('your_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Upload Function
//Upload a Directory (and all contents inside) or File(s)
EzFile::upload('upload_path', $_FILES);

//Uploading and renaming (the lib will interate automatically as new_name_1... new_name_2....)
EzFile::upload('upload_path', $_FILES, 'new_name');

//Uploading accept only files with
EzFile::upload('upload_path', $_FILES, false, ['txt', 'png', 'json', /* ... */]);

//Using 'force' paramn to Upload outsite main path
EzFile::upload('upload_path', $_FILES, false, [], true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
SUCCESS: ['success' => [], 'fail' => [], 'denied' => []]
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Download Function
//Download a Directory (and all contents inside) or File

//Using 'force' paramn to download outsite main path
EzFile::download('your_path', true);

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
SUCCESS: The user will receive the download item
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Computational Units Const
// Get size unit constants
EzFile::UNIT_BYTES;      //Return (string): "B"
EzFile::UNIT_KILOBYTES;  //Return (string): "KB"
EzFile::UNIT_MEGABYTES;  //Return (string): "MB"
EzFile::UNIT_GIGABYTES;  //Return (string): "GB"
EzFile::UNIT_TERABYTES;  //Return (string): "TB"
EzFile::UNIT_PETABYTES;  //Return (string): "PB"
EzFile::UNIT_EXABYTES;   //Return (string): "EB"
EzFile::UNIT_ZETTABYTES; //Return (string): "ZB"
EzFile::UNIT_YOTTABYTES; //Return (string): "YB"

Units Format Function
// Format the value for human reading

//Formatting bytes Value
EzFile::sizeUnitFormatter(100); //Return (string): 100 B

//Formatting by setting computational unit
EzFile::sizeUnitFormatter(5, EzFile::UNIT_GIGABYTES);   //Return (string): 5 GB
EzFile::sizeUnitFormatter(500, EzFile::UNIT_GIGABYTES); //Return (string): 500 GB
EzFile::sizeUnitFormatter(1, EzFile::UNIT_TERABYTES);   //Return (string): 1 TB

//Formatting by setting computational unit with data in byte number
EzFile::sizeUnitFormatter(1, EzFile::UNIT_TERABYTES, true); //Return (string): 1099511627776 B

====== [ Function Return ] ===== 
SUCCESS: Return a string value
ERROR: ['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']

Example of Code

See below a simple example of how to work with some functions

//Import the lib
use AmplieSolucoes\EzFile\EzFile;

//Example Creating a file/Directory
$ezFile = EzFile::create('your_path');
    // Ops, errors found... put your code logic here with message $ezFile['message']
} else {
    // It Worked

//Example renaming a file/Directory
$ezFile = EzFile::rename('current_path', 'renamed_path');
    // Ops, errors found... put your code logic here with message $ezFile['message']
} else {
    // It Worked

//Example getting the pathinfo from file/Directory
$ezFile = EzFile::pathInfo('your_path');
    // Ops, errors found... put your code logic here with message $ezFile['message']
} else {
    // It Worked, get all data from the array $ezFile

//Example uploading file(s)/Directory(ies)
$ezFile = EzFile::upload('upload_path', $your_files_in_array);
    // Ops, errors found... put your code logic here with message $ezFile['message']
} else {
    // It Worked, get all data from the array $ezFile

//Example writing file(s)
$ezFile = EzFile::write('file_path_name_with_extension', 'any_content');
    // Ops, errors found... put your code logic here with message $ezFile['message']
} else {
    // It Worked

* Important *

If "path" paramn send has errors, all the functions above will return an array:

['error' => true, 'message' => 'error_message']


  • All the tests can be found in EzFile/tests/EzFileTest.php
  • Run the tests by typing in console
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ --colors=always


If you find this project helpful and valuable, please consider supporting me. Your contribution help me to maintain and improve this library for everyone use with no cost. Every little bit helps!

Donate Here

Thank you for your generosity and support! 🙏

This README provides an overview of the EzFile library, its features, and how to use it. Adjustments can be made as needed to fit your specific project.